What Gu Ming meant was actually to let Song An do criminal profiling.

In 2000, criminal profiling was still a very unfamiliar concept, and it was even less likely to be truly applied in the field of criminal investigation.

In fact, it is very difficult to train a criminal profiler. In addition to having at least 15 years or even longer criminal investigation experience, one must also be proficient in various basic knowledge such as psychology, psychiatry, abnormality, criminology, pathology, etc.

Gu Ming certainly didn't understand psychological profiling, he just relied on the intuition of the police. Since Song An was able to infer the motive for the crime, he should also be able to point out the next direction of criminal investigation in the fog.

"Director Gu, Captain Guan, the murderer has a strong sense of anti-detection. He never left fingerprints or footprints at the scene, and no one discovered him when he committed the crime. This shows that he is a very meticulous person. From the cumbersome analysis of his crime steps, this person must be a person who likes to pursue perfection very much!"

Song An said here, and glanced at the venue. Many people were smoking and taking notes.

"From the perspective of criminal psychology, excessive pursuit of perfection is usually the result of sexual repression."Song An said.

Lin Qi immediately raised his head and said,"But from the autopsy analysis, we can see that none of the seven victims had been violated before they died. This doesn't seem to correspond to your analysis just now, right?"

"Sexual repression does not necessarily lead to a desire for the female body, but it may also lead to hatred of women. I think the murderer was probably raised by his sister, aunt, aunt or adoptive mother since he was a child, and the woman who raised him had a very bad personality. She often pressed the murderer's neck and pushed him into the pool or washbasin!

In other words, when the murderer was young, he must have experienced the feeling of suffocation many times, and he almost suffocated to death many times! This is why he is so obsessed with the river water. In the seven crimes he committed, all the victims were thrown into the river and suffocated to death!

When the murderer grew up, he was very eager for revenge, but years of fear made him hesitate to act, so he used other innocent victims for training! I think the murderer's final revenge target is about 40 to 45 years old, and he once or now lives with him. The way he finally killed this person must be exactly the same as the way he killed the seven victims!"

After Song An finished saying these words, Gu Ming glanced at Guan Hongfeng, and both of them showed a trace of relief on their faces.

Regardless of whether Song An's analysis was right or wrong, at least he brought new ideas to the case!

Wang Guijin suddenly stood up and looked at Song An excitedly,"Xiao Song, go on, speak boldly!"

"Yes, say it boldly, we all support you!"Bai Ling said with a smile.

Tian Rui waved at Song An,"Come on, Teacher Song!"

"I think the murderer is about 25 years old, thin, very clean, and likes to button up all the buttons when he wears clothes. In addition, his height is between 165-170 cm, and his residence and workplace are probably near the Qingyi River! Because the age of the deceased is getting closer and closer to the target age, he is a cautious person, and there is no need to change the crime scene at this time!"

""Apart from these, is there anything else?" Gu Ming asked.

Song An shook his head,"There are too few clues, so we can only deduce these."

After hearing this, Gu Ming decisively began to give orders!

"All criminal police officers, put down the cases at hand and go to Qingyi River! The person we are looking for now is a young man around 25 years old, thin and short, clean, who used to live with his sister or stepmother, and was often beaten when he was young! You mobilize your informants, special agents, insiders, and the people in the street office. No matter what method you use, even if you have to dig three feet into the ground, you must dig this demon out for me!"


All the criminal police officers from the five squadrons stood up and set off at the same time.

In the courtyard of the Yanshan Branch, bursts of shrill sirens rang out, and vehicles with red and blue lights flashing drove rapidly towards the Qingyi River.

On the side of the sixth team, Ji Jie asked Da Zeng and Jiang Han to form a team, Liu Mengyang took Chang Baole, she and Bai Ling formed a team, Song An and his apprentice formed a team, and Lao Wang went to the technical team for support.

"Teacher Song, based on your reasoning just now, can we definitely catch the murderer?"

Tian Rui asked while packing up her things.

Song An shook his head,"Of course not, these are just basic portraits. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack to catch the murderer with these! But one thing is certain, the murderer is about to commit another crime, and the crime scene is very likely to be in Qingyi River!"

Song An prepared a flashlight, a gun, compressed biscuits, etc. for night patrol, and said to Tian Rui,"Let's go, we may have to stay up late tonight"

"It doesn't matter, the master is here anyway!" Tian Rui followed with a smile.

The two drove the police Cherokee and came to Qingyi River again. The meeting at the police station lasted until four o'clock. When Song An and Tian Rui got off the car, the night market by the river had already begun.

Many businesses placed chairs at the door, and the aroma of grilled fish, fried shrimp, or hot pot filled people's noses. The smell of fireworks in the world warms the hearts of ordinary people the most.

People who got off work gathered in groups of three or five, pulled a table and sat down, drinking draft beer, eating barbecue, talking and laughing, and sent away the fatigue of the day.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to roasted pig skin, authentic Liangshan wild boar, with skin and meat, fragrant and crispy."

Song An patted Tian Rui's shoulder, Tian Rui was very happy, squinted her eyes, smiled and nodded.

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