A photo of the crime scene appeared on the large curtain of the conference room.

"According to the police from Changting Police Station, when they arrived at the observation station, Li Dafeng was lying on the floor, with his face, neck, and abdomen all cut by the murderer. The scene was a river of blood, and it was horrible to see! Even one police officer who was investigating the scene was mentally traumatized and almost went crazy on the spot."

After Gu Ming introduced the situation, several captains looked up at the photos and talked about it.

"No valuable clues have been found in this case so far! The crime scene is in the North Suburbs Forest, which is very sparsely populated. It is estimated that it will be difficult to find witnesses. What I mean is that everyone should rush to the North Suburbs Forest. No matter what method is used, we must find valuable clues and try to solve the case as soon as possible!"

After Gu Ming arranged the work, several team leaders set off to their own squadrons to explain their work tasks.

On the Sixth Team, Ji Jie and Da Zeng were not there. There were only Lao Wang, Liu Mengyang, Jiang Han, Song An and Tian Rui, a few newcomers.

"Xiao Song, what do you think of this case?"

Gu Ming found that Song An had been staring at the slides, as if he was thinking of something, so he asked.

Song An stared at the photos and said,"Look at the wall behind the deceased, there seem to be a lot of bloodstains!"

Wang Guijin nodded,"I noticed it too, it looks like claw marks left by a beast after killing someone."


"You mean, are you trying to say that it was wild animals like tigers and leopards that attacked humans?"

Liu Mengyang touched his head,"This is troublesome, they are all first-class protected animals, we can't just catch them!"

Gu Ming extinguished his cigarette,"Indeed, several police officers at Changting Police Station also believe that it might be wild animals that killed people. And according to them, there have been several incidents of wild animals attacking people in the northern suburbs forest in the past few years!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

After Gu Ming finished speaking, Song An directly rejected it.

Song An walked to the front of the curtain, pointed at the photo with an infrared remote control pen and said,"Look carefully at the body of the deceased, and then look at the amount of blood at the scene! If it was really a large beast like a tiger or leopard that injured the person, why did they tear the body into this state? Isn't it more in line with the nature of animals to eat the meat directly and leave only a pile of bones?"

"How do you explain the claw marks on the wall?"Liu Mengyang still didn't understand.

"It is these claw marks that are the stupidest mistake made by the murderer! Think about it, the police did not extract any footprint information at the scene, but there are so many bloody claw marks on the wall. Is this possible? If animals really have such a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness, then their IQ must be higher than that of humans. Can they still be considered animals?"

Song An looked at everyone and asked back.

Gu Ming and Wang Guijin nodded slowly.

"I fully agree with Xiao Song's analysis. Animals are not humans, and they cannot completely hide their footprints. Based on the current situation, the murderer is likely to use animals as a cover-up to cover up the fact that he killed people!"Wang Guijin said

"But who on earth could have such a deep hatred for the head of an observation station? Look, his internal organs have been dug out. The murderer must hate him very much."Tian Rui said

"It seems that the possibility of revenge is very high."

After combining the analysis of several people, Gu Ming arranged for Team 6 to investigate Li Dafeng's social situation to see if he had any enemies, and then investigate along this line.

When Song An and Tian Rui left, Gu Ming suddenly said,"Xiao Song, your team's phone is not connected, and several staff members of the provincial station have all lost contact! The situation is unclear, and I have not reported this matter to the General Administration. At present, I have sent all the special police detachments to the forest to find their whereabouts. I hope you can also pay attention to it."

Gu Ming deliberately said it very easily. In fact, Song An heard his worries. After all, the female host named Lu Xin yesterday was from the provincial station. If there was a problem in the Yanshan area, Director Gu would definitely bear joint responsibility.

"Don't worry, Director Gu, I will definitely find them."

Song An saluted Gu Ming and left the meeting room.

A gray-white off-road vehicle was speeding in the forest. Song An was driving, and Bai Ling and Tian Rui were sitting in the car.

The Land Rover had no room to maneuver in the city, but on the rugged mountain road, it finally found its own stage!

""Brother Song, are you going to the observation station?" Bai Ling asked loudly.

Li Dafeng died in the observation station, which should also be the first scene of the incident. It is reasonable to go to the observation station.

However, Song An shook his head and said,"Several squadrons are there, so we won't join in the fun."

Song An turned on the"Eagle Eye Vision" while driving!

At this moment, his eyes were as sharp as a goshawk, penetrating countless dense forests. Even a hare fifty kilometers away could not escape his eyes.


The Land Rover suddenly braked. Song An stopped the car and said to Tian Rui and Bai Ling,"There is smoke not far ahead. There must be people living there. Let's go down and take a look."

After Bai Ling got out of the car, he looked around curiously. All he saw were green mountains and forests. There was no smoke at all.

""Tian Rui, did you see the smoke? I didn't see anything." Bai Ling said depressedly.

Tian Rui smiled and said,"I didn't see it either, but Teacher Song will definitely not lie to us, so we just follow him.""

"Tian Rui, you are a little blindly worshipping your teacher now." Bai Ling blinked at her and said with a smile

"No way."

Tian Rui lowered her head in embarrassment.

Song An walked in front, and the two policewomen walked behind.

After passing a small hill, the three of them soon saw that there was indeed a farmhouse on the high slope in front, and smoke was coming out of the chimney.

Song An and his friends walked over and knocked on the simple wooden door on the fence.

An old man with gray hair and beard suddenly pulled open the door curtain and walked out, opening the door for Song An and his friends.

"���"Who are you guys? Why are you here?" The old man looked at the three people strangely. Just as

Bai Ling was about to take out her ID, Tian Rui quietly grabbed her wrist.

"Uncle, we are all travel enthusiasts. We got lost when we came here to play, so we came to your house to ask for a bowl of water to drink."

Song An smiled, took out a few banknotes from his pocket and stuffed them into the old man's hand,"Just a little money for tea, don't think it's too little."

The old man laughed and invited the three young people to come in and sit down.

After they sat down in the room, Song An took the enamel pot handed over by the old man and asked,"Uncle, there are 330 villages in our mountain forest?"

"Oh, there is no electricity or water here, how can there be any village! There are about a hundred households in Beigou, and they used to live a good life, with meat for every household! Later on, it was not so good, the young people all went to other places to work, and only some old people and children who could not walk were left, and the village was on the verge of ruin."

The old man invited Song An and the other two young men to drink tea, and chatted with them with his eyes narrowed.

Tian Rui immediately asked,"Uncle, when did you say that Beigou had a good life before?"

"That should have been several years ago. It was popular to raise bears in rural areas to get rich! The village chief of Beigou Village was called Chen Dahai. He borrowed some money and led all the men, women, old and young in the village to rent an abandoned factory in the south of the forest to raise bears!"

After the old man finished speaking, Bai Ling was stunned,"Raising bears? Will anyone buy that?""

"Little girl, you don't understand. They take bile from bears and sell it. Bear bile can detoxify and protect the liver, and it can also treat acne and so on. Many big pharmacies in the province are scrambling to get it! The price is very high!"

The old man said this, put down the enamel cup, and sighed.

"Alas, the TV station later exposed the incident, the bear farm was closed down, and the villagers lost all their money! Chen Dahai felt sorry for everyone, so he jumped off a cliff and committed suicide!

Alas, Chen Dahai's wife also died. A happy family, only his son Chen Ming was left. How pitiful."

After listening to the old man's story, Song An lowered his head and thought about it, and suddenly raised his head to look at the old man.

"Uncle, which unit exposed the news of bear breeding in Beigou Village?"

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