Although it's already night in the Royal real estate, the lights are still on in the company.

The reconstruction of the old village in Donghu is a key part of their company. They can't afford to miss it. The most important thing is that they have created great uncertainty in the process of agreement with the villagers.

Mu Yan, a top rich second generation.

Before that, her father Mu Jun owned the Royal estate, but as the only descendant of Mu Jun, Mu Yan inherited the Royal estate after her father's death and became one of the richest people in Qinghe.

Of course, Mu Yan is also a very leading person. Otherwise, as a young woman, she would not be able to hold this position.

Mu Yan knows what this real estate means to her. If she can really solve everything, she will be in a stable position.

However, the current situation is not optimistic. There have been several cases in which people who had agreed to the compensation plan have turned back.

"It's not a normal thing that so many people suddenly go back." Mu Yan took a look at their senior management and said seriously, "if they had been like this before, I'm not surprised, but they have already talked about the terms. To be honest, the plan we gave them is very kind. Then there are definitely other reasons for this."

No one spoke.

"We have gone to investigate!" One of the vice presidents pushed his glasses. "According to them, they just felt that they were not satisfied with the conditions. The others didn't say much."

"If you're not satisfied, you've already said it. Why wait until now?" Mu Yan shook her head. "You are from our company. If you run to ask people like this, you may not tell you the truth. Ok..."

Mu Yan thought, "let's stop here today. I will investigate."

Just after that, I heard a shout from outside, and then I saw a little girl come in from outside and say to Mu Yan, "Mom!"

Mu Yan originally had a serious face, but when she saw the little girl, she began to smile, "Xinxin."

"All right, let's break up!" Mu Yan said to them.

Those people soon dispersed.

"Mr. mu, let me take you back." A driver came up and said.

"Forget it..." Mu Yan shook her head and said, "I'll drive Xinxin out of here, and you can go back from work."

The driver nodded.

Although Mu Yan is a strong woman, she divorced her husband. She has been living with her daughter all these years.

Xinxin is in kindergarten. If Mu Yan works overtime, most of her children will be sent to the company by the driver.

"Xinxin, shall we go home?" Mu Yan said with a smile, "go, mom will take you back."

Xinxin is only about five years old. She hugs her mother with a smile.

After getting off the bus and driving a Mercedes Benz, Mu Yan set out.

But instead of going home, he came to the old village of Donghu.

In fact, not the whole village of Donghu old village needs to be rebuilt, just one piece of land has been sold.

At night, there are not many lights in the sold area. Some people move out of the area after getting the compensation early. After all, it will be demolished soon. We have to find a new place to live. There is no need to carry on here.

Mu Yan has been here many times, but every time she comes, she is always in front of and behind her. Not once is so quiet.

"Mom, this is not our home!" Xinxin looked around and said softly.

"Xinxinguai, mom, come here to have a look, meet the people here, and then we'll go back, OK?" Mu Yan said.

"Well... OK." Xinxin nodded.

Mu Yan looks at it. Although many people have moved away, there are still some lights here. Mu Yan sighs, and then takes Xinxin to one of the old houses.

Just walked two steps, suddenly saw the side, immediately stopped a car, then quickly down from above two people in black.

And the two men in black rushed towards them like the wind, and didn't give them time to react at all.

"What are you doing..." Mu Yan was surprised and yelled.

"Come on, rob..." Mu Yan already felt bad, but that second she had been pressed on her mouth and couldn't make a sound at all.

Xinxin is the same. The two men in black are very professional. They control one big and one small at a time.

Mu yanru falls into the ice cave. What's the matter? I'm still careless. I wanted to chat with those people like this. Maybe I could pry something out of their mouth, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

If she had anything to do, it would be OK, but Xinxin is only five years old now.

She was about to cry.

"What are you doing?" At this time, she heard a roar.


She wanted to shout for help, but she couldn't.

The speaker was Song Qi, followed by monkey and Lao Zhang.

The three of them came here to see the situation in detail, but they didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

They were two women, one big and the other small. Naturally, song and Qi could not help each other, so they came forward in an instant.

In fact, there were three of them. In addition to the two people in black who got off the bus, there was another person in the driver's seat.

Seeing that Song Qi had rushed up, the driver immediately rushed down, trying to block Song Qi.

But Song Qi kicked him, knocked him down, and then jumped in front of the two men in black.

The two men in black didn't respond. Song Qi had already stepped forward to them, so he stepped over.

Song Qi's feet were very fast, only a little different, and they fell to the ground at the same time.

"Past!" Song Qi says to Mu Yan.

Mu Yan this just reaction come over, hurriedly toward Lao Zhang and monkey there past.

"Boy, who the hell are you?" The three men in black all stood up without a roar from Song Qi.

"I want to ask who are you?" Song Qi sneered, "what, want to kidnap?"

The three looked at each other. Judging from Song Qigang's skill, it seemed that they were not rivals.

So they didn't talk much at all. They got on the bus immediately and disappeared in an instant.

"Leave them..." Mu Yan wants Song Qi to leave them.

But Song Qi didn't mean to pursue any more. Now that he had beaten people away, it was OK.

"Thank you..." seeing that Song Qi didn't leave the three of them, Mu Yan didn't get angry. After all, it's hard to say if the other three were really in a hurry.

In fact, this is what song Qi is worried about. If he is alone, it doesn't matter. Now there are other people here. His skill is good, but if he really wants to take other people as hostages in the chaos, Song Qi is not sure of winning.

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