
Chapter 262 - Wings Of Steel

Kothar hadn't had the chance to rest in over an entire day, to think that he had woken up and gone to a simple meeting with his father, and now he was standing, planes away, in the hideout he had carved out with his Plasma Blade.

As far as he knew, the Eclat's Ascendant was fighting the invading forces' Ascendant, and with their ship destroyed, Kothar had done all he can to help defeat against the invasion. As for what happened now, it would be determined by the result of the battle between the two Ascendants, so Kothar had decided to spend some time on Atla before returning to Eclat.

Returning earlier wouldn't change the outcome of the battle, and if he was better prepared, he would be more capable of dealing with whatever had happened on Eclat when he returned.

He unbuckled the Ursten armor he was still wearing, revealing the black Multiplanar equipment underneath, and then removed the beautiful yet demonic mask that Lucio had carved for him, laying it down carefully in one of the many alcoves he had carved in the walls of the hideout.

Removing the rest of the equipment, Kothar headed down to one of the pools next to stream, washing the grime and blood of the battle off of himself, before finally heading to sleep.

Kothar slept a deep dreamless sleep, his body naturally drawing in the dense mana of Atla, and recovered from all the tiny wounds and tears that he had accumulated over the past day.

Kothar had been damaged not only from the impact of the few blows that had gotten through Kothar's defense, but also from the use of far more Spatial Mana than his body could bear.

[Good morning, Kothar. Or should I say good evening, depending on whether we are going by the time on Atla or back on Eclat?] Silane said, as Kothar opened his eyes with a satisfied yawn.

He slowly rose to his feet, and stretched, he had slept for almost an entire twenty four hours, his body and mind now well recovered.

[Whatever you prefer Silane, now, let's take a look at the schematics you've prepared for me.] Kothar said, sitting down cross legged, waiting for Silane to project the blueprints over his vision.

[Alright, considering that we're focusing on flight this time, here are the options.] Silane said, projecting three different blueprints over Kothar's vision.

The first one, was simple, it involved replicating the Plasma Unit in Kothar's left palm, and then implanting two of them into his feet, after which, they would build a housing around them that would allow Kothar to use the plasma generated by the air around him to fly.

The second was a little more complicated, instead of implanting another two Plasma Units, it was more of a jetpack, that would use Kothar's Lighting Element Mana to power two high power turbines within it, and allow Kothar to fly.

The final option was the most ambitious, and it was clear that Silane had tossed it in amongst the others, not expecting Kothar to pick it.

It was a full suit of Titanite armor, that Kothar could wear into battle, and additionally, it would require no additional implants or use of Kothar's Mana Cores. Rather, it would use the residual electricity from Kothar's full powered Lightning Aura spell to power it, which Kothar already used almost always in battle.

The spell would power one large turbine on his back, and the air would be ejected from ports on the forearms and lower legs of the armor, allowing Kothar to steer by moving around his limbs.

Kothar was silent for a long while, then he asked Silane to focus in on the different schematics, looking them over, inspecting all the different portions, and weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of the different options.

[Well? What's it going to be, Kothar?] Silane asked, as usual, excited at the prospect of constructing new machinery for Kothar.

[The first option is a definite no go, this is just a temporary option, until I'm able to condense my own Aura, and then I'll be able to fly all on my own. I'm not in the mood to have any new implants, at least not something that I'll only be using for a short time.] Kothar said, and Silane made the first option disappear from his vision.

[The second option is better, but unless we adjust it to be powered similarly to the third, I'd rather not use it, I don't want to tie up any more of my Lightning Element Mana, if it used the Mana Storage Unit, then I wouldn't mind it, but it's utilizing mana directly from my core.] Kothar said, and Silane kept that option in his vision, marking some of the components in red, to be adjusted.

[To be honest, Silane, I almost feel like you planned this so only the third option would fit my preferences, it doesn't involve any new implants, it utilizes a spell that I already use, and it'll also be useful as regular armor It seems to me that this is something you really want to create?] Kothar said with a grin, teasing Silane a little, even though he had already decided on what option he would choose.

[Alright, you got me. I've got hundreds of other designs to choose from, if you want to look at all of your options, but I picked these out as they represent the spirit of the different types of designs I created.] Silane teased  Kothar back with an overwhelming info dump, 

[I can adjust the designs also, so they fit your specific requirements, also, but that'll increase the number of schematics you need to look at by-] Silane continued, but Kothar sat there with a subtle smile on his face.

[No, no, no.] Kothar cut Silane off, and then laughed.. [There's no need for you to do all of that, I've already decided on what design I'm going to choose.]

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