Ning Yong opened a corner of the paper package and took a look. His eyes lit up.

""Twenty thousand yuan, not a cent less, one hand for the money, one hand for the goods!" The cap whispered.

Ning Yong nodded, took out a mechanical component and a neatly folded blueprint from his arms.

"I stole all the samples and drawings!" Ning Yong panted.

The two were about to complete the deal when Da Zeng and Jiang Han rushed over. Da Zeng kicked Ning Yong to the ground!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man in the duckbill cap tried to escape. Jiang Han rushed over and kicked the duckbill cap in the face, then handcuffed him against the wall.

""Officer, I didn't kill anyone! I just stole the blueprints and sold them to other factories to make some pocket money!"

Ning Yong's face was pressed to the ground, and he let out a miserable howl like a pig being slaughtered.

Da Zeng glanced at Jiang Han, and both of them showed some disappointment on their faces.

Although he had gained something, Ning Yong didn't seem to have anything to do with the murder case.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Section Chief Sun rode an old 28 bicycle to Shamao Hutong.

Without time to lock the bicycle, he let the bicycle fall to the ground. Section Chief Sun rushed up to the house and took out the key to unlock it.

After pushing the door open, Section Chief Sun looked left and right, made sure no one was following, and quickly ran into the yard.

In the yard, a short-haired young man was washing clothes. Seeing Section Chief Sun running in in a hurry, he said unhappily:

"Dad, I've told you so many times, don't come to my house if you have nothing to do!"

Section Chief Sun got angry when he heard it," You haven't done anything yet? The police have already found the factory. If I hadn't covered for you, you would have been arrested long ago!"

The young man was stunned for a moment, but immediately sneered,"You're overthinking it, why do they arrest me, I haven't broken any law!"

"Son, tell the truth! Did you kill those women who died on the riverbank?"Section Chief Sun shouted in a low voice.

"Are you sick? Why would I kill them?"

The young man pushed Section Chief Sun away, shook his sleeves and wanted to go back to the main room.

At this moment, the door was kicked open, and Song An and Tian Rui suddenly appeared in the courtyard!

""Sun Xiaoyin!"

Song An took out handcuffs and shouted at the young man.

The young man's face changed drastically. Section Chief Sun pointed to the east wall and said,"They are police officers, jump over the wall and run!" The short-haired young man was stunned, and quickly ran to the wall. He grabbed the crack in the wall with both hands, exerted force with his feet, kicked and kicked, and quickly jumped onto the top of the wall.

""Tian Rui, catch Sun Zhi, I'll go after Sun Xiaoyin!"

Song An shouted, quickly climbed to the east wall, and jumped down.

What Song An didn't expect was that Sun Xiaoyin's physical strength was also very strong. In the blink of an eye, he had already jumped to the entrance of the alley!

Song An jumped out of the wall and chased after him like a gust of wind! Sun Xiaoyin ran two blocks and found that no one was chasing him, so he smiled triumphantly.

Leaning against the wall, Sun Xiaoyin cursed in a low voice,"Waste!"

"You should keep this to yourself."

Song An stood in front of Sun Xiaoyin, holding the shiny handcuffs, and said with a smile

"How is it possible! You can actually run so fast!"

Sun Xiaoyin was shocked.

While the other party was not prepared, Sun Xiaoyin suddenly clenched his right hand and punched Song An in the nose!

At the same time, he twisted his waist and abdomen, bent his right knee and bounced up, and hit Song An's lower abdomen with a knee!

"Muay Thai?"

Song An felt a little surprised. He had been exposed to several mainstream boxing styles in the world.

The opening routine of Muay Thai is like this, straight punch to open the way, knee to hit the opponent!

Once the opponent is fooled, the subsequent attack is completely a storm!

"Go to hell!"

Sun Xiaoyin gritted his teeth and hit him hard with his knee!

Song An was not in a hurry. He dodged the straight punch attack first, and at the same time, he clasped his hands together, like a diamond hammer, and smashed it down hard!

This hammer just hit Sun Xiaoyin's knee!

Sun Xiaoyin was hit and numb, screamed, and stepped back!

Song An took the opportunity to go behind him, swung his whip kick and kicked him hard at the knee!

Sun Xiaoyin's right leg softened like a puddle of mud, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Song An pressed his knee against his back, took out handcuffs from his waist, and handcuffed him.

"Someone, help! The police are beating people!"

After Sun Xiaoyin was handcuffed by Song An, he suddenly raised his head and yelled at the people on the street.

