
Chapter 34 - Storm Field

Kothar strolled back and forth through the shelves of the library, he was at a loss at which kind of spell to select. Ideally, he could find a spell that would help him in one on one combat as well as in battle.

The massive amount of spells he could choose from didn't make things any easier. Even though Lightning Mages were relatively rare

Trinquile Academy had been around for centuries, and as such had accumulated a ridiculous amount of spells devised by clever young mages as well as bored older researchers.

[How about this one, Bolt Barrage?]

[It looks like a Beginner version of Bolt, just with more Bolts, I want something that exhibits more mana control Silane.]

[Take the tome anyway, I want to see if I can improve on your Bolt casting.]

[Fine, but for now help me find a decent spell.]

Kothar continued on through the myriad shelves that made up the Beginner Lightning sells section, many of the spells were virtually identical, with small variations in mana flow and control. However, even these slight changes could make a massive difference, creating more accurate or powerful versions of the same spell.

Some researchers would spend their entire lives researching a single spell, finding the most ideal casting method; this process would undoubtedly reveal new information on how mana behaved, which could then be applied to other similar spells.

[Hmm, this looks promising, Storm Field.]

[You sure Kothar? I'd say this is just an expanded Lightning Aura, why would you pick this over Lightning Aura.]

[No, I remember one of the older students mentioning it, it has to be worth a look at least.]

[Fine, there's only so much a disembodied reincarnated AI can do anyway.]

[Haha, nice one Silane.]

[No need for the sarcasm Kothar.]

Kothar picked up the tome for Storm Field, adding it to the massive stack that Silane had requested, she had decided that she would synthesize new spells as well as improving his existing spells.

Done with his search for now, he found an empty training room and began to study the process for casting Storm Field.

[I guess we were both right in a way.]

[You're right, I never expected to find a spell like this.]

Kothar read over the description of the spell again.

"Creates a large lightning field around the casting Mage or around a targeted location, fields not directly around the caster must be charged before they are thrown. Targets within the field will be struck by bolts, based on the intensity of the field, the mage will also gain the effects of Lightning Aura when within the field."

[This is kind of ridiculous Kothar, especially that you can cast it far away from you.]

[True but it does seem to take a ridiculous amount of mana, especially for it to do any real damage. It also requires a huge amount of control.]

[Yes, but you've got my help, and the way you meditate every day, it won't be long before each of the strikes do as much damage as a Bolt spell.]

[Now that would be impressive, all I need to do now is learn how to cast the spell.]

Kothar sat down cross legged, tome in one hand and began sending mana to his palm to form the Storm Field.

Pffzzt. The sound of lightning had been ringing out from the training room incessantly for the past few days, however none of the other students gave it a second thought. Each of them were too embroiled in their own attempts to master new spells and increase their combat prowess.

[I'd rather be back on Scutum B-19, in those ridiculous cave networks than try doing this spell again.]

[I have to agree with you on this one Kothar, logically, we're doing everything correct, we're channeling enough mana into the spells, and you're rotating the basic field structure while I hold the construct stable, but the field doesn't seem to materialize at all.]

[I guess mana isn't completely logical, Professor Daredale did say that there are some spells you have to feel out.]

[Either that, or the information in the tome isn't entirely accurate, or mana flow is subjective, based on the individual rather than being exactly the same for everyone.]

[I guess some things never change Silane, there's got to be a logical explanation for everything right?]

[Hey! I've been making jokes now, I'm no longer the rigid AI I once was.]

[Joking aside, mana flow being different for everyone does make a lot of sense, after all, while we all have similarities in our circulatory systems, no two individuals have exactly the same pattern of blood vessels.]

[Hmm, I'll start analyzing the different casting methods by different authors and see if I can learn something about, for now, you just feel that spell out Kothar, or whatever it is you humans do.]

Kothar smiled to himself, he hadn't expected Silane to be so much more animated when she returned, but it was a pleasant surprise. He had always enjoyed her company, and her expressiveness meant he now enjoyed it even more.

Kothar sent mana swirling down his arm, ready to try casting Storm Field again.

The ball of swirling lightning flew forward, Kothar sighed, ready for another failure, it had almost been a week of constantly practicing Storm Field, and it seemed like he would never learn it. Unfortunately for Kothar, this was a common issue, learning new spells was notoriously hard, and became more and more difficult as one increased in level.

Pffzttt-Crack! A massive grin spread across Kothar's face as the spell hit the ground, and instead of fizzling out as it had been doing, the swirling lightning exploded outwards rapidly, creating a small field of sparking air, with bolts of lightning striking down into the space randomly.

[It looks kind of pitiful doesn't it]

[Hey, at least I cast the spell Silane.]

[Sure thing, well done, you're a master of spell casting.]

[Hahaha, I'm too happy with actually casting the spell to get annoyed by you Silane.]

[Alright, now make the spell bigger, remember, we need to do well in the duels and impress Krieg. I'm eager to see what Space Magic can do.]

[As you say madam. Hahaha.]

Teasing Silane, Kothar sat back down to gather mana so he could continue practicing Storm Field.

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