
Chapter 228 - Into The Aemos

"Brace yourself!" Came Tam's yell, as he opened the claws of his Hawk Aura and dropped Kothar down into the midst of the Aemos that had clumped together below. 

Kothar immediately opened a set of portals, one directly below him, and another opened horizontally just above the gathered Aemos. 

Once Kothar had learned how to use the Spatial Artifact, he had realized that he could use a portal to manipulate the direction of his momentum, and was beginning to utilize it in battle to the best of his ability.

Kothar shot out of the portal, immediately firing up his Plasma Blade and slicing into the gathered Aemos, their screams filling the air as the Plasma Blade melted right through their defenses. 

[Kothar, we should try and find the control center of this ship, I know the others are going to look for it too, but out of everyone, you'll be the only one capable of understanding how the controls work.] Silane's voice rang through Kothar's head, a little louder than usual, trying to cut through the battle haze he had stirred himself into. 

[Alright.] Kothar replied simply, his mind more on the current battle than any plans of sabotage, throwing out a Storm Field spell with his right hand, bolts of lightning immediately striking the Aemos around at random, which opened up the space around Kothar.

[Kothar, tell Tam what we're going to do.] Silane's tone was a little irritated, though she knew why Kothar was so caught up in battle, she still expected him to retain his basic battle sense, especially something so basic as communicating with one's allies.

"Grand Marshal! I'm going to try to find a control center for this craft! " Kothar yelled over to where Tam was sweeping his blue wings through rank after rank of Aemos, Tam's usual look of calm that he maintained while in battle had been replaced with one of ferocity.

"Alright! Go ahead, I'll take care of the enemies here." Tam shouted back, pointing to a staircase on one side of the launch bay, at the top of which was a walkway that had multiple open tunnels lining it.

Kothar nodded, and opened a portal at the top of the walkway, slicing through another three Aemos who had closed in to clear enough space for his entry portal.

He opened it with a wave of his hand, before stepping through. 

Kothar emerged onto the walkway, and for a moment, looked over the launch bay. He saw his father surrounded by screaming enemies, still only the scrawny pilots that captained the ships, so far, there had been no sign of the more bulky individuals that Kothar had encountered earlier, hanging onto the sides of the troop carriers.

Further, towards the entrance of the launch bay, were Teves and Vaya, they defended Slate and Shale, who had landed on opposite sides of the bay, and were wreaking havoc amongst the pilots.

Meanwhile, Slate and Shale summoned enormous shards of rock, driving them into the ships that remained inside, completely disabling them. Of course, this wouldn't turn back the invasion, but each ship disable would mean that many fewer citizens of Eclat were kidnapped by the enemies.

Kothar turned away, he couldn't waste anymore time looking over the battle, and rushed into one of the passageways at random. The passageway was gloomy, only lit by a single clear, hollow tube that ran the length of it, giving off a yellow glow. 

As he ran along, Kothar's mind slowly cleared, no longer in the midst of battle, and he began to think more rationally.,

[Silane, any idea what their machines run on, my electromagnetic sensors haven't responded in the slightest. I thought they'd be going crazy in a ship this big.] Kothar's sensors had only picked up on the pale skinned invaders biological fields, but hadn't had any response form the ships at all. 

[I'm not sure, you can't feel them, but I can detect that they have very low level fields, from that, and the red liquid that leaks from them, I'm beginning to believe that they might be some sort of living machinery.] Silane answered, glad that Kothar was thinking straight again.

[Alright, electromagnetic fields aside, I have been feeling something resonating with my Spatial Core, and the Spatial Necklace. They must have something on board that allows them to open such enormous portals.] Kothar put his hand to his neck, the crystal set within the necklace had begun to resonate with spatial fluctuations as soon as he had set foot on the ship, but he had only picked up on it once he had come away from the battle.

[Alright, let's head towards those instead. If we can take that out, then the ship will be stranded here, and they won't be able to take away all the people they've kidnapped.] Silane sounded a little unsure, ever since the Artifact had sent them on an unwilling journey to Idwa, she had been distrustful of anything related to Spatial Magic, especially unknown objects.

Kothar could feel that the fluctuations were coming from above, and continued down the corridor, which seemed to stretch on endlessly.

[Over there![ Silane yelled out. 

The shadowy figure of a soldier had moved through the dim yellow glow, crossing through the corridor. 

Kothar charged forward, and found himself in an intersection within the corridor, each of the passageway leading from it looked the same, the same featureless gray walls, lined with the odd inscriptions that covered every inch of the invaders' devices.

[Keep heading forward Kothar, I'll start mapping the corridor as we move through, and then you can always portal back.] Silane said, but then she and Kothar both felt the slightest fluctuation in the electromagnetic field around them.

But neither of them had expected the soldier to move at such speed, and so Kothar was slammed into the wall of the corridor, the breath knocked from his lungs, the arms of an Aemos soldier wrapped around his arms, pinning them to his sides.

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