
Chapter 32 - The Treasury

"Kothar, I understand I owe you a reward of some kind, Leland here will escort you to the Treasury, where you can take your pick of whatever you require. Just don't pick the place clean, a king needs at least a few jewels." Rotan gestured to a man hunched over so far that he seemed like he had been bent in two.

His bowed back, combined with his dark sun beaten wrinkled skin, gave him the appearance of a wizened willow.

"Come along now." Leland croaked out at Kothar, shaking a hand that gripped a massive bunch of keys at Kothar. Leland peered up at Kothar through his mop of shaggy white hair, his beady eyes gleaming in the shadow of his heavy brow.

"Lead the way. Farewell King Rotan, Father." Kothar dipped his head towards the pair, who nodded at him, then continued their conversation about the supply lines to the expedition force in the east.

[Kind of them to spare you the boredom of their shop-talk, huh Kothar?]

[Hmmm, I don't think so. I think that they'll be discussing their real business now, the whole show that father put on, as well as how well Uncle Simon hid his profession makes me suspect that everyone's much slipperier than they let on.]

[You're right, I wonder what other secrets are lurking about.]

Leland led Kothar deep into the bowels of the massive keep, gradually the windows gave way to glittering mana crystal lamps.

As they descended, Leland seemed to pick keys from his belt at random, sometimes completely avoiding the keyholes of the doors they encountered, pushing the key into a nondescript section of the wall, or into the face of an intricate wood carving.

Evidently, the mages who were involved in constructing had been fans of hidden doors and secret passageways, Kothar mused to himself as he followed Leland across a narrow walkway that wound across the outside of the castle, teetering over the deep crevassed the rounded the keep.

Leland and Kothar emerged into a wide walkway, and the black stone of the keep gave way to a deep yellow sandstone, the runes which spiderwebbed all around gave the passage a soft warm glow akin to a sunrise.

At the far end of the walkway a pair of glittering silver doors stood, inlaid with gold and precious jewels, the doors were well suited for a treasury. Kothar made to follow Leland to the doors but stopped short, it had become increasingly difficult for him to move, it seemed as if the air had become thick like treacle, and it became more and more thick until it become impossible for him to make his way forward.

"Hehhehe, just wait a minute there young lord." Leland looked back at Kothar and cackled, revealing a mouth filled with crooked yellow teeth.

Leland reached towards the door, placing his claw-like hand against it, the runes and designs began to swirl and the pressure on the Kothar eased. The doors swung open silently to reveal the Treasury.

After the magnificent great hall, the ridiculous maze they had to traverse to reach the hallway, and the magic protecting the Treasury itself, Kothar had expected to see a cavernous room, piled high with coins and littered with massive gemstones and precious metals, with fine weapons scattered throughout.

Rather, he found himself looking at rows upon rows of tall shelves, stacked with nondescript wooden boxes. The entire scene was reminiscent of the industrial warehouses he had seen on his home plane.

[Not exactly the treasure trove we expected.]

[No, but I do prefer this somewhat, the maze had me thinking we'd never find anything we needed from this treasury.]

[Well, I think we both know what we need, Kothar.]

[Sure thing.]

"Well young master, what can I procure for you?" Leland slouched against one of thelves, shooting a crooked grin at Kothar.

"I need Magesteel, as much as you can give me." Kothar strode forward and into the Treasury, finally seeing the magnitude of the place. The treasury stretched out for rows upon rows of shelves, with massive doorways leading off of each side of the central room.

"Hmm, that's definitely an odd request for a young warrior such as yourself, most of you lads ask for 'a really good sword' or something along those lines." Leland scuttled away, disappearing between the shelves, meanwhile, Kothar took up a seat upon a row of short wooden stools that were placed beside the door.

Soon enough, Leland crabbed back out from wherever he had disappeared to, holding a small wooden box in his arms. The box was cube shaped, about 50 centimetres on each edge, and was sealed with an iron clasp.

"I think you'll be happy with this young lad. Should be much more than whatever you need Magesteel for." Leland handed the box over to Kothar, who took it gingerly.

Kothar unhooked the heavy clasp, flipping back the heavy lid. Inside the box lay a large hunk of gleaming Magesteel, nestled by the velvet lining of the box.

[Oh ****.]

[Yeah Silane, oh **** indeed.]

[This'll be enough for your arm. And more, we could make all kinds of augmentations with this much Magesteel!]

[You're right, we really lucked out here.]

"Well, from how speechless you are I gather you're pleased lad. Now please pick up that jaw of yours and follow me out." Leland snapped the lid of the box shut, before placing it in a heavy canvas sack and handing it back to Kothar.

"Come along now." Leland led Kothar up the passageway, however he didn't turn off in to the passageway they had come from, rather he continued up the passageway, which led up to a flight of stairs.

Kothar emerged from the stairs to find himself in the great hall.

"What was the point of that ridiculous maze then?" He turned to Leland.

"Well young lord, I had to take you the scenic route, I thought you might like it." Leland cackled at Kothar before disappearing into a narrow passageway concealed behind one of the many statues in the hall.

[He's quite a character isn't he Kothar.]

[Sure thing, now how about we see what we can do about crafting this Magesteel?]

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