This street was close to the vegetable market, and it was time to get off work, so there were many people on the street. When Sun Xiaoyin shouted, the people all gathered around him.

"what's up?"

""Why beat them up like this?"

The crowd was talking.

At this time, a dark green jeep stopped by the roadside and two policemen walked out of the car.

The policeman pushed through the crowd and walked in, looking at Song An and shouted,"What's going on? Why are you fighting in the street?"

Song An took out his police officer ID. The policeman took a look and quickly saluted Song An,"Hello, comrade, do you need help?"

Song An really needed help. He could be as fierce as he wanted to deal with these suspects, but he had no way to deal with ordinary people.

""Everyone, listen to me. This is a criminal policeman from Yanshan Police Station. They are currently trying to catch the murderer of the river beach serial murder case. Please cooperate and get out of the way!"

A policeman shouted to the crowd.

When the people around heard that it was a"river beach murder case", their attitude immediately changed 100 degrees! In the past few days, from newspapers, radio stations to street discussions, the most talked about thing among the people was this"river beach murder case"!

Some people picked up stones, vegetable leaves, and even rotten eggs on the road and threw them at Sun Xiaoyin.

"Damn murderer, how many people have been harmed!"

"You're going to hell, you beast!"

"You deserve it, get shot, bastard!"

"Thank you police brother for getting rid of this evil for the people!"

"Now we can finally go to Qingyi River to have fun without any worries!"

The crowd was in high spirits. Some were scolding Sun Xiaoyin, while more were praising Song An.

When Song An pushed the suspect Sun Xiaoyin away, the crowd automatically split into two rows and silently made way.

Passing cars honked their horns.

Bicycle bells also rang.

Applause suddenly broke out in the crowd.

At first only one or two people applauded, and then it quickly turned into a sea of applause.

Song An sent the suspect to the police car amid the farewell of the crowd on the street.

The police car was driven by Ji Jie herself, and Tian Rui had already escorted Section Chief Sun into the car.

Ji Jie rolled down the window, looked at the cheering crowd outside the window, and a relieved smile appeared on her face.

"Every time this happens, I am happier than getting any bonus! This kind of honor is incomparable to other jobs."Ji Jie said with a smile

"That is, punish the wicked and eliminate the evil, and give the people a clear sky!"Tian Rui said happily.

Sun Zhi and Sun Xiaoyin, father and son, looked at each other silently, with no words.

""Son, Dad is incompetent! I don't know how to educate children, and I have ruined your life."

Sun Zhi sighed, stretched out his hand, and wiped the rotten leaves off his son's face.

Sun Xiaoyin turned his head, gnashing his teeth angrily, like an angry beast, with bloodshot eyes.

At this time, in the Yanshan Police Station, Gu Ming smiled and put down the phone.

In the office, several squadron leaders all looked at him.

"Comrades, I declare that Sun Xiaoyin, the suspect in the 9.26 river beach serial corpse dumping case, has been arrested!"

Warm applause rang out in the office.

Zhou Xun nodded and said,"This Song An is really great! If Sun Xiaoyin is really the murderer, then the shame of our Yanshan Police Station can be completely washed away from now on!"

"Yes, arrange a surprise interrogation of Sun Xiaoyin immediately! Even if we don't sleep tonight, we have to make this kid speak!"At

8:10 in the evening, the Yanshan Police Department began a preliminary interrogation of the major suspect Sun Xiaoyin.

Under Gu Ming's personal arrangement, Guo Zijian and Wang Guijin were responsible for the interrogation of Sun Xiaoyin.

Guo Zijian is the captain of the Yanshan Criminal Police Team and has solved many major cases. Wang Guijin is an old criminal policeman with 26 years of criminal investigation experience.

The combination of these two people shows that Gu Ming attaches great importance to this interrogation.

Outside the pre-interrogation room, including Director Gu Ming, dozens of people stood, and everyone was paying close attention to the progress.

Guo Zijian and Wang Guijin, one played the white face and the other played the red face, and the rhythm of the interrogation was very well controlled.

But Sun Xiaoyin refused to admit it.

Gu Ming even arranged for him to meet with his father Sun Zhi. Facing his old father's tears, Sun Xiaoyin looked indifferent.

The interrogation lasted for more than half an hour, and the working group got nothing.

""Big Liu, what should we do? Teacher Song worked so hard to catch this person, are we just going to let him go?" Tian Rui asked anxiously. Liu

Mengyang shook his head,"There's nothing we can do, this kid is convinced that we don't have any evidence, and he won't say a word!"

