This change is actually quite fast, especially when Zhang Jianquan rushed past with a knife, it was too fast for people to react.

Fortunately, Song Qi had been prepared. Seeing that other people had already arrived, Song Qi immediately jumped to one side, and Zhang Jianquan's knife was empty.

But Zhang Jianquan is not an idiot either. Looking at Song Qi's skill, he knows that he is not an opponent. He goes against it. In a moment, he opens the door and enters the iron fence. No, then he grabs Cheng Xing, puts the knife on her white neck, and yells: "back up!"

Cheng Xing was so scared that she cried and said, "help me... Help me..."

Song Qi took a step back, looked at Zhang Jianquan and said, "you put her down, I'll let you go."

"You think I'm an idiot!" Zhang Jianquan looked at the young man in front of him. He was very angry. Damn, where did this guy come from? He found his own place. Now it seems that he is no longer safe.

"Get out of here, or I'll kill her..."

Song Qi looked at the people in front of him, but he had no choice but to retreat.

"Don't go, Song Qi..." seeing Song Qi retreat, Cheng Xing has collapsed, "you save me, I'm wrong, it was all my fault before, I shouldn't frame you up... I'm wrong, you save me..."

Song Qi gave a wry smile. I don't want to retire at this time, but I can't help it. If I don't retire now, you will die.

"Don't worry..." Song Qi said to Cheng Xing, "I won't leave you. Don't worry."

Step by step, he stepped back and was almost out of the middle circle. At this time, he found a screwdriver on the wall next to him.

There was a glimmer of light in Song Qi's eyes.

"Fast back..." Zhang Jianquan was very flustered in his heart. Although he was arrogant in front of these women, he was confused after he was found.

Song Qi's hand touched the wall and suddenly roared at Cheng Xing, "bend down for me!"

It was like the morning bell and the evening drum. Cheng Xing didn't know where her strength came from, and she was very obedient. She turned back in an instant.

The knife cut her skin and shed a lot of blood.

Cheng Xing's whole body trembles with fright, but Song Qi suddenly throws the screwdriver in his hand at this time.

It hit him right on the forehead.

"Ah Zhang Jianquan screamed. The screwdriver on his forehead was straight. Although it was not for his life, it made him dizzy.

Such a no, he can't hold Cheng Xing any more, can only keep to retreat.

Song Qi quickly picked Cheng Xing up. Just as he wanted to scrap Zhang Jianquan, he suddenly heard the sound of walking outside.

Song Qi's face changed. He just wanted to do something, but he saw a large group of people coming outside.

The man in black obviously had weapons in his hand. When he saw song and Qi, he showed them and looked at him with a bad face.

What surprised Song Qi was that there was a woman standing in front of him.

This woman looks like she's 1.7 meters tall, dressed in a cheongsam. Standing there, she shows her perfect figure.

Her facial features are very delicate, and the most important thing is to reveal a mature charm.

Now she looked at Song Qi, and there was even a smile in her watery eyes.

"You are breaking the law." Song Qi adjusted his voice. He didn't know the identity of these people and whether they would be with Zhang Jianquan.

"Let's go." The woman said to him faintly, "thank you for taking us to this place, otherwise we can't find him until now."

Song Qi was stunned for a moment. It seems that Zhang Jianquan and the other party are not together.

"Not yet!" Behind him, a man in Black said harshly.

"I'll take care of things here." The woman said again, "don't worry, I will let those women go. If you don't believe me, you can go to the blue crystal club to find me."

Blue Crystal club?

Song Qi frowned. He had been to the club himself. The last time he went with monkey, he had a conflict with the fifth master there.

"I believe you once!" Song Qi nodded, "I also remember your appearance, you'd better let them go."

Song Qi just looked at her and then went out.

The people in black were obviously dissatisfied. It seemed that Song Qi's words were not witty and had threatened their masters.

But the woman just a faint smile, to those people in black get out of the way.

The reason why Song Qi chose to leave is that he felt that the woman didn't mean any harm, and that Cheng Xing was scared out of her wits. It seems that she was scared out of her wits, especially when she cut her skin just now.

Song Qi goes out with Cheng Xing in his arms. He doesn't feel that her whole body is naked.

At this time, he only knew that the people in front of him had to go to the hospital quickly.

Soon he went out and came to the car.

Seeing that Song Qi came out with a man in her arms, Cheng Xue went up to see him, and immediately exclaimed, "sister, how... Her clothes are."

"Get in the car now!" Where does Song Qi care about him? "She has a scratch on her neck. Hurry to find a doctor for her. By the way, you'd better not go to the hospital! "

This is Song Qi's intuition.

The woman appeared there. Although she didn't tell herself not to call the police, Song Qi could feel her meaning.

Besides, people have been rescued, that's OK.

Cheng Xue is scared, so she drives quickly. Then she calls Cheng Qian and asks him to find a doctor to stay at home and wait for them to come back.

It's too easy for them to find a doctor in their family.

Back to Cheng's house in a hurry, Song Qi holds Cheng Xing inside.

When Zhu Xuemei saw that her daughter was like this, she immediately screamed, "what have you done to him..."

Song Qi ignored her and put Cheng Xing away.

Cheng Xue has put on her clothes in the car. It seems that she is not so miserable.

The doctor came forward, first dealt with the wound, and then examined other places. Then he said to them, "Mr. Cheng, Mrs. Cheng, Miss Cheng is just too frightened. She hasn't suffered any serious injury, so she has to take good care of it."

Zhu Xuemei and they were relieved.

Song Qi didn't say anything. He took a look at them and went upstairs.

Cheng Xue's house is not locked. After he goes in, he finds his clothes and is ready to take a bath in another room.

But the door squeaked in, and Cheng Xue stood there.

"Just wash it here." Cheng Xue says to Song Qi.

Song Qi picked up the clothes, said nothing, turned and went to another empty room.

Cheng Xue eyebrows a pick, fierce ah, dare to play his face ah!

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