
Chapter 226 - Into The Void

The shock of experiencing the contents of Xurha's mind made Qh'mros back away, and it flew upwards, looking at Xurha with a gaze filled with confusion and horror. 

Of course, many Ascendant pursued power and dominion over more and more planes, but Xurha's desire was a single minded obsession, and the fact that he would practically torture countless lives to achieve his goals made clear that he would do anything to achieve his goals.

But this revelation had another effect, Qh'mros had begun the fight with Xurha predicting that some kind of resolution would be made, that Xurha would fight for a little while before proposing some sort of agreement, as was common in battles with Ascendants.

At their level of power, most fights were no more than a casual spar, for if they became serious, their battles could destroy the very planes that they fought over.

Qh'mros scaled brow wrinkled, and its lip curled up into a snarl, it didn't say anything to Xurha, but its intent was clear, there would be no holding back anymore. 

[Hahahaha! Come then, lizard! Vent your fury! I shall make good use of the insects on this plane.] The battle crazed Xurha laughed as Qh'mros' jaw opened wide, in preparation for another attack.

This time, the storm of wind blades that flooded out form between Qh'mros' jaws created a deafening explosion, and if anyone were close enough to observe the battle, they would have seen hairline cracks forming in the space around the attack, as the sheer power of it threatened to destabilize the very fabric of Eclat. 

Xurha swung his axe, his laughter filling the air, slamming it into the incoming storm of wind blades, the enormous red projection appearing around him and fending off the attack.

But Qh'mros' first attack had been a diversion, the enormous Guardian of Eclat had used the opening created by its breath attack to charge toward Xurha, slashing out with its wings into the air behind just before it slammed into him.

The slashes form the wings met behind Xurha, slicing open a rift in space, and at that moment Qh'mros slammed into Xurha, sending the both of them flying into the void. 

For most, this would have been a death sentence, but Ascendants were powerful enough that either their bodies were tough enough to resist the void, or  they could hold themselves together through sheer force of will.

Xurha yelled and punched out at Qh'mros as they tumbled through the void, trying his best to do as much damaged as possible while he was crushed against Qh'mros' enormous bulk, but it was only a moment before a swipe from one of Qh'mros' claws sent him tumbling away.

Few witnessed the two Ascendants tumbling into space, for almost all those on Eclat who weren't sheltering from the battle occurring all across the plane were locked in fierce combat.

Over Aznur, what had been a seemingly endless flood of Aemos battle craft and troop carriers had subsided, while the few ships that remained tried to flee.

But Tam quickly swooped after them, slicing them with a slash from his curved sword, a flash of blue aura tearing through the ships.

Meanwhile, Kothar had descended from the skies, and stood gasping for breath amongst the wreckage of hundreds of Aemos ships, the wreckage dripping red, a mix of the viscous red liquid that their devices used with the blood of hundreds of slain Aemos.

Aznur, which had been returning to its former beauty through the efforts of the allied forces, was once again ruined and destroyed.

For though Kothar had mostly fought above the palace, high above, Tam, Anteris, Vaya and Teves had been flying back and forth as they had attacked the incoming ships, which had resulted in ships being littered all across the city.

Those few Aemos soldiers that had managed to sneak past and made it to Anzur, had quickly been dispatched by the waiting allied forces. 

Now, Tam and the others flew back down to the city, heading toward the enormous pile of wreckage the Kothar stood on. 

"Rufus! You've fought well." Tam swooped down, and his aura vanished as he landed next to Kothar, patting him on the shoulder. He wanted to reassure his son, for though he knew his son was a competent warrior, he was still young, and would surely be in turmoil after slaying hundreds of living beings.

"Thank you." Kothar's voice was tired, and he was glad to see his father, but unlike Tam's expectation, Kothar's emotions were in check. Not because of his past life's years of battle experience, but because the Aemos represented a threat to his home, and he had no mercy for them.

"What now, Grand Marshal?" Vaya said as he landed next to them, a look of genuine admiration on his face as he took in the pile of wreckage around Kothar.

"I think we should wait. Our Ascendant has shown itself, and is battling against the Ascendant of the invaders. We should wait for the outcome of the battle, for that will decide our fates." Teves' voice was shaky, though he was powerful, he was still inexperienced in battle, and had never expected to have taken so many lives with his own hands.

"No." Tam's voice was firm, and the others looked at him with clear surprise on their faces. Tam was usually level headed, and preferred to plan things out in detail. 

"We should attack their flagship up above. We might have defended Aznur, but what of the rest of Eclat? What of those who aren't lucky enough to have so many powerful individuals defending them? What of our homes?" Tam's voice shook a little, as he thought of the people of Ursten, who would surely be suffering at the hands of the Aemos.

"How could I be so foolish?" Teves shook his head as he berated himself, but Vaya came and wrapped an arm around the torn young chief.

"Teves. You are still young, and the battle has weighed on your mind.. Do not be so hard on yourself."

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