"Of course you lose. My patients will not relapse for at least a week, and your patients will not be able to resist tonight!"

Wang Jie mercilessly strikes, falls into the well, steps on Qin Feng to climb up, takes him as the negative teaching material.

In contrast, only then can reveal his exquisite medical skill.

"Wait What do you mean that the patient will not relapse within a week

Just as Qin Feng is ready to admit defeat and conduct the second scene, he directly takes Ou Zhiqing to compete and cure his leg. The other party's words make him move his mind and frown.

"Why don't you believe it? It's only a week. I'll do it again. If I'm my mentor, I can extend the review for at least two weeks. "

Wang Jie is more rampant, looking at Qin Feng's eyes, I wish I could not trample on it and look at it.

After that, he raised the level of doctor Hu Xuan's skill, turned his head, and bowed deeply to doctor Hu Xuan, just like asking for credit.

"Again, I would like to thank my teacher for teaching me all the skills of healing and saving people..."

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed with respect.

At that time, the surrounding medical staff all knelt down on the ground and cried out: "thank you for teaching us our ability to cure diseases and save people, and benefit the world!"

Hu Xuanyi was very satisfied in his heart. It can be said that he was so promoted in public that he could not even cover up the joy on his face.

"Ha ha It also benefits the world. As for you guys, don't you want to show your face? If someone asks you to see a doctor, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the disease progresses by 250? "

When the atmosphere was extremely good and harmonious, Qin Feng burst into laughter and tears came out.

All of a sudden, an angry look, just like substance, hate can't tear Qin Feng apart.

This guy, it's really a terrible sight.

"Are you still not satisfied?"

Wang Jie got up and went to Qin Feng. He asked coldly.

"How can I take it, little brother? I want to know who gave you the courage to show off your joking skills here. You told me that it would recur in a week. Your doctor Hu Xuan personally intervened, and the maximum delay was two weeks..."

Qin Feng stopped his voice, raised his big hand to press the other side's shoulder, and said with a smile: "why is it not a radical cure? Even if there are some side effects, it will not recur. But you tell me that it will recur in a week. This joke makes me look down on you a little!"

After listening to Wang Jie, he pushed Qin Feng aside and wanted to see a madman.

"Fart, the poison contained in the Seven Star poisonous insects is full of campuses. No one can do it except the Qianxue Baihua ointment developed by Baishan hall, which can be suppressed for a week. As we all know, if you are infected with the Seven Star poisonous insects, you will surely die. How to cure it, there is no need to talk about it!"

After listening, all the people around nodded their heads. It was obvious that Wang Jie was not sophistry, but the fact.

Just, this fact, let Qin Feng feel a little strange.

The disease that can't be cured is incurable disease. If they boast about it for so long, can it be regarded as a miracle doctor who can suppress the disease for a longer time and let the patient live a few more days?

"Qin Feng, can't you afford to lose?"

Doctor Hu Xuan gave a dry cough, narrowed his eyes and said, "if you can't afford to lose, you can go away with your people. I'm magnanimous. I won't care about today's affairs. But in the future, you should kneel down in the past when passing through any branch of Baishan Hall."

"Brother Qin, you really lost. Doctor Hu Xuan said so. Give me a step and go down!"

Fang also stood up and felt that Qin Feng couldn't afford to lose and lost face.

He also simply stood up to help a group, lest Qin Feng in the row, really can not come down to the stage will become angry, and then cause trouble, or he to wipe his ass.

"Go away, I don't want to quarrel with you!"

Qin Feng pushed Fang's patrol away from the front of him. Then he looked solemn and put away his smile.

"Don't pretend. Let's have a showdown. Let's have a radical cure. There's no need to delay bullshit. The incurable disease in your eyes is in me..."

After a pause, Qin Feng pointed to himself and said in a loud voice, "it's as simple as a cold at most That's it

As soon as this remark was made, it exploded the audience.

Arrogant, unlimited rampant to the extreme, there is no bottom line.

Everyone felt a little embarrassed, watching Qin Feng boast like a clown.

How disgusting!

Even, doctor Hu Xuan was angry with Qin Feng's words and behavior.

Wang Jie is shaking his head, feel that the other side is not able to play, and he is too lazy to care about.

"It's over. It's just a rascal who can't afford to pay attention to him!"

Doctor Hu Xuan said that he was going to turn around and go back, intending to end the farce.

Around the crowd, also hum a, also ready to disperse.

But at this time, the eldest brother of the two brothers, surprised to scream out, attracted everyone's attention.I saw, that strong man face excited, excited like crazy general to Qin Feng directly knelt on the ground.

"Benefactor, miracle doctor, please do it again and treat my brother. Please!"

The strong man kowtowed to the ground, making a dull crash sound, with full strength.

Everyone was in a daze, not knowing what had happened.

Even the big man's younger brother was confused.

"Brother, what are you doing? Ask him to treat me. Don't be kidding I might as well die

The younger brother went to the strong man and reached for the other side, but he was pulled to the front of the body by the strong man, shaking his hand was a few slaps in the face.

"If you want to live, open your dog's eyes and take a close look at my wound. How long has it been? What color is the blood flowing out? Besides, you should also practice martial arts and feel the fluctuation of my life line!"

The strong man was so excited that he grabbed his brother's hand and pressed it on his wrist and neck.

All of a sudden, his brother connected, showing an incredible color, like a ghost in general.

"Brother, your life line is steady, all toxins have been eradicated, blood circulation is normal, you Is it all right? "

The younger brother couldn't believe it. After the same injury, he suddenly recovered.

Everything is smooth and normal!

Not only he, but the people around him couldn't believe it. The boss said that his injury was cured, which sounds unconvincing.

"Play the double reed, the whole camp and even the forbidden area. Who knows that the poison of the Seven Star poisonous insects can only be suppressed, but can not be eradicated!"

Wang Jie suddenly turned back and laughed, his eyes full of scorn.

The Seven Star poison, which has been listed as one of the seven deadly poisons, has not been treated and broken.

If you want to say that you have been suppressed for a month, people can still believe it, and radical cure is a complete delusion.

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