Gu Ming looked around and found that Song An and Ji Jie were not at the scene.

"Da Zeng, where are your captain and Song An?"Gu Ming asked curiously.

"Director Gu, they sent the person here and left, saying that they were going to look for evidence again."Da Zeng responded.

Gu Ming raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and breathed a sigh of relief,"There are still ten hours before the person is released. I hope they can get something."

At this time, Song An was driving to Jianshe East Road and stopped at the door of a hair salon.

In the afternoon, when dancing with a group of old ladies in Shamao Hutong, Song An got a very important clue.

Sun Xiaoyin, also known as Sun Dapeng, had a girlfriend named Jia Ai, who was engaged in improper business activities on Jianshe Road.

After Song An took Sun Xiaoyin back to the police station, he quickly found Jia Ai's personal information on the intranet.

This hair salon had a pair of pink lamp posts at the door. The door and windows were closed, and you couldn't see inside at all through the glass.

Song An pushed open the door, and a strong smell of cheap perfume hit him in the face.

".〃 Hey, here comes the boss!"

The fashionable girl who was painting her eyebrows and eyes in front of the dressing table twisted her waist and came to Song An, putting her hand on Song An's shoulder,"Boss, what service do you need?"

""Your name is Jia Ai?"

Song An looked around the store and asked casually.

The store is very small, with only one room, separated by a big red curtain in the middle. Outside is the hair washing area, and inside is only a bed.

It is almost October, Jia Ai is wearing a thin sequined short-sleeved shirt, fishnet stockings, and her makeup is very exaggerated.

"Since you are a regular customer, I will give you a 20% discount!"

The girl reached out to unbutton Song An's collar.

Just as she unbuttoned the first button, Song An grabbed her wrist and said,"Don't worry, I have a question first."

"Big brother, you can ask anything you want. Jia Ai winked at Song An.

"Do you know Sun Xiaoyin, or Sun Dapeng?"

Song An took out a photo of Sun Xiaoyin from his arms and handed it to Jia Ai.

Jia Ai took a look at the photo and the smile on his face froze immediately. He took his hand away from Song An's shoulder and looked at him coldly,"Who do you do? Why are you asking about him?"

"You answer my question"

"Humph, why? Just because you are handsome?"Jia Ai sneered disdainfully.

"I heard that you and Sun Xiaoyin were in a relationship for a while, why did you break up?"

Song An changed the subject

"I get angry when I mention this! That guy is a lunatic. Every time he sees me, he doesn't hold my hand or kiss me........."

Jia Ai showed a very disgusted expression on his face,"He pushed me onto the bed and kept strangling me with his hands! You know, if he missed, I would be dead!"

Song An nodded,"How much do you know about Sun Xiaoyin?"

Jia Ai didn't want to say it at first, but Song An showed his police officer ID. (Promise)

Jia Ai had no choice but to confess in order to prevent his shop from being sealed off,"He is just a small security guard who earns a small salary every month. When I was dating him, he was reluctant to buy me even a piece of clothing, and he would just treat me to a bowl of ramen!"


"No, we broke up later, really! Tell me, who would date such a stingy man these days? It would be so mad."

Jia Ai lit a cigarette, and then she quickly put it out when she remembered Song An was here.

Song An stopped talking nonsense with her, took out a stack of photos from his purse, and threw them directly on Jia Ai's dressing table.

"What are these?"

Jia Ai flipped through them and turned pale with fear."These are all dead people! Brother, why did you put them here with me? It's so unlucky!"

"Have you heard of the serial murders on the riverbank? Seven women were killed by the river. They were all covered with bags and thrown into the river, suffocating to death!"

Song An approached Jia Ai and said with his eyes wide open.

"Oh my god! It's too scary! No, why are you telling me this, so late at night!"

Jia Ai stroked his chest and breathed quickly, it seemed that he was really scared.

Song An felt that the time was almost right, and said coldly,"Jia Ai, these women were killed by your boyfriend Sun Xiaoyin! You are lucky that you were not strangled to death by him."


Jia Ai yelled, covered his ears and stood up,"Brother, please stop talking, I beg you!"

"Jia Ai, tell me everything you know. If people like Sun Xiaoyin are not severely punished by law, he will continue to kill people. Sooner or later, he will strangle you to death."

Jia Ai looked at Song An and suddenly grabbed his arm with both hands.

"Brother, I'll tell you everything, but you must catch him! Otherwise, I'll be dead!"

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