"This warehouse is full of messy things. It is rarely opened and there is a strong smell inside."

The security chief named Li Jun took out a key disk, quickly found a key from the key disk, and opened the door of the warehouse.

Song An stared at Li Jun's back and raised his eyebrows.

Several people entered the warehouse and found that it was just like what Director Tian introduced, dirty, messy and covered with dust.

Song An did not follow him into the house, but lowered his head and carefully observed the keyhole behind the warehouse door. He found that there seemed to be something in the keyhole.

Ji Jie turned around and saw Song An lowering his head to study the lock, and Director Tian was about to look back.

Ji Jie was afraid that she would affect Song An, so she quickly took Director Tian's hand and walked into the warehouse.

Ji Jie smiled and asked as she walked,"I heard that your nursing home is haunted. Is it true?"

"Those are all rumors, there is no truth to them at all! The building of the nursing home is too old, so it is inevitable that there is too much negative energy, so there are always rumors in society, especially weird things."

Speaking of haunted things, Director Tian seemed very indignant.

Behind the door, Song An carefully took a pair of tweezers and took out a small piece of something like an electric wire tube from the keyhole.

The wire end has not yet oxidized, and it looks like it was just cut not long ago. Judging from the cross-section of the wire, it was probably cut with a tool like scissors.

Song An walked into the warehouse. At this time, Ji Jie was asking Director Tian questions,"Did you see or hear anything unusual last night?"

"last night.........There seems to be nothing unusual. I have been patrolling the building behind and found nothing."

"Didn't you hear any unusual noises, such as screams or calls for help?"

Director Tian thought about it and finally shook his head.

Song An looked around and saw that the warehouse was filled with some worn-out clothes, tables, chairs, benches and the like. He walked to the windowsill and opened the window, and found that not far from the window was the big willow tree.

Song An carefully checked the windowsill again. The windowsill was clean, and there were no signs of prying on the window latches.

Da Zeng walked behind Song An and whispered,"Xiao Song, I have checked every window and every door here, and there are no signs of being pried open."

Song An nodded, then pointed to the floor and said,"Da Zeng, don't you think this room is a bit weird?"

Da Zeng looked at the floor carefully. The wooden floor was covered with dust, the walls around were peeling, and there were some spider webs in the corners. It was obviously an abandoned house.

"Da Zeng, look at the windowsill behind us, and then look at the floor and the wall, and compare them."Song An reminded him.

Da Zeng stared at the windowsill, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He just paid attention to whether the doors and windows were pried open, but ignored this detail.

The house was full of dust, but the windowsill was clean, without a speck of dust. It was obvious that someone had deliberately cleaned it.

Song An put on gloves, lay on the windowsill and looked left and right, and finally found a very thin white line. He quickly picked it up with tweezers and put it in the evidence bag.

""Two officers, why are you staring at the window?"

Director Tian came over and looked at Song An and the others with a cold face.

Da Zeng reacted very quickly, took a half step forward, blocked Song An behind him, and laughed heartily.

"Director Tian, your room has not been opened for too long, I am almost out of breath, come to the window to breathe some fresh air."

Song An took this opportunity to quietly hide the evidence bag.

Although it was the first time for the two to cooperate, they had a tacit understanding, and Da Zeng's strong back just provided a good cover for Song An.

Ji Jie blinked and deliberately scolded Da Zeng,"You are lazy during working hours, go back and write a self-criticism!"

The two sang in unison and really deceived Director Tian. Although she was unhappy, she did not suspect anything.

"Since the room is too dirty, let's go out. Director Liao's office is right next to it."

Director Tian seemed to dislike this room very much and led everyone to leave.

""Wait a minute." Song An suddenly spoke.

Da Zeng and Ji Jie's performance was not in vain. Song An hid behind Da Zeng and quietly observed the room, and he really found something unusual.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else? Director Tian was very unhappy and asked impatiently.

""Is that painting on the wall also painted by someone from your nursing home?"

Song An asked, pointing to a long calligraphy and painting on the wall.

The painting was less than 50 centimeters wide, but 1.5 meters long, and was blocked by several stacked tables.

If you don't look carefully, you really can't find it. When

Director Tian saw the painting that Song An pointed to, his face became obviously uglier, his eyes began to flicker, and he swallowed hard in his throat.

Of course, all this did not escape the eyes of Ji Jie, Lao Wang and others.

Director Tian seemed very helpless and answered,"That was painted by the dean many years ago. He was reluctant to throw it away, and he has been hanging it on the wall.""

"I want to take a look, can I?" Song An continued to ask

"This is not a good idea, after all, it is the personal belongings of the dean, and there is nothing good about the painting."Director Tian refused immediately.

Ji Jie immediately smiled and said,"My new colleague comes from a scholarly family, and his father is a collector. If he likes the dean's painting, he might spend a lot of money to buy it for his collection."

As expected, the criminal police team, everyone is an actor, and they can talk nonsense.

When Ji Jie was communicating with Director Tian, Lao Wang, Da Zeng, and Bai Ling had already moved all the tables and chairs away with their hands and feet.

Director Tian wanted to stop it again, but he had no chance.

Song An stared at the calligraphy and painting on the wall. It showed an ancient scholar in a long gown, carrying a basket of firewood on his back, holding a book in his hand, and reading while walking.

There was a line of regular script in the lower right corner,"The firewood is tied up, and he is not at ease in his room. How can that man of gold be a wise man of two thousand stones?"

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