The Criminal Police Team meeting room became a stage for Song An, Guan Hongfeng, and Wang Guijin to perform.

Song An was responsible for reasoning, Guan Hongfeng provided supplements, and Wang Guijin provided supporting roles.

The three of them worked very well together.

"Three of you, can I ask you a question, how did the murderer kill the person?"

Zhou Xun asked this question, and he deliberately glanced at Song An.

Just now, he was mercilessly mocked by a group of old detectives because of this question. This time, it was Song An's turn to be embarrassed.

Song An ignored Zhou Xun's smug expression and said firmly:

"The murderer's method of killing people is, to be honest, not worth mentioning!"

Song An stretched out his hand,"Tian Rui!"

Tian Rui, who was standing behind Song An, immediately handed Song An a large black plastic bag.


When Liu Mengyang heard Song An suddenly point at him, he ran over immediately

"Cooperate with me. If you feel any pain, grab the back of my hand immediately!" Song An whispered

"Don't worry, brother!" Liu Mengyang said carelessly.

Song An suddenly appeared, put the plastic bag tightly over Liu Mengyang's head, and tightened the entrance of the bag with his hands.

Everyone looked at Song An.

After a few minutes, the air in the plastic bag gradually became thinner, and Liu Mengyang stretched out his finger and shook it at Song An.

Song An quickly opened the plastic bag

"My goodness, I am dying of suffocation!"

Liu Mengyang gasped for air, his chubby face turned purple, and Song An gently patted his back.

"You all saw it, the murderer did this, putting the victims into plastic bags and throwing them into the water! Because the victims' hands and feet were tied, they could not resist, they could only watch themselves being drowned by the river water little by little, until their mouths and noses were submerged and they suffocated to death."Song An explained.!

There was an uproar in the office!

Several detectives shook their heads in disbelief, several cursed in a low voice, and the female detectives were so angry that they threw their pens on the table.

If it was really as Song An said, you can imagine how desperate these seven victims must have been in the seconds before they died!

"You mean, the victim was thrown into the water while she was still alive? How could someone be so perverted?"Zhou Xun's face was full of disbelief.

Song An was very sure of this, nodded and said,"I found obvious scratches on the fingernails of the deceased this morning, which should have been left when she struggled before her death. If our previous inference was reasonable, the victim must have been thrown into the water while she was still alive." There was a lot of discussion in the office. Some criminal police believed Song An, some thought it was too incredible, and some directly thought that Song An was telling a story.

After answering a call, Li Jinglan closed the phone and said to Gu Ming,"Director Gu, the autopsy report is out.

The deceased had pulmonary emphysema, and a large number of hemorrhagic spots were found in the lower lobes and interlobular grooves of the lungs, which are what we often call drowning spots!

In addition, a large amount of mud, aquatic plants and plant debris were found in the larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles of the deceased!

At the same time, diatoms were detected in the duodenum!



Gu Ming slapped the desk!

The result of the autopsy report was obvious. Song An's previous inference was completely correct.

Because people don't breathe after they die, even if some mud and sand enter their mouths, larynx and internal organs, water plants and algae will not enter.

Ji Jie, Lin Qi, Tian Rui and other female police officers suddenly had red eyes.

The office suddenly fell into a terrible silence.

The police are also made of flesh and blood. They will also be angry when they see murderers who are worse than beasts.

Song An understands their feelings at this time very well.

When he was a criminal policeman before, he caught a bastard who specialized in harming young girls. He directly stripped off his police uniform and beat him up.

""Hello, Director Gu. I am Zhao Guangming, a police officer from Xiaoqinghe Police Station."

A police officer suddenly appeared at the door of the office, breaking the silence of the office.

Gu Ming nodded,"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"It's like this. We saw the notice from the Yanshan Police Station on the intranet. The deceased is a resident of our jurisdiction. Her name is Liu Shuang, she is 36 years old and a laid-off worker. Her husband Liu Dayuan is a retired soldier. He took the initiative to participate in the flood relief operation in the Taihu Lake Basin in 1999 and unfortunately died. There is a three-year-old child in the family. They are a special hardship household that our jurisdiction focuses on."

After the police introduced the family situation of the deceased Liu Shuang, they saluted and left.

"Comrades, you have all seen that the murderer is a beast without any sympathy. All the victims are kind and honest people. If they hadn't met him, they could have had a very happy life. Especially this Ms. Liu Shuang, if we can't catch the murderer, how can we be worthy of her husband."

Gu Ming said here, suddenly took off his police hat, and said with a choked voice,"The provincial department and the general bureau gave us an order to solve the case within one month! Let me make a statement here first. If I can't catch this bastard within a month, I, Gu Ming, will be the first to submit a resignation report!"

"Director Gu, we all want to catch this bastard! But the current situation is that we don’t know where he lives, what his occupation is, how old he is, and we don’t even know his gender!"

Tai Wei was telling the truth. There were no clues at all, and there was no way to solve the case. Even if you use the dumbest investigation method, you still have no idea where to start.

Gu Ming looked at the whole audience and found that everyone was looking down, except Song An, who was standing under the slide, holding his chin and muttering something.

"Song An, can you give us a general analysis of who the murderer is?" Gu Ming asked.

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