The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Duel Arbitration Area

The audience looked at the two starships heading in opposite directions, and they knew that the confrontation between the two starships was about to begin.

"Look! It's the laser main gun of the T2 Bald Eagle class light interstellar cruiser! Fire!"

"That guy Zhao Chen can only wish for the best. I think his broken starship may not be able to withstand this shot."

"Look at Zhao Chen's starship, what weapons are on the hull? There are only dozens of close-in defense guns and five T2 laser guns. With this firepower, how can it fight against the T2 Bald Eagle!"

The audience looked like they were watching a good show.

Zhao Wan'er, who was sitting in the corner, clenched her fists in worry, with a worried look in her eyes.

"The laser main gun of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser is not amazing. If it is hit by one shot at this distance, it will at most cause serious damage.

As long as your brother knows when to admit defeat, there will be no danger." Senior Su Lan said beside her.

She no longer thinks Zhao Chen can win, she just needs him to surrender and admit defeat.

She doesn't care about the life or death of this man, she just doesn't want to see her best friend sad.

"Stubborn brother, you can't be in trouble! There is always a way to save the green mountains!" Zhao Wan'er muttered in her heart.

Everyone saw from the broadcast screen that the T2 medium Bald Eagle laser main gun equipped at the bow of Zhang Haoran's T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser was shining with electric light, which was a sign of imminent launch.

A few seconds later, a laser was fired and rushed straight to the target starship.

But an unexpected scene appeared.

At one end of the broadcast video, there were some data tests of the duel starships, including speed test records.

The Blizzard Zero, which was originally sailing at a star speed of 40 knots, actually began to turn right and speed up.

In less than three seconds, it increased from the original 40 knots to 80 knots.

The trajectory was like drawing an arc on the edge of a circle centered on the T2 Bald Eagle.

This directly caused the laser to deviate and did not hit the Blizzard Zero.

The audience was in an uproar.

"What's going on? Was it my illusion just now? How could the speed of the Blizzard Zero suddenly increase so much!"

"Coincidence! It must be a coincidence! Or there is something wrong with our detection equipment. How could that broken starship have a speed of 80 knots! This is impossible!"

"The T2 Bald Eagle is only 65 knots!"

"But... how did it avoid the main gun laser of the T2 Bald Eagle?"

Faced with this person's question, the people who had originally looked down on Zhao Chen fell silent.

"What... happened just now?" The loli twin-tailed Xue Xiaoxiao stared at her two sisters with big eyes.

"80 knots... How... is this possible..." Zhao Wan'er swallowed her saliva.

Senior Su Lan's eyes also became serious at this time, staring at the live broadcast screen.

After completing an arc movement, the Blizzard Zero turned left again, aiming directly at the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser again, and the speed was further increased.

85 knots... 90 knots... 95 knots...

Everyone stared at the data column that detected the speed of Blizzard Zero.

In the end, the speed was fixed at 100 knots!



This was what everyone thought.

Even the mentors of the referee group showed surprise.

It is not uncommon for T2 starships to reach a speed of 100 knots, but they are rare starships, or specially modified starships.

That unremarkable assembled starship can actually reach a speed of 100 knots.

How... is this possible?

Zhao Chen, who was on Blizzard Zero at the moment, had no intention of paying attention to the curiosity of the audience.

He was breathing a little quickly. Just now, he was staring at the radar star map with his eyes, watching the attack trajectory of the laser passing by the tail of Blizzard Zero.

Although it seemed that the distance was quite far.

But according to the calculation of the starship system, if it was one second slower!

Their Blizzard Zero might be hit. Although it would not be destroyed by a single shot, it was inevitable that the ship would be damaged.

"Reciprocity, now is the time to fight back.

Show us our 1200mm caliber cannon! Fuck him!" Zhao Chen was a little excited, he stood up directly, and put one foot on the captain's chair

, pointing forward!

Vice Captain Charlotte gave the order: "Target the enemy ship and sail at full speed. At the same time, start the T2 heavy 1200mm Devil Crocodile Cannon."

"Understood! Sailing at full speed!"

"T2 heavy 1200mm Devil Crocodile Cannon is being started. It will take ten seconds... 10..."

A gate suddenly appeared at the bow of the Zero Blizzard. The gate opened to reveal a black gun barrel.

At this moment, everyone in the audience could not sit still and stood up.

Even several instructors stood up in disbelief.

A middle-aged instructor said in surprise: "That... that is... the 1200mm caliber cannon of the T2 Devil Crocodile-class medium-sized interstellar battleship? How could it... appear on this starship."

"Get me the record of this student in the academy!" The chief judge ordered the person next to him.

Soon a record was retrieved.

The chief judge looked at the records and suddenly realized: "T2 Gray Wolf...T2 Devil Crocodile...T2 Hyena...all matched!

This guy actually assembled a starship with these three starships, and also installed...the bow main gun of the T2 Devil Crocodile on his starship!"

Some sharp-eared audience students in the audience behind him heard this.

"Oh my God! It's the bow main gun of the T2 Devil Crocodile-class medium-sized interstellar battleship!"

"T2 Devil Crocodile-class medium-sized interstellar battleship? What kind of starship is this?"

"I told you not to study hard. This is a T2 starship battleship released a century ago, in pursuit of heavy firepower.

The largest caliber at the time, that is, this 1200mm bow cannon, was directly installed on this interstellar battleship, and it also uses a cannon!

It is said that any T2 starship with that power would find it difficult to withstand its shot."

"1200mm caliber...isn't this a configuration only available on T3 starships? Then why is it now I have never heard of this starship before."

"Because it has a huge design flaw, while focusing on firepower, it does not consider whether other system modules of the T2 starship can meet such a strong firepower system, and various faults often occur.

In addition, the construction cost is too high, which is several times higher than that of ordinary T2 interstellar battleships. In the end, it was discontinued less than 30 years after its release. "

Senior Su Lan was also moved at this time. She looked at Zhao Wan'er: "Didn't you say before that your brother installed this cannon on the starship?"

"I... I don't know..." Zhao Wan'er's expression was also very strange at this moment. What on earth is her brother doing.

"Giant cannon! Giant cannon! I love giant cannons the most!" Twin-tailed loli Xue Xiaoxiao was jumping and jumping at this time, her eyes shining with excitement!

Senior Su Lan and Zhao Wan'er were helpless when they saw this. This was Xue Xiaoxiao's illness again.

She has a serious "giant cannon obsession", and her favorite is the combination of interstellar battleships and large-caliber giant cannons!

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