After Wang Guifang was brought to the conference room, Song An looked at her and said softly,"Wang Guifang, your boyfriend Feng Biao is a failed student. Because he couldn't get into college, he turned to crime, right?"

Wang Guifang raised her head and looked at Song An in surprise,"Officer, he didn't tell anyone about this. He even dropped out of high school. There is no way these things can be in his file. How did you know?"

Song An did not answer her question. He walked a few steps forward and continued to ask,"Did Feng Biao apply to the police academy, sports school, or pilot school?"


The expression on Wang Guifang's face could no longer be described as surprise.

Her lips kept trembling, and she looked like she had seen a ghost.


Wu Jiaqi struck while the iron was hot and said,"Wang Guifang, we know much more than you can imagine. There is no point in you hiding it. We are helping you to gain merit, do you understand?"

""I understand, I understand, I will tell you everything."

Wang Guifang sighed,"You police are so powerful, you are so good at predicting things, you can't hide anything from you. Speaking of which, it's all my fault that Feng Biao has become what he is today."

Hao Jia poured her a glass of water. Wang Guifang held the glass, nodded to Hao Jia to thank him, and said:

"Feng Biao's life was actually quite hard. His parents died early, and he was raised by his grandparents. He was bullied a lot when he was young. When he was 17 years old, he signed up for the police academy. He thought he could find a decent job in the future, take good care of his grandparents, and let them enjoy their old age. Unexpectedly,...."

Wang Guifang had tears in her eyes."One night in the summer of that year, I was on my way home from school and was blocked at the entrance of an alley by a few hooligans. They assaulted me. Feng Biao had just returned from the county town after a physical examination. I desperately yelled at Feng Biao. Feng Biao didn't want to meddle in other people's business. It was only when I shouted the names of his grandparents that Feng Biao decided to take action.""

"But I never expected that Feng Biao would fight without caring about his life. He became happier and happier. After kicking the three hooligans to the ground, he took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed them hard! Fortunately, they were discovered by the joint defense, and those people saved their lives. The joint defense took us all to the police station."

"Just like that, Feng Biao was sentenced to six months of labor reform for intentional injury, and the school also cancelled his student status, so he could not get into university.

When his grandfather heard that he had a fight with someone and was taken to the police station, he got angry and had a cerebral thrombosis, and died that night.

This incident became Feng Biao's biggest regret in his life.

Every September 1st, he would look in the direction of the Public Security University, tears silently flowing from his eyes, and calling his grandfather over and over again.


Wang Guifang said this, Song An suddenly raised his hand,"Wait! You just said that every September 1st, he would look in the direction of the Public Security University?"

"Yes, that university was his first choice and it was also the gift he promised to give to his grandfather for his 80th birthday. Unfortunately, it was too late."

Gu Ming heard this and looked at Song An,"Captain Song, have you thought of something?"

Song An took two quick steps to the screen and stroked the numbers next to the watercolor painting.

He could see clearly that the string of numbers was written in pen, the handwriting was so strong that it could penetrate the paper, and the font was very domineering.

"Director Gu, have you sent people to check the high-speed trains and passenger buses from Jibei to other places?" Song An suddenly asked. Gu

Ming nodded,"Not only the high-speed rail passenger buses, but also various highway checkpoints, ship terminals, and airports. We have sent special police and special agents to check! The provincial department has instructed that during special major cases, criminal suspects must not be allowed to fly out of Jibei City!"

"There is only one possibility."

Song An slammed his fist on the desk and said word by word, gritting his teeth,"Feng Biao, he wants to blow up the police station!"


The police in the office were all stunned.

Even the usually cautious and calm Old Wang was shaking as he held the teacup.

"This is impossible, right? How could someone in this world be crazy enough to attack the police? It's simply unbelievable!" said the second captain Zhou Hao....

The others were discussing quietly, and Liu Mengyang asked Wang Guifang,"How much do you know about Feng Biao's next move?"

"I really don't know. They never told me their plans. I was responsible for helping him calculate the accounts. He didn't even let me touch the gunpowder."Wang Guifang said with a depressed look on her face.

"Wang Guifang, this is your last chance, you'd better tell the truth! This is the criminal police serious crime team. Everyone who comes here has committed a murder. Do you know how serious the crime committed by Feng Biao is? I tell you, your husband has now made a big fuss!"

Liu Mengyang was interrogating Wang Guifang suddenly, but Wang Guifang insisted that she didn't know anything about Feng Biao.

Song An thought for a moment, picked up his phone and called the director general Zhang Songquan.

After the call was connected, Song An didn't wait for Zhang Songquan to speak, and said directly,"Director Zhang, the situation is urgent, I don't have time to explain! The other party is going to attack us next, you must listen to me now, otherwise our Jibei Police Station may be destroyed in an instant.......The whole army is annihilated!"

When Song An just analyzed that Feng Biao and the others were going to take action against the police station next, the people in the conference room thought he was joking.


But when Song An's call reached the chief director Zhang Songquan, and he told him in a stiff tone that was not at all like a subordinate, he must obey him, otherwise the entire Jibei police station would be in danger!

The people in the conference room stood up silently and looked at Song An together.

Song An adjusted his phone to external speaker mode.

Zhang Songquan's resounding voice came from the phone,"If I don't believe you, Song An, I won't let you sit in the position of captain of the special case team! Tell me, how can we cooperate?"

"At all costs, quickly purchase IED anti-improvised explosive systems for the Jibei General Bureau and the eight branches! Order all police officers in the police stations to quickly evacuate their offices and work in the neighborhood committees instead!".

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