The moonlight is like water, and the osmanthus tree shakes down the broken flowers

"Teacher Song!"

Tian Rui didn't bother to change her clothes, she put on a pink woolen coat and rushed downstairs.

Because she was in such a hurry to come down, she put her shoes on the wrong way and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing Tian Rui's cute and silly look, Song An couldn't help but smile.

"Teacher Song, why are you here?"

Tian Rui looked up at her master, her face flushed from running so fast..

"I just finished writing the closing report of today's kidnapping case, and I saw that the light in your room was still on, so I came to see you."Song An said casually

""Oh oh."

Tian Rui pointed her two index fingers at each other and slowly lowered her head.

"Tian Rui, you just started working and you have to run around with me. You have handled so many murder cases, and the psychological pressure must be very great. There is nothing I can do for you, so I asked someone to bring you a pot of plants."

Song An handed the pot of plants hidden behind him to Tian Rui.

Tian Rui found that this pot of plants was very strange, with wide and neat leaves, which looked like a pot of orchids, but taller than the orchid"0-7".

""Master, what is this?" Tian Rui asked happily.

"Dracaena fragrans! Legend has it that this tree blooms once every eighty years, and every time it blooms, it brings good luck to those who pray under the tree."

Tian Rui stared with round eyes and poked the leaves with her fingers,"Teacher Song, can I wait until the moment it blooms?"

"Sincerity is the key to success."

Song An said with a smile,"Whenever you are unhappy, you can talk to it and tell it all the happiest things in your heart. Maybe one day it will feel your sincerity, and the dragon tree will bloom, giving you a lifetime of good fortune."

The girl listened carefully to the master's words, and a warm current flowed through her heart, sweet.

It was not because the flower was so valuable, but because the master and she had a tacit understanding.

And the warmth it brought her

"Teacher Song, I am so lucky to have met a teacher like you who is both capable and warm-hearted."

Tian Rui said with emotion while holding the flower pot.

"You are also a very good apprentice! It's late, go back and rest early."

Song An waved to Tian Rui and turned away.

Tian Rui had been holding the pot of flowers, standing under the osmanthus tree, quietly watching Song An's back as he left.

When he was about to reach the door of the police station, Song An vaguely felt that there was a pair of warm eyes behind him, always watching him.

After thinking about it, Song An stopped and turned his head.

Tian Rui saw Song An looking back, gently put down the pot, threw away his arms, and suddenly ran towards him desperately.

"Song, Teacher!"

Before Song An could react, Tian Rui had already run to him and threw herself into his arms.

The two of them hugged each other for a few minutes under the moonlight until they heard the cough of Old Wang from the security room, and then they separated.

"Teacher Song, you go first. I want to watch you leave.

Tian Rui stood under the tree and waved to Song An with a smile.

When she smiled, she was very serious, so she always showed a row of neat teeth.

Every time Song An saw Tian Rui's smile, he would think of the wind in the fields in April. It was soft and warm when it blew on people.

"The moon is so beautiful tonight."

Song An looked up at the night sky, put his hands in his pockets, and left the police station humming a song.

The sun slowly rose from the east, and a new day began.

In the primeval forest in the northern suburbs of Jibei, the sunlight shone into the abandoned factory through the window gaps.

Several young people trapped here rubbed their sore arms and slowly stood up.

"Good morning, Tong Zhen"

"Good morning, Officer Ji.

""Good morning, Master Hong."

Several people greeted each other. After spending a night together, they became more familiar with each other.

Although college student Li Yu still had a cold face, she would nod in response when others greeted her.

""Has anyone seen Lu Xin?"

Tong Zhen suddenly asked loudly.

Ji Jie, Da Zeng, Li Yu, and Hong Lie all shook their heads.

"I saw it!"

Chen Mo rubbed his arm and slowly walked down the stairs from the second floor."I saw her at dawn. She said she wanted to wash her face."

"Wash your face? Why does it take so long to wash your face?"

Tong Zhen's face changed, and he quickly rushed to the bathroom at the back.

Although the factory was abandoned, it had complete facilities. The front of the first floor was the workshop, and the back was the canteen, small restaurant, and men's and women's toilets. As soon as Tong Zhen ran to the back, he immediately let out a loud scream!

