
Chapter 26 - Battlefield

A steady clanking and thumping filled the air, and dust rose in massive clouds behind the army. Kothar rode alongside the 16th Platoon, Balmin had changed into a heavier set of Battlemage robes, swimming with runes, and inlaid with heavy sheets of metal over his vitals. The stocky mage now looked every bit a military officer, the light hearted mirth in his eyes now replaced with a hard stare that reflected in the eyes of all the troops. Many of Kultas' soldiers had campaigned alongside Tam's army, and none of the troops were eager to battle with their former brothers in arms.

"I'm surprised you haven't shaken yourself out of the saddle. My first battle, I vomited the whole morning, and I could barely sit up straight by the time we got to the front." Balmin rode up alongside Kothar, reining his horse into a trot beside him.

"Guess it just hasn't sunk in yet." Kothar responded, half distracted as Silane had been running over some new plans with him.

"Yeah? Well just be sure to move a good distance away if you decide to heave. We don't want everyone steaming in the stink while we wait for Kultas' soldiers to show." Balmin instructed Kothar, with a grim smile on his face.

"Of course."

[I remember you emptying your guts after the battle on the asteroid.]

[Yes Silane, no need to needle me.]

[I'm not needling you Kothar, just reminding you that there was a time when you were emotional, now that it seems we're both finding emotion again.]

[You're right, that first battle was terrible, and every battle after. I guess I just became dull to everything as it happened over and over.]

[Commander Kothar, cold and calculating, weapon of the Alliance.]

[You sounded almost sarcastic there Silane.]

[Yeah, that was sarcasm.]

The pair fell silent, as the soft murmurs that had rustled through the troops died down. They had arrived at the battlefield. Tam and his lieutenants had chosen this shallow valley to intercept Kultas. As the valley lay on the only realistic route for Kultas to turn away from Kalun and attempt to make a break for either the wilderness or another neighboring kingdom. The army settled into their formations with ease, their years of experience obvious, Tam rode up to the head of the army, and Balmin nodded at a pair of chubby twins who had been riding on the wings. The pair extended their hands and a pillar of earth slowly rose where Tam stood, bringing him into vision of the amassed troops.

"Men and women of Ursten!" Tam's voice, infused with raw mana, resounded across the valley, the men and women of Tam's army stood up straighter and a fire kindled in their eyes.

"Over the years, I have asked you to defend our Kingdom. You have battled against people of every nation, people without a nation and even hordes of wild beasts, never have I asked you to turn your swords against people of Ursten!"

"Aye!!!" The army roared back and rattled their weapons.

"All of our battles have been against threats to our nation, and every time we have turned the threat away!" Tam's voice somehow rose further in volume.

"Aye!!!" The cry sounded once again, and the valley thundered with the clamor of steel and the shouts of the army.

"But now we fight our own countrymen, Kultas has turned against our King and his loyal soldiers have followed. He has attempted to take the lives of the King, his family and even my own family." Tam's voice had dropped and he spoke in a dull tone.

"As much as I would have it any other way, I must ask you, my royal soldiers, to raise your swords against your fellows. But trust, we are averting a threat to Ursten and her people! Spare your fellows who surrender but Kultas must lose his head! Men and women of Ursten, are you with me!" Tam's voice rose into a roar as he finished his speech.

"Aye!!!" The air shook as the combined shouts of the entire army filled the air. Kothar marveled as forlorn grim soldiers now became animated with life. While the grim expressions didn't leave their faces, they became animated and energized and he felt a heat burning away in his own chest.

[Your father sure knows how to raise morale.]

[I know, no wonder he kept so much from me, a regular kid would have either been crushed under the pressure or grown an ego larger than a planet.]

[Hahaha, a regular kid Kothar? You mean someone who isn't a reborn hybrid of man and machine.]

[Yes. That's exactly what I meant, Silane. Now let's join Balmin and the rest of the platoon.]

Kothar rode up to the east side of the valley, where a small outcrop hung over the gradual drop. Balmin directed the pudgy twin Earth Mages to raise up small walls and towers of rock to position the array of mages.

"There you are, Kothar. Let me fill you in."

"Tam has stationed a platoon of cavalry and infantry to defend this position. Kultas will be eager to take it, since it offers a good vantage point of the battlefield and is a defensible position for mages."

"Of course, but why wouldn't he raise his own position, just like they're doing now?" Kothar asked.

"Sure he could do that, but then his mages' mana reserves would be emptied and they'd be susceptible to bombardment from our forces. When it comes to the battlefield, the side with more mana typically wins." Balmin explained as he also directed some of the mages to different parts of the raised earthen walls.

"You'll be keeping an out for any sneaky Thieves or fast Warriors that Kultas sends to take out our Mages, unlike you many Mages don't carry a sword." Balmin continued, strapping on a thick leather helmet.

"Of course, I can't guarantee that I'll be able to stop any Intermediate or Advanced levels though."

"No need, they'll be after higher priority targets anyway, like myself or your father."

A low rumbling filled the air, and the entire platoon turned to look at the dust rising from the north-west.

"I guess that's my cue." Balmin hopped up onto his sturdy warhorse, patting Kothar on the shoulder.

"Take care kid, and give 'em hell!"

"You too Balmin, you too.." Kothar trailed off as Balmin galloped down to the floor of the valley, while loud voices shouting commands and the ringing of command bells filled the air.

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