Jia Ai took the initiative to confess that Sun Xiaoyin had hidden some nylon ropes and black plastic bags with her a few years ago.

He ordered Jia Ai not to tell anyone, otherwise he would kill her parents.

Although Jia Ai was a snobbish person, she was very filial to her parents. When she heard him threaten to kill her parents, she was scared and had to agree.

Song An found several pieces of nylon ropes and a dozen black plastic bags in the bedside cabinet in the inner room.

In addition, he also found two white masks and a dozen pairs of white thread gloves.

After Song An collected these evidences and was about to leave, he suddenly turned back and looked at Jia Ai.

"Jia Ai, Sun Xiaoyin's appearance and family are very ordinary, why are you dating him?"


Jia Ai was hesitating, but after seeing Song An's sharp eyes, he had to say,"Actually, I didn't want to do it at first, but five years ago, he caught two thieves in the factory. During the arrest, he broke the thieves' legs with steel pipes. This incident was even reported on TV and had a huge impact! The city and the factory gave him a total of 150,000 cash rewards. I just wanted that 150,000, so, so........."

The rest of the words need no further explanation.

Song An pondered Jia Ai's words over and over again, and suddenly his eyes lit up!

The last doubt in this case was finally cleared up.

"Jia Ai, when he came to get the plastic bag and nylon rope from you, did you notice what he was holding in his hand?"Song An asked.

Jia Ai thought about it carefully,"Every time he came to the store to find me, he liked to wear the security uniform of Xinghui Machinery Factory. By the way, it seems that he also carried a baton in his hand!"

""Are you sure he really came to you with a baton?" Song An asked anxiously. Jia Ai nodded,"He told me that he used these things in class, who would have thought he used them to kill people!"

"Jia Ai, you are now suspected of providing the suspect Sun Xiaoyin with tools to commit the crime. According to the first paragraph of Article 22 of the Criminal Law, you have been involved in criminal preparation."

"No, brother, I really didn't know he was going to kill someone. If I knew, I would have reported him to the police station long ago!"

Jia Ai grabbed Song An's arm, and tears came out of her eyes.

"Jia Ai, if you cooperate with our police and provide the truth about Sun Xiaoyin, it will be a major meritorious service. It depends on your choice."Song An said

""Cooperate, cooperate, I will cooperate with whatever you ask me to do, and I will obey the government's orders absolutely and unconditionally!" Jia Ai said quickly.

Song An nodded, took Jia Ai out of her store, and got into the police car.

In the police car, Song An received another call from Ji Jie.

"Song An, Sun Xiaoyin's stepmother Ding Lijiao has finally been found! According to Ding Lijiao's account, in order to get a bonus of 150,000 yuan from Sun Xiaoyin, she has been working hard to repair her relationship with Sun Xiaoyin over the years. She even invited him to dinner last night, but for some reason, Sun Xiaoyin suddenly left Ding Lijiao's rental house at around 10 o'clock, on the pretext of stomach discomfort.

I checked and found that it only takes 15 minutes to walk from Ding Lijiao's rental house to the Qingyi River Lighthouse."

After Ji Jie finished explaining the situation, Song An immediately said,"That's great. With the testimony of Ding Lijiao and Jia Ai, plus the DNA comparison of the bloodstains on the baton, even if this grandson refuses to confess, we can still deal with him!"

After Song An hung up the phone, he drove the police car directly to Xinghui Machinery Factory and took away all the batons of the security department.

At 9:30, Song An and Ji Jie came to the police station and reported the current situation to the director Gu Ming.

Director Gu immediately ordered to apply to the General Administration for DNA matching.

Then, the pre-trial people were replaced by Song An and Ji Jie. As soon as

Song An entered the pre-trial room, he saw Sun Xiaoyin looking at him with his chin raised and an unconvinced face.

"I heard from people that you always think you are a very talented person, but you just don't get the chance to show your talent." Song An said with a smile. Sun

Xiaoyin sneered,"It's okay, you went to night school at Yanshan University for three years and have a regular college diploma. What is your academic qualification?"