""Oh no! Come quickly! Someone's dead!" Tong Zhen shouted.

Ji Jie and Da Zeng looked at each other and ran over quickly.

In front of the sink, the old galvanized water pipe was unscrewed and water was pouring out of the pipe.

The host Lu Xin was leaning against the wall, her face and body were covered in blood, and her death was tragic!

The white wall behind her was covered with bloody claw marks, almost covering half of the wall!

Da Zeng squatted on the ground and looked around, and found a tuft of black hair, which he put to his nose and sniffed.

"Captain Ji, the hair smells fishy. I suspect it is probably bear hair!" Da Zeng analyzed.

"Look at the bloodstains on the wall! They are the claws of an animal! What kind of beast could have grabbed Sister Xinxin like this!"Tong Zhen cried. Hong Lie shook his head carefully,"It must not be a dog! Even if it is a mad dog, it would not grab a person like this!"

Ji Jie squatted beside the deceased Lu Xin and observed carefully. Lu Xin was completely torn from the neck to the abdomen. It was horrible.

However, there was no blood on the ground, and no obvious footprints were left.

"Da Zeng, I feel that this is not just a simple murder, but more like venting anger!" Ji Jie analyzed in a low voice.

Da Zeng looked at the body and nodded.

No matter who the murderer is, there must be a deep hatred between him and the deceased Lu Xin, there is no doubt about this.

At this time, Li Yu, who had been leaning against the wall in silence, suddenly shouted,"It's a curse! It's a judgment! This day has finally come, they are here to seek revenge on me, I don't want to die!!"

Everyone looked at Li Yu in surprise, wondering why she suddenly yelled like crazy.

Li Yu covered her ears with both hands,"I can't wait to die here, I want to go, I must go!"

Li Yu was yelling, and suddenly left everyone behind, covering his ears and ran out alone!

"Let's hurry over, Li Yu might be in danger alone!"

Da Zeng and Ji Jie rushed over, and when they arrived at the workshop outside, they found that Li Yu had disappeared.

Just as everyone was looking around, suddenly, the wild dogs outside began to yell collectively!

Moreover, judging from the sound of barking, the number of wild dogs has increased again!

Hong Lie's face changed,"No, these wild dogs are going crazy, let's reinforce the doors and windows quickly, and don't let them break in! Otherwise, we might all be bitten to death by them!"

Everyone did not dare to hesitate any longer, and quickly found nails and hammers, smashed more wooden boards on the doors and windows, and sealed them tightly.

After a few minutes, the barking of dogs outside gradually stopped.

"Fortunately, you reacted quickly, otherwise, I don’t know what would happen."

Da Zeng glanced at Hong Lie, and Hong Lie waved his hand,"Nothing, I used to do this."

Da Zeng was stunned for a moment and wanted to continue to ask Hong Lie about his previous work.

Suddenly, Tong Zhen's shouting came from the cubicle,"Li Yu, Li Yu is dead too!!"

Everyone rushed in quickly. In the small cubicle of the factory, Li Yu was leaning against the wall with blood on her face.

Before she died, she seemed to have seen something very horrible, and her two 5.4 eyes were wide open.

"Who is harming us? Oh my God, is he a human or a ghost?

Tong Zhen knelt on the ground and cried desperately. Ji

Jie suddenly asked Hong Lie,"Since we are here to shoot a film, why did Li Yu follow Lu Xin?"

Hong Lie hesitated and said,"In fact, Li Yu is the daughter of Li Dafeng, the old director of our Changting Observation Station. Because she grew up here and is very familiar with this place, I suggested that she come with us........."

Hong Lie sighed.

Chen Mo gently patted Tong Zhen's shoulder,"Crying all the time is not a solution! Now, there are mad dogs chasing us outside, and there is a demon staring at us inside. We must find a way to get in touch with people outside!"

Several people nodded at the same time.

Yanshan Police Station, Major Case Conference Room.

Director Gu Ming looked around the meeting room with a very serious expression.

"I just received a call from the Changting Road Police Station. The head of the Changting Observation Station of the Forestry Bureau, Li Dafeng, is dead!"

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