Song Qi just nodded and took a look at the brand-new BMW. Then he took a look at the man's dress. He knew that the woman in front of him was definitely a rich man.

It seems that the subsidy given by Royal real estate is very good. It's driving BMW so soon.

"It's a bit of a mess here. I think you'd better leave early." Song Qi thought for a moment, he is the woman as a resident here, "now there are not many people living here, and near demolition, it is inevitable that there will be some lawless elements here want to pick up something."

After that, Song Qi said nothing more, and soon he walked forward.

"You... What's your name?" They saved their mother and daughter's two lives. Naturally, Mu Yan was very grateful. She asked Song Qi immediately.

But Song Qi just waved behind her back, but he didn't say his name.

Is there anyone in this society who has done good deeds without leaving a name?

Mu Yan feels that she can't figure it out, but she can't help but be fascinated by song Qigang's talent.

It seems that he is also a resident here. That's just right. Next time I'll come and have a good chat with him.

Now Mu Yan was really scared, so she drove out of here soon.

Song Qi didn't pay attention to it at all, mainly because he didn't want to make trouble.

The three men in black have a beginning. They must be the people who have a good reputation on some road. Song Qi only wants to live a safe life now. Although he saved the mother and daughter, he doesn't want to make trouble with the extra things. Besides, isn't there a police now?

If something like this happens, you can go to the police. I'm just a common man, and I've served a sentence. There's no need to entangle with them.

"Brother song, here we are!" Lao Zhang pointed to it and said, "this is my old watch's house. Now their parents have moved away, but my old watch still lives in it."

"Pro old watch?" Asked Song Qi.

"Of course not!" Lao Zhang shook his head and said, "my cousin's old watch, I'll call it old watch. Let's go and get to know him best."

Lao Zhang had been here, so he soon took them upstairs.

The buildings here are not very high, at most seven stories. When Lao Zhang took them up, he found that the buildings here were very old, with water seeping in many places and green moss.

Song Qi frowned. How long has this house been built.

"It was built a long time ago!" Lao Zhang saw that, "this house was invested and built by several families together, because no one had any money at that time, so everyone simply gave some money to build a seven storey house together, and then draw lots. In this way, everyone has saved some money. "

Song Qi nodded.

Soon they got to the fourth floor, and then Lao Zhang knocked on the door, "Lao Biao, it's me! Open the door

After two minutes, the door opened with a creak, and then a middle-aged man showed his bald head.

"Why did you come here?" The old watch was surprised to see Lao Zhang.

"I can't come here!" Lao Zhang said angrily.

Then he went in, introduced Song Qi and said, "this is my boss, Song Qi, this is monkey."

The old watch didn't understand what it meant, but he heard that it was the boss, so he quickly poured water for them.

"I don't think there are many families in your house. Why haven't you moved?" Song Qi drank water, found some flavor, so quickly put it down.

"This... Isn't it that we didn't get along with each other?" Old watch ha ha a smile, in the eye still twinkles the cunning ray.

"Isn't the Royal estate given much?" Song Qi asked directly.

The old watch hesitated and looked at Lao Zhang. Maybe he couldn't understand the origin of Song Qi, so he didn't say anything at all.

"Old watch can fool you!" Lao Zhang said angrily.

"It's OK. Maybe it's not allowed by the current policy. It's actually good enough compared with the demolition places nearby." The old watch said, "but the more money, the better."

Song Qi smiles. It's true.

"The fifth master's people have come to you, haven't they?" Song Qi asked again.

The old watch's face changed. After a while, he said with a dry smile, "who is the fifth master?"

"What are you doing with me?" Lao Zhang is angry again when he looks at his old watch. He is smart and has a lot of thieves' heart, but he has no thieves' courage and is very cautious.

Now it's just the fifth master's one arch fire, so he has the courage to ask for more money.

"Don't think I don't know. Did the fifth master ask you to do this?"

The old watch said with a wry smile, "I... I don't have the courage, but... But the fifth master really asked someone to pretend to be my distant nephew, and I didn't have to come out."

"You want to die!" Lao Zhang scolded, "how much more do you think you can get? Let me tell you, they may not dare to force the demolition office, but do you know that the Royal real estate will really force you then? How do you deal with it? "

I've heard too much about demolition before. Lao Zhang didn't intimidate him.

"I'm... I'm leaving in two days!" Lao Zhang quickly distinguished and said, "when the time comes, the fifth master will send someone to take care of things here."

"If the fifth master is really successful, how much more money can you get?" Song Qi thought about it and asked.

"I can have about 500000 more myself." Lao Zhang said.

Five hundred thousand!

This is not a small sum. No wonder these people want to cooperate with the fifth master. In terms of money, they really have to cooperate with them.

"What about the fifth master?" Song Qi asked faintly, "how much more?"

"At least one million!" The old watch answered quickly this time, and it seemed that he was not convinced.

"All right, I see!" Song Qi nodded and asked, "where are the other households?"

"It's almost the same!" The old watch said, "the more you have, the more you have, the more you have. The less you have, the more you have

Song Qi nodded, "OK, I understand. By the way, I want to ask you, if their monarchy's real estate makes up the 500000 yuan more for you, will you? "

"Of course I will!" The old watch nodded, "in fact, how dare we be stubborn with them? We just want more money. That's what we all think. If Junguo real estate is willing to give us more money, then we are willing to move away. We certainly won't cooperate with the fifth master. Why can they take so much more money?"

Song Qi nodded again, "OK, I know. By the way, don't tell the people of the fifth master about my coming here, or it will be miserable at that time. "

The old watch immediately said, "I understand. By the way, who are you

Song Qi said with a smile, "you don't have to care about this. I'm not here to pit you. Well, you do me a favor and discuss with the people you trust. That is to say what you really want this time to me, and then summarize it for me. I'll fight for it for you. If you can really fight for it, you'll have to agree to my request, that is, to give up the fifth master's man. How about that? "

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