
Chapter 263 - Wings Of Steel(2)

[Well, don't keep me waiting in suspense, Kothar, what is going to be?] Of course, Silane already knew the answer by now, but she still wanted to hear it from Kothar.

[It's got to be the third one, it'll be perfect for the battlefield, especially if I'm facing multiple opponents, and to most, it'll only look like an odd suit of armor, so I can wear it without suspicion. The flight capabilities will really be a trump card.] Kothar replied, and he could feel the joy emanating from Silane at his response.

[Wonderful, let's get started on it immediately!] Silane said joyfully.

[Alright, but even if I melt down all these castaway parts, we won't even have close to half the Titanite that we need. Unless, of course, we use an alloy.] Kothar said, knowing it was almost impossible, Silane would decide to compromise and use subpar material to construct the armor.

[You won't get out of going and gathering the ore we need that easily, Kothar. Come on, that Hoverbike it waiting for you.] Silane highlighted the Hoverbike in Kothar's vision, as if he couldn't see it.

[THere's no need for that, I'll do it, I'll do it.] Kothar swiped in front of his eyes with his hands, as if trying to rub away the intrusive highlight.

Kothar walked over to the shadowy silhouette in one corner of the main cavern, and pulled off the canvas covering of the Hoverbike.

There it was, the roughly crafted Hoverbike, with the two gauntlets that also functioned as handles for Kothar, the roughly stitched seat, and the spherical housings at either end that contained the bladed rotors that allowed it to fly.

Kothar hopped astride the bike, and sent a surge of electricity into it via the gauntlets, immediately the rotors hummed to life and the Hoverbike hummed as it lifted off the ground. 

Kothar steered the bike carefully out into the open air of Atla, soaring out of the entrance of his hideout, heading toward the ore deposits he had previously mined.

With his Plasma Blade, he could replace most tools, and as such he didn't need a pickaxe, he could just cut the ore straight out of the vein, easily removing any extra material, and then bringing it back to the hideout suspended below the Hoverbike.

By the third trip, Kothar's brain had zoned out, and he was moving around on autopilot, flying out, carving out the ore, piling it up onto the square of canvas, tying and attaching the canvas to the Hoverbike, and then flying it back.

Then repeating the process all over again. 

When Kothar had first left the hideout, the sun was high in the sky, and even though the days on Atla were far longer than those on Eclat, the sun was low in the sky, just about to dip below the horizon, by the time he had gathered enough ore for the amount of Titanite that they would need,

As the sun set, and the clock of darkness spread all across Atla, Kothar began by melting down the Titanite cast offs from the ship, melting down each forged piece.

Within the cavern of Kothar's hideout, a bright white light lit everything up starkly, as Kothar used his Plasma Blade to melt the Titanite down.

He shaped the blade into a concentrated beam, collecting everything in rectangular molds that he had prepared, forming ingots of the sturdy material.

Eventually, Kothar had melted down everything, and then he started on the ore he had gathered, this portion went by faster, since before the powerful alloy was formed, its constituents could be melted down by the heat of Kothar's forge.

Kothar melted down the separate ores, and mixed them, forming the shining gray Titanite, ingot by ingot, until he had created enough for the project that lay ahead.

For the next portion, Kothar would have to forge the Titanite, heating up each of the ingots and hammering them to create each piece of the armor.

By the time Kothar was finished, there was a large pile of dense ingots next to him, and he looked at them with amazement.

On another plane, even on Eclat, it would have taken an enormous amount of capital to purchase enough of the rare ores to produce this much Titanite, but here on Atla, gathering everything required could be finished in a day.

The armor potions wouldn't be too difficult as Kothar could make slight errors, and they would still be usable, but the more delicate, working components of the armor would be painstaking to construct.

However, Silane had allowed for Kothar to make errors, and the gathered ingots were enough that Kothar could make more than a few mistakes.

Besides, they would use far smaller portions of the Titanite, and Kothar could always melt them down if need be, which, while time consuming, would only need Kothar to channel the energy from his Mana Storage Unit.

[Let's get started, shall we?] Silane said, and Kothar nodded in agreement, now in state of focus, as he gathered everything he would need, the anvil, hammer and tongs

As well as the first ingot of Titanite, that he utilized to create the first piece of the armor.

Kothar fired up his Plasma Blade, shaping it with his Lightning Element Mana into a small sphere, just large enough to engulf the Titanite ingot that rested within the forge.

Once it began to glow, Kothar picked it up with the tongs, and moved over to the anvil.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" The sound of the hammer slamming into the ingot rang out, over and over, the first piece of the armor slowly taking shape.

Kothar continued hammering for hours, and the shape of the ingot slowly changed,

It grew flatter and flatter, until it was about two centimeters thick, it was shaped into a precise pentagon.

The piece of metal was about fifty centimeters across, and twenty long, this would be the center of the armor, the piece of Titanite that would act as the breastplate.

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