
Chapter 33 - Utna(2)

"I couldn't be more proud Kothar, you were a real asset on the battlefield." No longer on the battlefield, Tam spoke with his usual quiet tone.

"Thank you Father."

"Aren't you glad I sent him?" Ophil ribbed Tam, poking him with an elbow.

"You might joke, but I really am, he defended the Mage Platoon admirably, and got himself a reward from the King."

"That won't put him back in my good books Tam, you know that." Ophil said with corners of her mouth turned down.

"I know, I know but what choice did he have." Sighing, Tam put an arm around Ophil. But she harrumphed and turned away.

"The kingdom is safe, why don't you ease up dear." Tam continued to comfort Ophil.

"It's safe for now." Ophil said as she leaned back towards Tam.

After bidding farewell to his parents, Kothar decided to return to Trinquile. Now that he wasn't fleeing a small army in pursuit, he was able to hire a carriage for the journey, allowing him to return to Trinquile much faster than his first journey there had taken. The carriage rode on through the night, moving rapidly across the countryside.

The carriage was powered by mana crystal as well as being pulled by a trio of specially bred horses from the Zintar plains, the assistance from the mana crystal allowing them to run for twice as long as they usually might.

Kothar dozed off, as the carriage continued to drive on through the night, exchanging horses at a stable located not far from Nief.

Kothar woke with a start as the carriage rolled to a gentle stop within Trinquile, the sun had barely risen, a soft glow brushing the tops of the Mage towers that ringed the Academy. Kothar eagerly hopped out of the carriage, with the canvas sack under one arm and his pack on his back, he strode towards Utna's smithy.

Unlike the rest of the city, which was cold and quiet, the warehouse district was bustling with life, farmers drove their flocks in from the countryside, to be sold during the day, and massive barrels were rolled in and out of the warehouses, being delivered around the city.

Kothar came to find the usually wide open doors of Utna's smithy closed, pushing the door, it swung wide open smooth and Kothar entered.

"Who the hell is that! I've said again and again, no business until the forge is lit, get out of here or I'll tan your hide!" Utna exploded ferociously, bent over her forge, poking at the glowing coals.

"Sorry Utna, didn't mean to offend, I'll come back later in the day." Kothar slowly backed away from the fuming smith.

"Oh, it's you Kothar. Never mind that, what can I do for you?" Utna turned and struck Kothar with a charming smile.

"Well, I think I have enough Magesteel."

"You… Stop having me on and get out of here, now that you know not to disturb me in the morning, I'll boot you out the next time you pull a stunt like this." Utna frowned and turned back back to her forge.

"No, really Utna, here take a look at this." Kothar passed Utna the canvas bag with the Magesteel.

Utna frowneda little as she felt the weight of the bag, her brow furrowing deeply as she removed the fine wooden box and unhooked the clasp.

A barely audible gasp escaped her lips as she opened the box to reveal the gleaming of the unrefined Magesteel.

"What!" Utna snapped the box shut and stared at Kothar.

"Who else knows you have this? Were you followed?" Utna hissed at Kothar quietly, her eyes wide.

"Only the King and the Treasurer know, and as far as I know we weren't followed." Kothar reassured Utna.

['As far as I know'? Come on Kothar, with me watching your back there's no way in hell we were followed.]

[Yeah, what about Avn' Dur then?]

[Come on… He's a ridiculous interdimensional whatever.]

"Alright, that makes sense, you could have only gotten something so ridiculous from the King himself." Utna gingerly placed the box down and slowly began to pace.

"You never fail to surprise me. Jotun said you'd bring all kinds of surprises." Utna sighed as she poked at the flames.

"So, can you craft what I need?"

"Yeah, I sure can. But it'll take some time. These runes are extremely intricate and not all of them are familiar, I'll send word when it's finished." Utna wiped her brow with a soot stained hand.

"Alright, could you please start on the first component, the mana storing component? Let me know when that's done since I can make use of it without the other parts."

"Sure thing kid, whatever you say. I won't even charge you my fee since I get to work with such a ridiculous amount of Magesteel, and with your wild designs." Utna shot a grin at Kothar before picking up the box and secreting it in a small alcove behind her forge.

"Now get out of here kid,so I can get my paying work done before I get started on this ridiculous design of yours." Utna turned back to her work,

Kothar left Utna to her work, making his way back to the Academy.

The Academy grounds were unusually empty, with the majority of the Novice students preparing for the end of year duels which showcased their skill as a Beginner Mage and helped the senior Mages select students to mentor.

Even Fred, who usually loitered around, was conspicuously absent. Kothar only spotted a few Beginner Mages roaming around the grounds, seeing Davos striding around with a grim look on his face.

[Looks like someone's having girl problems again.]

[You're right Silane, soon enough he'll realize what the common factor to his girl problems is.]

[Wilhelm, probably.]

A chuckle escaped Kothar's mouth, earning him a series of strange looks from a group of Beginner Mages who were practicing defense spells, by blasting the others with barrages of bolts, flames and shards of ice.

Kothar returned to his own room, noticing the common area was also largely deserted, with only a few Novices, spread sparsely across the room, nose deeps in heavy tomes.

Silane piped up as Kothar enjoyed a well earned soak after his recent adventure.

[I guess we should do some preparation as well.]

[Yeah, maybe it's time we learnt some wide range spells, so we have some use on the battlefield other than duelling.]

[It'd also be handy against something like that mass of snakes we ran into in the Fidour Mountains.]

[Alright, let's head to the Library.]

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