
Chapter 25 - The Western Front

Simon and Kothar rode at a rapid pace, they had been given a pair of horses which had been cross bred with some sort of magical beasts, making them exceptionally hardy and quick.

They rode west, passing the Janul Forest and onwards into the swamps beyond. A paved road wound through the Western Swamps, continued onwards towards the No MAn's land that separated Ursten from it's neighbor, Kalun.

They had been told that Kultas' had last been sighted heading into the No Man's land, perhaps he had been hoping to find sanctuary in Kalun, but they had fortunately agreed to send a force to stop him from entering their borders.

The pair only took short rests, to eat and to give the horses a short time to cool off and graze a short while. Soon enough they saw the smoke rising from the Ursten Army's camp.

Handing some papers over to the guards posted at the gate, Simon led Kothar onwards. They rode into the military encampment, the encampment was massive, almost a small town. Surrounded by a high wall of earth whose smooth sides indicated it must have been erected by an earth mage, the camp was a hive of activity, with soldiers swarming in every direction.

Nonetheless, they moved smoothly, keeping to the distinct roads set up between the orderly rows of tents. All the soldiers had Tam's hawk insignia on their armour, and had a similar bearing to the fierce warriors who had been guarding the family's home.

They arrived at the centre of the camp, finding an open-air pavilion in which Tam was deep in discussion with his lieutenants. While they waited for them to finish their meeting, Simon pointed out who the lieutenants were to Kothar.

"The massive man with the equally large axe is Boson, he's the leader of the shock troops. The cloaked woman with the bow is Serena, she leads the scouts. The man in the mage's robes is Balmin, he obviously leads the battlemages."

"The others lead the different divisions of infantry and cavalry, they don't have as much autonomy as the more specialised divisions, since your father commands them directly." Tam and his lieutenants were in an animated discussion, as they pointed and gestured at a large map of the surroundings. An odd, grey coloured cat twisted around Serena's legs, and she pet its head absentmindedly.

"We'll head out at first light tomorrow, Serena, I want a pinpoint on Kultas' location as soon as you can. Post some additional scouts around the camp as well, I don't want any surprises. Boson and Balmin, let's make this a quick battle, let's keep casualties to a minimum and get this b****** so we can be done with this." Tam finalised, and the lieutenants filed out. Tam remained within, staring at the map.

"Hey Father, need another mage on the battlefield?" Kothar piped up, eager to see if Tam would be as surprised as Ophil had promised.

Tam's jaw dropped in surprise as he took in the sight of his son standing there on the battlefield.

"Son… What are you doing here? Why?" Tam struggled for words, completely taken aback.

"Hahaha, Ophil was right, surely you won't baby the boy and let him onto the battlefield?" Simon teased Tam.

"I'll station him wherever is appropriate to his abilities Simon, but the front line is no place for a Novice Mage." Tam shot back.

"What about a Beginner?" Simon said with a cheeky grin.

"Already? Amazing. Congratulations Son." Tam rushed toward Kothar and wrapped him in a hug.

"Well, what about it Father, where am I to be posted. Kultas' men were after me also, I'd like to send a couple spells flying his way." Kothar wheezed out, struggling for breath as Tam squeezed him.

"Hmm, it'd be best if you went and had a chat with Balmin. He'd know where it's best to post you." Tam stood back and held Kothar at arm's length, taking in how much he'd grown.

"Amazing, you've shot up in the past few months, come, let's get you two fed and you can fill me in on what's been happening."

"May I come in?" Kothar approached Balmin's tent, having been sent off by Tam to 'report to his commanding officer.'

"Come on in!" Balmin said in a surprisingly jolly tone. The glow from many mana crystal lamps illuminated him in a warm glow. He was a short man, who was quite bald but had let the sides of hair continue to grow, giving him a monastic appearance.

"General Tam sent me to report to you before tomorrow's battle, I'm a Beginner Lightning Mage." Kothar took a seat next to the low table, which was stacked high with magical tomes, and strewn with magical accessories and implements.

"I see, and your name is?" Balmin drew out a worn notebook from one of his many pockets, immediately beginning to scribble within.


"Oh, you're the general's son, well now. I knew his father had a reputation for being against coddling a child, but to think he'd be the same. Hmmm, I'd be a foold to turn down another mage, especially one as talented as yourself. Can you cast any wide range spells Kothar?"

"Unfortunately I cannot, however I can very quickly cast single target lightning spells, I'm better at one on one combat, and I can use Lightning Aura to fight on par with any Warrior."

"Hahaha, if I didn't know better I'd peg you as from one of the Southern tribes. An independent warrior huh? Alright I've got just the position for you." Balmin rolled out a miniature version of the map that had been in the command tent.

"Of course, fill me in."

"This is where we think the battle will take place." He pointed out a location with a stubby finger"

"I'll have a group of Beginner Mages positioned here, who specialise in field spells. There'll be a squadron posted with them to protect them from any assassins or cavalry forces, but I want you to support the squadron and try to pick off high priority targets with long range spell work. Can you do that?"

"Definitely, I won't let you down.." Kothar reached forward and shook the mage's hand.

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