
Chapter 207 - Aznur(2)

The crown jewel of the Empire, was now shattered and broken. The great wall of Aznur, split in two, the beautiful streets of the Outer City, collapsed and torn apart by powerful Earth Magic, and the great towers of the imperial palace, scorched black and broken from lightning strike after lightning strike.

And on top of the death and destruction that filled the city, it was the darkest night that Anzur had ever seen. Thick clouds completely shrouded the sky, not allowing even the slightest glint of starlight down into the city.

Thick sheets of rain poured down over the city, and gusts of wind filled the streets. In the main streets, before the great wall that led to the Inner City, a whirlwind of death was moving through the ranks of the Imperial Elites.

Kothar, along with the other Nighthawks, was making the most of the discouraged and broken Imperial Elites, tearing through them with slash after slash of his Plasma Blade.

"My dear comrades! Please! Throw down your weapons! The battle is lost! Do not throw away your lives in vain!" A desperate voice called out from toward the front of the Elites, filled with pain and anguish. After so many years of constant victory, the Elites had never even considered that they could be defeated, which was why seeing Nevus retreat was so discouraging.

"Do as he says! Surrender! Throw down your weapons and I will guarantee your safety!" A loud voice boomed out from the rear of the Elite's column, it was Boson, he had ridden toward where the battle was still raging on once Duran had fled.

Loud clanging and clattering sounds sounded out simultaneously across the battlefield, as more than half of the Elite's threw their weapons down. Though they were perhaps the bravest of the Imperials, they were also clever enough to realize that throwing their lives away in vain would be a mistake.

Better to surrender now and have a chance to retaliate in the future than to throw one's life away over honor or pride.

Slowly, more clattering noise sounded out as other Elites threw down their weapons, and before long, every single one of the Elites had thrown down their weapons./

"Chain them with the AntiMagic Shackles!" Boson commanded, he knew that every single one of the Elites was capable of magic, and the sooner they were put out of commission, the better.

In the skies above, a completely different scene was playing out. Nevus had fled long ago, propelled with gusts of wind he summoned with the last of his mana.

Regis however, stood proud, his broadsword held in both hands, a wild look in his eyes, which danced with blue and red sparks.

"I'll have to ask you all to stay and keep me company!" Regis yelled, as Tam and Vaya grew closer, and the sparks around Regis spun faster and faster, the air growing hotter by the second.

Regis stabbed his sword up into the sky, and the flames around him spun faster and faster, growing taller and wider, and reaching up toward the dark clouds in the sky.

There was a soft 'puff', and the flames surrounding Regis suddenly flowed away from him, forming an enormous circle of flame that brushed over Tam, Vaya, Anteris and Teves.

They all blocked the attack, anticipating that it would be powerful, but the flames only flowed over them, without doing much harm.

"I'll show you all why I'm called the Burning Storm!" Regis screamed, his voice hoarse and filled with anger. The circle of flame formed a curtain, reaching high up into the sky, and all the way down to the ground, trapping all Tam, Vaya, Anteris and Teves within.

Regis sent all the Fire Element Mana he had to the curtain of flame, squeezing out even the last drop of mana he had, he was determined to make a stand here, he had no intentions of fleeing.

The curtain of flame grew to an extreme intensity, the flames causing the air pressure to shift so suddenly, that a burning hot wind began to rip around the inside of the curtain of flames. 

Around the flames, a cyclone started to form, picking up the flames as they burned, the added airflow causing them to burn hotter and hotter.

Regis smiled grimly under his mask, at this point, even though he had no control over the spinning wall of flame, the forces of nature had taken over it by now., only his mana sustained the flames, the rest was due to nature.

"Tam, I think I can fly through this without being harmed. Should I pursue Nevus?" Anteris asked Tam as they all watched in surprise, at the swirling cage that Regis had created.

"Forget it Anteris, if anything, we want the Emperor, but he's most likely fled through a secret passage. But I will ask you to fend off his flame attacks." Tam tilted his head at the furious Regis, who stood in the center of the spinning wall of flame, lightning beginning to crackle all around him.

"You think I'll let you leave!" Regis yelled, furious. How dare they chat so casually in his cyclone of flame! All of his Fire Element Mana depleted, Regis started to crackle with lightning, unlike Nevus, he had not fused his mana cores, and so he was able to bring forth both elements at will.

Lightning began to surround Regis, crackling all over his body, forming a cloak of crackling energy all around him. His enormous broadsword was also completely covered in lightning, the blade crackling with energy.

Regis dashed forward, his speed and reflexes increased as much as possible with the ridiculous amount of lightning that was coursing through his body, he sent a slash at Tam.

All of his anger and rage behind the slash, from the way Tam had talked to Anteris, he was sure he was the mastermind behind the invasion.

Even if it cost him his life, Regis decided he would take Tam with him.

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