"Song An, IED is the most advanced anti-explosion system in the world. Except for a few confidential units, no unit has spent money to install this system, and the police system has never heard of it! You want us to install IED in the entire public security system of Jibei City, which will cost at least 800,000 yuan. Do you know how much our annual case handling funds are?"

The meeting room was silent, and Zhang Songquan's question to Song An stunned everyone.

Gu Ming wanted to smooth things over for Song An, and immediately said,"Director Zhang, you know our Xiao Song's temper. He will never speak casually if he is not sure.".

Zhang Songquan sighed,"Sorry, this matter is beyond my ability, I can't promise you."

Ji Jie, Guan Hongfeng, and Guo Zijian came over and patted Song An's shoulders gently to comfort him.

"Director Zhang, I am not 100% sure, but even if there is a 1% chance, I cannot watch my comrades die in front of me."

Song An's voice was a little choked up,"Every time they handle a case, they fight with their lives against desperate criminals. We are all flesh and blood, and no one is a superman. No one can survive if a bomb falls on them! If, if my reasoning is correct, which police station is blown up by them, dozens or even dozens of police officers will be killed innocently, is this what Director Zhang wants to see?"

"Song An..."

Gu Ming and Guan Hongfeng were startled and quickly stopped Song An from continuing.

The other colleagues in the conference room looked at Song An with admiration.

For the safety of his colleagues, he even quarreled with the director-general, simply because he was worried that his colleagues would be in danger.

Zhang Songquan was silent for half a minute,"Song An, if your intuition is wrong, these people did not attack the police station, and we invested 800,000 in the installation of the anti-explosion system in vain, but it didn't work at all, how should I punish you?"

"You don't have to punish me, I'll take off this police uniform voluntarily."Song An said with a smile,"Whether this system is installed or not is different from whether it can work! I think it's worth investing a million dollars to protect just one comrade!" A low sob was heard in the conference room. Guan Hongfeng, Guo Zijian and others had red eyes. Gu Ming wanted to say something to the phone, but he felt that the words were too pale.

"Song An, when the department decided to set up the special case team, it authorized you to handle special matters in a special way. You can use this power to apply for special funding approval! But this power is not without price. If you can't solve the serial bombings within a week, I'm afraid I will have to take down the sign of your special case team."

Zhang Songquan still compromised. Even though he knew that Song An's statement was too unbelievable, he still chose to believe Song An. Of course, there was a premise.

"Less than a week! If you don't catch these bastards within three days, you'll be beheaded!" Song An said.

Gu Ming and others gasped, while Zhang Songquan laughed loudly,"It's a deal! I'll help you deal with the IED, and you help me solve the case in three days!"

At the same time when Song An made the call.

In a place called Nanyuan Town, located in the southwest suburbs of Jibei City, a black Opel Astra sedan slowly stopped on the side of the road.

There were a few people squatting on the ground smoking on the side of the road, and when they saw the sedan coming, they stood up.

Two men walked out of the car, one tall and one short. The tall one had a square face and a sinister look. He was the crazy Biao who had just escaped.

The short one had a vicissitudes of life on his face and a mouth full of yellow teeth. He turned out to be the old security guard who escaped from the tofu factory.

"Brother Mao, Brother Pangolin. You are finally here, can we do something big now?"

Others gathered around and bowed their heads to greet the two people coming out of the car.

Feng Biao nodded and asked,"Pangolin and I just escaped death. Lei Zi kept a close eye on us, but we easily got rid of those idlers. You haven't been discovered here, have you? Have you hidden the goods?"

These people nodded,"Don't worry, Brother Mao, this is the countryside, no police have come here, and no one has found gunpowder! But Brother Mao, where should we blow up next?"

Feng Biao's eyes flashed with a chill, and he looked at the old security guard next to him,"Pangolin, what do you think?"

"We just escaped, the police certainly didn't expect us to dare to come back and kill us! Therefore, the next goal must be to surprise the police, kill them by surprise, and scare them to death."

Feng Biao showed a cruel smile on his face, and pressed the half-smoked cigarette into his palm. The burning heat from his palm made him feel very comfortable.

"Erzi, give me the map! Now I will start issuing tasks! Brothers, remember what the boss said, we can die, but we must not fail in the mission!"Feng Biao said viciously

"Got it!"

A group of people gathered in the fields and began to discuss in low voices around a map.

Fog filled the fields. With the arrival of winter, the smog in Jibei City became heavier.

Because of Song An's insistence, the police system in Jibei City began to collectively install IED systems. The police stations under its jurisdiction also evacuated their offices and changed to work in residential areas in accordance with Song An's unified deployment.

This made many old ladies in the street offices become particularly magical. When they patrolled the streets wearing red armbands, they proudly revealed to the residents that they worked in the same office as their comrades in the police station!

Song An and Wu Jiaqi drove to Juyuan Group.

Juyuan Group had just called the police, claiming that the blackmailers had called again to threaten them, and they applied for special protection.

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