The enemy was in a hurry, and the enemy was in danger.

At this moment, under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Blizzard Zero was rushing towards the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser at an astonishing speed.

Looking at the bright 1200-caliber Devil Crocodile Cannon, everyone guessed what Blizzard Zero was up to.

Everyone was holding their breath, waiting for what was about to happen next.

"Damn it! Why would that starship have a 1200mm caliber Devil Crocodile Cannon of the T2 Devil Crocodile-class medium-sized interstellar battleship? Evade at full speed, and all close-in defense guns are ready to intercept!" Deputy Captain Wang Cheng gave the order with a stern expression.

"Wang... Vice Captain Wang... What... What's going on? That... That damned cannon, and the speed of that shabby starship... We... won't be in danger, right?

The victory of this battle still belongs to us, right?" Zhang Haoran was pale now. Although he was a dandy boy, he had studied at the Starship Military Academy for three years after all.

Some basic knowledge was still known, the 1200mm caliber cannon, that power...

Vice Captain Wang Cheng did not answer, because anyone with a discerning eye could see the situation in front of him now.

Their main laser gun was in the cooling and charging stage, and the remaining secondary weapons were not within the attack range.

At the same time, the enemy's starship's speed soared to nearly 100 knots, and there was a 1200mm caliber cannon.

Their T2 Bald Eagle had become the prey of the hunter's guns.

The only thing they could pray for was that the opponent's attack would not hit their starship, and then they could take advantage of the situation to counterattack, and perhaps there was still hope.

But... when I think of the enemy ship's terrifying speed of 100 knots.

Vice Captain Wang Cheng's psychological shadow area is quite large.

Damn, isn't this a military academy? Isn't the other party a down-and-out noble? Why can he own a starship with a speed of 100 knots!

Snowstorm Zero Bridge

"In one minute, we will enter the attack range limit of the enemy's secondary weapons. Before that, we will be the first to fire!" Vice Captain Charlotte looked at Captain Zhao Chen and said, "I will directly control the aiming, and you will give the order to fire."

"No problem." Zhao Chen nodded.

"I will take over the aiming of the Devil Crocodile Cannon." Vice Captain Charlotte took over the launch preparation work: "After forty seconds, the starship's speed will be reduced to 0!"

"Yes! After forty seconds, reduce the speed!" The crew member in charge of navigation responded.

Why reduce the speed?

When a starship fires, is the hit rate higher in the navigation state or in the static state?

The answer is self-evident.

The forty seconds passed in the blink of an eye.

The crew immediately began to operate: "Start to reduce the speed, the engine reverse thrust system is activated! The current speed is 80...60...40...20...5...

Report! The current speed of the starship is 0! The starship is in a stationary state! Over!"

It took less than five seconds for Blizzard Zero to reduce the star speed from 100 knots to 0 knots.

This refreshed the concept of the students and instructors in the audience. The acceleration and deceleration capabilities of this engine are too strong.

At this moment, everyone knows what will happen next.

Deputy Captain Charlotte is now checking the automatic search data of the starship weapon system. The 1200mm caliber Devil Crocodile Cannon has aimed at the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser!

After confirming that it is correct, she said: "Report to the captain, the lock is complete! You can fire at any time!"

"Fire!" Zhao Chen's roar resounded throughout the bridge.

This feeling is so great.

Almost at the same time, this 1200-caliber heavy Devil Crocodile Cannon roared again after more than 80 years.

A 1200-diameter titanium alloy high-explosive bomb was fired from the barrel at an extremely fast speed!

At the moment of firing, Zhao Chen could even feel that the entire bridge seemed to shake.

If you observe from the outside, you will find that this firing directly caused the Zero Blizzard to move backwards by dozens of meters, and the bow was slightly tilted.

At the same time, you can also see the chemical smoke that has not yet dissipated from the muzzle of the 1200-caliber heavy Devil Crocodile Cannon.

"Warning! Warning! Warning! Detected an attack locked on this ship, please evade! Please evade! Please evade!"

"Warning! Warning! Warning! Detected an attack locked on this ship, please evade! Please

Evade! Please evade!"

"Warning! Warning! Warning! Attacks targeting this ship have been detected, please evade! Please evade! Please evade!"

The bridge of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser flashed red, and the system warning sounded continuously.

"All starship close-in defense guns, quickly fire barrages to intercept! Quick! Quick! Quick! "Vice Captain Wang Cheng hurriedly issued an interception order.

The 20 150mm T2 medium quadruple-mounted close-in defense guns on the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser were fully fired at this moment, forming a dense interception barrage network.

Unfortunately, these small-caliber close-in defense gun barrages were facing a giant cannon with a diameter of 1200mm!

It was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot!


A deafening sound rang out in the bridge of the Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser, and the entire bridge began to tilt to one side.

Zhang Haoran took off directly and flew three meters away. His head hit a horn heavily, and blood flowed all over his face.

He fell to the ground, covering his bleeding head, and said in horror: "What...what's going I going to...die?

I don't want to die yet... Mom... Mom, save me..."

Vice Captain Wang Cheng didn't care about the delicate young master at this moment. He didn't even know the basic common sense of keeping himself steady when being bombarded.

"Report, the port side armor of the ship was pierced, and an ammunition room on the left was detonated, causing a secondary explosion; 37 cabins were directly affected, and these cabins have been blocked, eight crew members died, and the number of injured is unknown. "

"Report, the secondary explosion just now affected our starship energy system, and the energy supply is decreasing at a rate of 10% per minute! If the situation is not under control, it is expected that the starship will completely lose its energy supply within ten minutes. "

"Report, our weapon system is faulty, and some weapon modules cannot be used. "

"Report, the speed of our ship is constantly decreasing and cannot be controlled! ”

The entire bridge is now full of bad news.

“How could this happen…” Vice Captain Wang Cheng was shocked. He didn’t expect that a shell from the enemy would have such an effect.

The T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser is already in a state of great damage. If the battle continues, it is very likely that the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

“Young Master Zhang… We… We lost… Let’s surrender.” Vice Captain Wang Cheng walked up to Zhang Haoran and said in a deep voice.

“Lost… Lost… How could it be… How could this happen! Aren’t you an excellent captain? My dad paid for you to come here, how could you lose to me!

Do you know that if I lose, I will drop out of North Star!

You are a waste! "Because the explosion had stopped, Zhang Haoran came back to his senses from the panic. He staggered to his feet and slapped Vice Captain Wang Cheng in the face.

Vice Captain Wang Cheng lowered his head and said nothing.

At this moment, various "explosions" sounded again on the hull.

"What's going on...what's going on..." Zhang Haoran immediately squatted on the ground in fear.

He looked up at the "floor-to-ceiling window" in front of the bridge. The bridge of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser uses a special material glass window with a 100° viewing angle, which can directly see the scenery in the universe.

This kind of bridge glass window is not an ordinary glass window. Its strength even exceeds the starship's hull armor. It can be said to be one of the places with the highest defense strength of the starship; but it is expensive, so only a few areas are equipped.

At this moment, spider web-like cracks appeared on the floor-to-ceiling window of the bridge.

"Report! The enemy ship is rapidly approaching our ship, and the enemy ship's secondary weapons are causing damage to our ship!" The crew reported hurriedly.

"Report! The damage to the frontal armor of the ship has reached 20%..."

"Report! The damage to the frontal armor of the ship has reached 40%..."


I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but Zhang Haoran seemed to hear the sound of glass breaking. He had imagined his miserable state after the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bridge were completely shattered.

At this moment, he felt his lower body go cold.

He cried in panic: "I admit defeat! I surrender!"

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