
Chapter 206 - Retreat

Vaya watched Tam as he flew towards the palace, Tam was being chased by the furious man with the turquoise aura, nodding his head in genuine admiration as he got a closer look at Tam's aura.

Before the war with the Ursten, only the Tribe People had been able to create auras in the shape of beasts, while almost all others who came to the Advanced Rank on the Isle only made wings, cloaking themselves with the rest of the aura.

Tam had been the first person outside of the Tribes to emulate their technique, shaping an aura whose shape was in memory of his fallen comrades of the Hawk Brigade.

As Tam's opponent dove at Tam, a gust of wind propelling him forward, Vaya decided it was time to strike, he swooped down, the golden claws of his Crow Aura outstretched, slamming Nevus into a nearby tower, a shower of pale white bricks and dust falling free from the impact, the top part of the tower falling down on to the roof of the palace below.

As the dust cleared, Nevus was revealed, clutched tightly in Vaya's crow claws, his entire body wrapped around by the golden aura, the tip of the claws tearing into his armor.

"Oh. I see now, I thought the Tribes People who had arrived with you were  far too young. So here you are, after all these years, Master Crow." Nevus spoke in a gasping voice, as he struggled to breath due to the claws crushing his lungs.

"I was beginning to think you would never arrive, Master Vaya." Tam sad as he swooped down, hovering next to Master Vaya, frowning as he saw Nevus struggle.

"My people aren't the best when it comes to the ocean, Tam of Balin. If it weren't for Anteris' sailors, we would have been another month." Vaya replied in a gruff voice, shaking his head at the memory of the ocean, the silver ornaments in his hair jingling.

"He's pretending, Vaya, as strong as you are, there's no way this man could be held down by you alone." Tam swung his sword at Nevus, sending a glowing blue slash through the air at him.

Immediately, bolt after bolt of lightning fell toward Vaya and Tam, the tower had fallen when Vaya had slammed Nevus into it, which meant the two of them were unprotected.

Tam took the initial bolts, using his wings to block the bolts after the first, which sent him falling down through the air.

The rest of the lightning fell onto Vaya, but his aura only glowed brighter, and he seemed to shrug off the bolts, drawing the curved saber at his belt, setting off in pursuit of Nevus, who flew away from the palace, to the north.

"You'll not get away so easily!" Vaya yelled out, picking up speed, his golden wings cutting through the air. 

"I didn't know the Storm Generals were cowards!" Tam yelled out as loud as he could, as he saw Nevus flying toward Regis, most likely aiming to regroup with the other general, so that the pair of them could flee.

Immediately, heads all across the battlefield snapped up, and the initial disbelief that the Imperials had faded as they saw the turquoise wings of Nevus flying away from the golden crow and shining blue hawk.

Upon seeing the golden crow, the entire battlefield realized, yet another Advanced Rank individual had arrived on to the battlefield, but even as they stood in amazement, the rest of the Masters from the Tribes flew into the air over Aznur.

An enormous bear, Master Bhal flew over Aznur,  his aura had a pair of wings idly sprouting from its back, which would give it a comical appearance, if it weren't for the vicious teeth and claws that it had.

A shining yellow falcon, Master Teves, flew through the air, almost as fast as Tam himself, flying toward Anteris and Regis, ready to take Regis on.

And finally, taking her time, Mistress Ajyha almost slithered through the air, a pair of almost bat like, scaled wings on the back of her aura, which gave her a draconic appearance.

"Soldiers of the Empire! Retreat now! We shall regroup in the north with the rest of our comrades!" Nevus yelled out, he knew that the battle was as good as lost, and all he could hope for now was that as many of the Imperial Elites as possible remained alive.

Nevus' call for retreat hammered the reality of the situation into the Imperial Elites below, and the certainty of their loss only meant their morale fell further.

Calling for a retreat was quite possibly Nevus' biggest mistake, since the majority of the Elites that had fought right up to the walls of the Inner City were surrounded on all sides by the Ursten forces, for them, a retreat would mean certain death.

Only Duran, Hubar and the few hundred men who were in combat with Boson's shock troops turned around and fled.

But even as he flew away, Nevus pulled more and more clouds together, so that the rain would fall heavier and heavier. It was all or nothing now, Nevus sent wild gusts of wind spinning through the air behind him and all through the streets of Anzur.

The storm grew to such an extent that even Tam and Vaya began to struggle as they flew through it.

Streams of water began to flow through the streets of Aznur, and the wind and rain made it difficult to see beyond a few meters in the darkness that hung over the city. 

And finally,.he swung his spear at Tam and Vaya as they flew after him, sending countless bolts of lightning at the pair of them.

Now, he was mere meters from Anteris and Regis, Nevus started to fly toward Anteris, but was stopped by a yell from Regis.

"You go on ahead, Nevus, I'll hold them off for a few moments." Regis called out, but Nevus knew that Regis was planning on remaining behind. As powerful as he was, There was no way Regis could hold off Tam and Anteris alone, let alone the countless Masters from the Tribes.

But even if Nevus wanted to remain behind with Regis, he would have been no help. The majority of his mana had been depleted in increasing the intensity of the storm so that it might slow his pursuers.

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