Song Qi took a bath nearby, and then he was not ready to leave here.

The Cheng family has plenty of houses. It's quieter to live in this room.

However, the Cheng family is also silent. Even if Song Qi saves Cheng Xing, no one thanks Song Qi from the two adults of the Cheng family to Cheng Xue.

Song Qi didn't care. Anyway, who are you in this family? I have seen it clearly three years ago.

In the early morning of the next day, Song Qi had already got up early. As soon as he went down, he saw Zhu Xuemei making breakfast there. After seeing Song Qi, he immediately glared and said, "waste, I say you are really a waste. Even someone can hurt her."

Song Qi narrowed his eyes and looked at a basin of porridge in the table, so he picked it up and fell on the ground.

PA of a, a pot of boiling fragrant moment has fallen to the ground, sprinkled on the ground.

Zhu Xuemei jumped up in anger, pointed at Song Qi and scolded him.

But Song Qi just clapped his hands and then went out.

After returning to the factory, Li Yixuan called him over and said, "what happened last night?"

Obviously, Li Yixuan really regards Song Qi as a friend. She asked about it as soon as she went to work.

Song Qi said with a smile, "it's OK, it's all done."

Li Yixuan nodded and said, "if you need any help, just tell me. Don't be polite to me."

Song Qi didn't mean to ask her to help. Besides, it seemed that the other side couldn't help him, so he began to change the topic? Now I've got more than one million yuan. It's enough to pay off the debt. "

Li Yixuan said with a smile, "yes, I guess boss Chen will come soon."

Just after that, a BMW had stopped in the yard in front of their factory. Boss Chen came down from the yard and looked at them with a sneer.

Li Yixuan, Li Yixuan, what do you do now.

"Boss Li, it's time for this day." Boss Chen came forward with a clear mind, "you said yesterday that you would give me the money today, right?"

"No!" Li Yixuan nodded.

"Then give it to me!" Boss Chen said with a smile, "our money is more than 500000 yuan in total. Now pay it back."

After that, boss Chen was proud.

Whether it's for Li Yixuan or this factory, boss Chen has a covetous heart. This is also very normal. Li Yixuan is very beautiful, but it's not surprising that normal men will have some small thoughts when they see her.

But on the other hand, boss Chen also wants to expand his production line.

Although weaving now makes a lot of money, he always wants to get involved in clothing.

But he didn't know much about ready-made clothes, and Youli garment factory was his most suitable ready-made factory.

Because the staff here is complete. As long as you bring it, you can start work immediately.

However, Li Yixuan not only protects herself well, but also the factory. In fact, boss Chen has said several times that he wants to take a share in the company, but Li Yixuan has refused.

Later, when boss Chen was angry, he would say that Li Yixuan would accompany him as he did yesterday.

On the one hand, I want to hit you. On the other hand, I really think so.

He is sure that the factory can't survive any longer. It's not that he has no money to earn, but it's hard to get the money back.

In this case, I will be the last straw to crush you.

"The money has passed." Li Yixuan said with a smile, "boss Chen, SMS should be received soon. This time our payment will be cleared."

Boss Chen was stunned. Are you kidding?

"Joke!" Boss Chen immediately sneered and said, "Li Yixuan, now you should be an empty shell, and even told me what to pay back..."


At this time, his mobile phone rang.

When boss Chen took it up and looked at it, he was immediately stunned.

That's right. It's the Youli garment factory that has transferred more than 500000 yuan to itself.

"Boss Chen, then our payment will be cleared." Li Yixuan said with a smile, "are you all right?"

Boss Chen originally prepared a lot of things to say, but now he feels like he's ready to fight for a long time, but he's caught by others, and you can't speak any more.

"Boss Chen, next time you do evil things, you have to be clear about them." Song Qi said on one side, "after all, how do you know that other people can solve the problem by turning over."

"Yes Boss Chen took a deep breath and said to Li Yixuan, "boss Li, there's a way. Today I'm Chen he. And you... "

Looking at Song Qi, Chen he always feels that this guy is doing damage, "you wait for me."

Song Qi just smiles, "welcome."

Chen he snorted and went out.

"Very good!" Watching him drive away angrily, Li Yixuan feels very happy and smiles at Song Qi. "I've never felt so happy to see them leave my factory like this."

Song Qi said with a smile, "Mr. Li, there are still five masters' money confiscated."

Speaking of the fifth master, Li Yixuan's face sank down and thought about it, saying, "let's forget his money for the time being. The fifth master is not an ordinary person. Let's ignore him for the time being."

Yes, in fact, it was not easy to get the 200000 yuan from him last time.

"That won't do." Song Qi shook his head and said, "since the money is owed, it should be returned to you."

Li Yixuan thought about it and said with a bitter smile, "I think so too. There must be a way to make him lower his head."

Song Qi thought it was the same.

"Well, I'm going to take care of the workshop. I won't tell you more." Li Yixuan said for a while and left here.

When Song Qi saw that Li Yixuan had left, he could not continue to be here, so he went out with her.

Just outside, I saw the monkey driving his car. He said to Song Qi anxiously, "brother song is not good. Lao Zhang has been arrested."

Song Qi wanted to have a rest when he sat there, but when he heard this, he jumped up and said, "where is it?"

"I don't know!" The monkey said with a sad face, "I don't know. Anyway, seeing that the fifth master hasn't moved these days, Lao Zhang said that he went out to play. But he was arrested soon after he went out from my house. I didn't have time to save him."

"Damn it Song Qi scolded angrily, "I'll find someone."

Song Qi is about to go out, but at this time, his phone rings, "Song Qi, our business should be finished. Come to the blue crystal club, or I'll kill Lao Zhang!"

Five Ye Sen ran says.

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