
Chapter 115 - The King

The next day, Kothar awoke to a clear sky, completely untouched by clouds, the sun beamed in through the small windows, set high in the walls of the room that Kothar had chosen to stay in, it was one of the guest rooms in the house, with a narrow bed that wasn't too near the main street that passed by the house.

All around the house were reminders of Ophil, but Kothar dared not to enter the garden, he wasn't ready to experience that same intensity of emotion that he had when he had discovered that she had died, for now, seeing her many tapestries around the house would be enough.

Kothar found a crate set outside his door, along with a hastily scribbled note.

'Urgent business calls, stay safe-S.' The note read, as usual, Simon had been called off to some remote location on some covert endeavor or another.

The lid of the crate slipped off easily and inside was a set of dark blue armor, along with a fine chainmail that would cover the wearer from head to toe.

An embroidered cloak of deep blue wool joined the armor, as well as a fine helmet that would cover Kothar's face, with a crest made of blue feathers.

Another note sat with the armor, 'This will convince most you're one of Tam's captains, just take care in interacting with anyone who knows any of his men intimately.' 

Kothar smiled, the armor that Simon had chosen was of  size that would allow him to continue wearing the Multi Planar Armor underneath, Simon had thought things through.

Kothar donned the armor, and draped the clock around his shoulders. He looked in the armor and grinned, though it was hidden by the metal of the helm. He looked every bit like one of Tam's intimidating soldiers.

Now, it was time for a family visit. 

Kothar strode right up to the gates of the keep, dismissing the guards who attempted to stop him with a wave of his hand and displaying a sealed scroll stamped with Tam's sigil, which he had prepared in Tam's study earlier.

The guards, already nervous after seeing the massive blue hawk on the front of Kothar's breastplate, were visibly shaken by seeing Tam's seal and immediately stepped aside, giving Kothar full access to the castle.

Now that he was inside, Kothar started walking toward the throne room, but it seemed that the rest of his little stroll through the castle wouldn't be as easy.

A middle aged man with silver hair and a fine set of black clothes waited for him in the center of the room, Jonas was waiting for him.

"I've not had any word of any messengers being sent to see the King! Halt there or the castle guard shall have your head!"" Jonas declared sternly, slamming his cane into the ground, revealing a surprising strength.

"That is exactly why I, a messenger, am here." Kothar hoped that his mask and helmet would be enough to mask his voice from Jonas, while he trusted that Jonas would keep the best interests of the king at heart,, he couldn't say the same for keeping Kothar's best interests at heart.

"How arrogant! You cur, you would have never dared to act this way had Tam not been appointed Grand Marshal!" Jonas' face took on a convoluted frown, and the usually calm and composed man's face formed a grimace.

"This is urgent, from the Grand Marshal himself. He instructed me that only the King was to see the contents of this message." Kothar responded, he was starting to get a little worried, the waves of mana emanating from Jonas indicated he would be a serious threat, and he didn't want to get tangled in a fight right in the heart of Balin.

"Alright, follow me!" Jonas turned abruptly, simmering down, and marched into one of the many doors that lined the great hall at the entrance of the keep.

Kothar followed Jonas up countless corridors of the shining granite, and then they stopped in a small antechamber where Jonas halted.

"Wait here, I must first talk with his majesty!" Jonas announced, before marching into the room, quickly shutting the door behind him so Kothar could barely even catch a glimpse of the room's interior.

After a long wait, almost half an hour, Jonas finally emerged. 

"His majesty will see you now!" He announced, with obvious displeasure. It seemed Jonas was not happy with the current situation whatsoever. 

Kothar  entered the room to find Rotan waiting for him, the energetic and alive King he had known was no more.

Before him sat a shell of that man, withered and worn. Rotan's cheeks were sunken and enormous dark circles hung heavy under his eyes, his hair looked thin and his mouth had hardened into a grimace that seemed wrought from his face.

"Do the men of the Hawk not bow before the King of Ursten anymore? I see that Tam's pride continues to grow." Rotan spat out with disgust, his voice carrying with an intense displeasure. In his surprise, Kothar had completely forgotten to bow before Rotan.

"Apologies, your majesty, I forgot myself in my urgency." Kothar sank down to one knee and bowed deep. Upon seeing Rotan's condition he had started to second guess hid decision to come to see him. Had his father truly wrested control of Ursten from Rotan, was he such a man? Or had Rotan merely taken the matter to heart?

"Come on then, as useless as your lord might tell you I am, I haven't all day to wait for you to deliver your message." Rotan chided the kneeling Kothar who was currently wrapped up in confusion.

"My King, please, do not be alarmed, keep your voice low, this concerns my safety.'' Kothar implored Rotan, before he stowed the scroll away and lifted off his helm to reveal his face. 

Kothar removed the mask that covered his mouth and revealed himself fully.

"I need your help." Kothar said to the shocked Rotan, who was staring at what at first glance, he could only recognize as a young Tam.

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