"Good, don't be too irascible, this is just the beginning, the good play is still to come!"

Qin Feng pressed the other side's head, the corner of his mouth drew up a touch of cruelty, and immediately scared the strong man's face with cold sweat, and his eyes widened with fear.

Despair, in the heart of endless sorrow, let him give up the struggle completely, a crooked head, tears flow out of the eyes.

At the moment he stood up, there was a gambling element. After all, he was treated as an experimental object. It was two people who suffered the same injury.

So no one can pull out of this game!

Exit, and death is waiting for them.

Moreover, his brother has at least medical treatment. If he loses this opportunity because of him, the two brothers will really drag down their hatred.

People dare not look at Qin Feng. It's so inhumane that some people even feel sorry for the boss and secretly wipe tears.

Even Ou Zhiyuan came over and worried and said, "boss, I'll come. Although I can't compare with the regular medical center, I'll have some common sense at least."


Qin Feng after listening to shake hands on his head knock, pain each other bared teeth.

"You are doubting Lao Tzu and saying that I don't know common sense, right?"

"How dare you? I don't mean that. I'm not Forget it, don't think I said it

Frightened by Qin Feng's astonishing eyes, he retreated to one side and Ou Zhiyuan chose to be silent.

Ou Zhifeng pushed his son and watched Qin Feng's movements with concentration.

On the other side, it seems calm and skilful. It looks like a minor operation will be completed soon.

However, Qin Feng did not move here until he came to several silver needles and began to needle the wounds of the strong man.

"Ha ha, the poison wound, and the wound has already festered to such a degree, the most taboo is the needle bloodletting, even this common sense has no, what do you challenge?"

With a scornful sneer, Hu Xuan walked aside and chatted with Fang.

Qin Feng has ignored the outside world, the whole body is concerned about the needle, when a trace of black blood was under his acupuncture flow out, a row of insects are also crawling from the inside out.

In an instant, he quickly took out a bottle and poured the red water inside.


Even produced a conflict effect, the strong man's wound even like fried sound, blood began to fall off, blood flow more than.

All of them covered their mouths and looked at the strong man cured by Qin Feng. They were holding the bed board in pain, like a violent convulsion of epilepsy.

"Ah Kill me, kill me

The strong man used his last strength to roar out this sentence, then suddenly turned over, closed his eyes, and there was no more movement.

"Hoo hoo, it's quiet at last!"

Qin Feng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at the large pieces of rotten meat in the wound had disappeared. Instead, it was a very serious burn wound, which looked as if it had been scalded.

Half of his arms are red, which is very frightening!

No one will be convinced of Qin Feng's medical skills. He is taking human life as a chip.

"All right, suture quickly, stop bleeding, and clean up the wound!"

Ten minutes later, Wang Jie took off his gloves and told the group to carry out the final wound treatment.

Then, he turned around and looked at Qin Feng's side, and found that the patient seemed to be dead, and immediately his face showed disdain.

"People have been killed by you. What else can be said? It's a waste of time. The wounds left by the Seven Star poisonous insects are as many as a dozen kinds of precious medicinal materials and formulas. You don't know what to compare with Baishantang and challenge my mentor. If you were not the leader of the third camp, I would like to stab you to death!"

Wang Jie plays with the knife on his hand, with a fierce expression. He is not a doctor at all.

His threatening words, to Qin Feng, are just like farting.

Now that you know you can't do it, what's the use of being cruel?

The mouth is comfortable, however, it is not to show their own very useless.

"I like the way you look down on me and can't kill me. Bite me!"

Qin Feng took up his hands, stepped back a step, and then solemnly said: "finish the work, to compare it!"

As soon as the words came out, there was a laugh.

The end is announced only after people are killed. Isn't this guy here for fun?

What can I compare with doctor Hu Xuan?

Funny talent?

"When all the people are dead, can we use the comparison?"

Wang Jie pointed to the strong man on the bed and said with disdain.

Suddenly, the brother he treated suddenly sat up. Seeing that the elder brother had no movement, he walked over with a sad face.

"Brother, you get up, I'm not angry with you, you wake up quickly!"The younger brother cried bitterly with the strong man in his arms. He looked a little regretful. He was fighting with the elder brother just now, otherwise he is the one who died now.

"I'm not dead yet, but I'm almost there."

All of a sudden, the eldest son of the bed sat up straight. His brother's face was white and he sat on the ground, his face full of panic.

When it is determined that it is not a corpse fraud, including the surrounding crowd, are stunned.

"Life is hard enough. I haven't died after all this trouble!"

"What's the use of it? It's almost as good as not dying. It's not cured."

"I saw it just now. He put some powder on it and put a few needles in it. It should be a look."

People around are talking about Qin Feng. They don't think much of Qin Feng. Even though he is not dead, in their eyes, after such a toss, he is almost dead.

"Since the person is not dead, then compare the wound!"

Wang Jie came over and called the two brothers to his side, pointing to their wounds and showing them to the surrounding crowd.

"The people's eyes are bright. My patient's wound has been treated peacefully, and the poison blood has been eliminated by 60%. In addition, we have also prescribed a prescription. Do you all understand the unique Qianxue Jiedu ointment of Baishantang?"

Wang Jie is very proud to say.

Then, he pointed to the elder brother's arm and shook his head with disdain: "the wound worsened, and the self-healing system was destroyed. As for why we can't see poisonous blood and poisonous insects, it's because of the wrong operation, or even the complete inaction of medicine, and wanton action, resulting in the aggravation of the patient's condition!"

When Wang Jie said these words, his eyes fell on Qin Feng, who was calm and calm. He said coldly, "it's not your identity. You can indulge and do whatever you want. Even if you kill people, it's a high sounding excuse to save people!"

Between the words, are full of thorns, select Qin Feng's key point to expose, Wang Jie felt that at this time all people will have admiration for him.

"So it seems that I lost!"

Qin Feng doesn't care to show his hands. What can he do? He has done his best.

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