
Chapter 116 - A Letter

"You-, It can't be-!" Rotan let out a strangled yell, pure terror on his face. He clambered away, and pressed himself against the table behind him, knocking down several platters stacked high with food as he did so.

"You, you take my Kingdom, and now you rejuvenate yourself, and cheat death! So you come to mock me? No more! No more!" Rotan's voice broke as he said, almost sobbing, and then the king fell to his knees and started sobbing uncontrollably, tears falling onto the heavy rug on the floor.

"Your Majesty, it's me, Kothar. I mean no harm." Kothar, already kneeling, bent down toward Rotan and said softly, trying to comfort the despondent king.

"Kothar? Kothar, my good lad! It is you, I'm sorry, please forgive my outburst." Understanding dawned on Rotan's face, and he suddenly composed himself, standing tall and returning to his chair, into which he sunk down, as if he were being swallowed by it.

"Forgive me, things in Ursten have been tense, and you look so like your father, that the shock of seeing him from his younger days threw me for a spin. I didn't expect that, especially since you came in disguised." Rotan's voice took a hint of the strength that it once had, as he said pointedly, obviously wondering why Kothar had come in disguised.

[Kothar, the man's a wreck, I don't know about you, but if even Rotan's convinced that your father has taken the throne from him, then I think you'll need to ask him some serious questions yourself.] Silane suddenly interjected, she was becoming increasingly nervous about the situation with Ursten, first the war, and now these rumors of Tam seizing power. War was something she could deal with, it was relatively straightforward, but political subterfuge had always confused her, not that it had mattered at the end of the day. It hadn't mattered who it was that sat on the Sentinel High Command, Silane's job had been to relay the orders to Kothar.

"I'm in danger, your Majesty. My mentor at the Academy betrayed me, and I was almost killed. I came to you in disguise because I fear he is searching for me. Please, I would request that you send a message to the Headmaster in your capacity as King of Ursten, telling him about what has happened." Kothar bowed his head as he spoke, he knew that he had to do his most to ensure that Rotan saw that Kothar still saw him as King of Ursten, since Rotan was so sure that Tam had seized power.

Rotan sat silently for a long while, his hands folded on his lap, staring at Kothar with an empty gaze, not looking at Kothar himself, but at all his resemblances to Tam. Then, a glimmer of calm appeared in Rotan's eyes.

"Alright! Of course, I can do you this favor, you're family! I'll write the letter immediately and have it sent to the Academy. This mentor of yours shall be punished promptly!" Rotan said with a large grin on his face, it seemed as if he had forgotten about Tam for the time being, and once again saw the young Kothar, who had been so useful in the battle against Kultas.

"Enough about these things, come, enjoy some of these delicious foods with me. Jonas is always bringing me new things to eat, join me for a meal." Rotan smiled as he beckoned Kothar over, adjusting the platters he had knocked over earlier.

Kothar happily joined him at the table, he was never one to turn down a good meal. For the first time in months, Rotan truly ate to his fill, and by the end of the meal, Kothar could visibly see the difference that it had made, Rotan's cheeks looked a little less sunken and his face looked much brighter and healthier overall.

Once they had eaten, Rotan poured Kothar a tall gas of the punch that was kept cooled in the enchanted vessels all around the table, and began to tell him tales of  himself as a child,, exploring the alleys of Balin.

"Jonas will be getting worried Kothar, if you stay any longer he'll suspect something's afoot. I trust him with my life, but I don't expect you to do the same." Rotan smiled at Kothar, and stood from the table.

Kothar donned his mask again, and covered his head with the blue crested helm, once again looking every inch the Hawk guardsman.

"Thank you, your Majesty. You've lifted a great burden from my shoulders." Kothar bowed deeply, he truly was grateful to Rotan. He knew the Academy would do its utmost to ensure Krieg was brought to justice.

"You're welcome, let me know if you need anything else, my lad!" Rotan said cheerfully, with a rare bright smile on his face.

As Kothar was leaving, he passed Jonas in the halls, and he gave the man a nod as he passed him, to which Jonas' only response was a slight grunt.

Jonas made his way back to his king, he hoped the news from the Grand Marshal was good, he didn't want to see Rotan's condition become any worse than it was.

Jonas entered the room, in which Rotan had been holed up for the past months, to find, completely contrary to his expectations, Rotan happily humming as he gazed out the window, a scared look on his face.

"Your Majesty, you've eaten. I trust the news was good then?" Jonas tried to hold back the obvious joy in his voice, he never displayed much emotion, but he could not. It had been so long since he had seen Rotan in such a good mood, and he was beginning to look like his old self once again.

"Yes, Jonas. The news was good. I think that the Grand Marshal will be extremely grateful to me very soon." Rotan's smile grew even wider, and he said so cheerfully, that Jonas felt a chill run down his spine.

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