""Bachelor's degree in Criminal Science and Technology from the Public Security University." Song An responded.

Sun Xiaoyin was stunned.

Ji Jie laughed softly beside him.

"You also learned how to tie knots in night school, right?" Song An asked.

"I studied folklore, and my teacher did talk about South American folk culture. After that, I became very interested in the way the Zorie tribe tied up their prey."

When Sun Xiaoyin said this, a smile appeared on his face. It was obvious that he felt very happy about his time studying.

"What about the black plastic bag? Why did you think of using a plastic bag to put the person in?" Song An continued to ask.

Sun Xiaoyin looked at Song An vigilantly,"I don't know what you are talking about! Anyway, I didn't kill the person, you police are wrongly accusing a good man!"

Ji Jie slammed the table,"Be honest! We have already searched Jia Ai's residence and found the tools you used to commit the crime, but you still don't admit it!"

"What kind of tools are there? Aren't they just some broken ropes? I used them to tie up New Year's goods, isn't that okay?"Sun Xiaoyin looked at Ji Jie smugly.


Ji Jie dropped her pen, her face turned pale with anger.

Outside the interrogation room, the people from Team 6 were furious when they saw this scene.

"This guy is too arrogant! I really want to beat him up!"Liu Mengyang cursed

"Alas, we have tried every possible means. He is too vigilant and doesn't tell the truth."Wang Guijin shook his head.

"I don't believe it, Master must have a way!" Tian Rui clenched her fists.

In the interrogation room, Song An left his seat, walked around behind Sun Xiaoyin, suddenly stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder hard.

Sun Xiaoyin's shoulders were tense, and it was obvious that he was very nervous.

Song An suddenly grabbed his shoulders, exerted force on his hands, and pressed him down hard.

At the same time, he said in his ear in a weird tone,"Listen, it's the sound of water! Splash, splash!、���The water is about to drown you!"

"No, let me go! Let me go!" Sun Xiaoyin yelled, and the handcuffs rattled.

"Look, the water has already flooded your stomach and is about to flood your neck! It's bad, the water has flooded your mouth and your nostrils, you are very uncomfortable now, your breathing is very rapid, you are going to die!!"

Song An said these words five times in a row, each time more exaggerated than the last.

These voices, like the whispers of the devil, kept lingering in Sun Xiaoyin's ears.

"I was wrong, please, please let me go, I was wrong!"

Different from the arrogant expression just now, looking down on everyone.

At this time, Sun Xiaoyin's shoulders kept shaking, and a lot of sweat and tears, mixed with snot, all came out.

Song An returned to his seat and held up a photo.

"Sun Xiaoyin, you think you are very smart, you think there is no evidence left at the scene!

But the law is long and wide, after you killed someone, you actually took the baton back to the office!

Do you think that after you wash it, these blood stains will disappear without a trace? Let me tell you!

Blood stains can never be washed clean, the blood stains of these victims are their ardent expectations for the police and justice in heaven, you, the devil who kills without blinking an eye, will definitely be severely punished by law!


Sun Xiaoyin spread his hands on the table with a desperate expression on his face.

He never thought that the police would find the baton, and there would be blood stains on the washed baton! Is there really a will of God? Song An looked down at Sun Xiaoyin with contempt,"Let me teach you a lesson, you pretentious guy, there is a thing called latent blood blue light reagent, no matter how clean you wash the blood, the current DNA technology can detect it!


"Officer, please stop talking. I surrender to you. I am willing to confess. I killed all those people who died on the riverbank. But, I never had the courage to kill the woman I really wanted to kill..........."

Sun Xiaoyin lowered his head and began to recount his eight crimes.

The pen swished across the paper.

Sun Xiaoyin started talking at 11:30 and continued until 3:00 in the morning, finally explaining his crimes over the years one by one.

During the narration, several female police officers outside the glass were so angry that they almost rushed in and beat him up.

Gu Ming raised his wrist,"It's almost 4 o'clock. Everyone, please work harder. We will write the case summary overnight. I will treat everyone to dinner in the morning!"

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