The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

Arbitration area

All the instructors and audience students were dumbfounded.

One shot hit the target!

A shell from Blizzard Zero actually directly damaged the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser, almost destroying it directly.

They could clearly see that a large pit with a diameter of at least ten meters was blasted on the starboard armor of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser, and the flames produced by the explosion could be seen from time to time.

And then Blizzard Zero's pursuit of victory caused the front armor of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser to be continuously damaged.

If the fight continued, there would be only one result.

At this time, the referee team was ready to make a mandatory decision, after all, the winner was obvious.

At this time, the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser had also voluntarily admitted defeat.

The chief referee immediately announced that the winner of this starship duel was Zhao Chen's Blizzard Zero; at the same time, he immediately contacted Zhao Chen and asked his starship to stop attacking!

"This... this starship is too strong."

"Zhang Haoran... just lost like this?"

"So, this is... Zhao Chen won?"

Many people were speechless for a long time.

Including Jiang Shasha, her expression was dull and her eyes were wide open.

Zhao Chen... won?

Zhao Chen's shabby starship won Zhang Haoran's T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser?

Recalling Zhao Chen's indifference to her in the restaurant before, Jiang Shasha felt very uncomfortable at the moment.

Especially after Zhao Chen won this battle.

"Shasha... Zhao Chen actually won..." The friend who came with Jiang Shasha looked at Jiang Shasha with a strange expression.

"I'm not blind." Jiang Shasha looked gloomy, took a last look at the strange starship in the broadcast, and then turned to leave the audience area and prepared to return to the academy.

"Shasha... You don't wait for Zhang Shao... You wait for me."

Some people are in a bad mood, and naturally some people are in a good mood.

"See! The giant cannon is the only truth! Wan'er, your brother's ship is really awesome. When will you tell your brother to let me go up and take a look? It would be best if I could touch your brother's 1200mm caliber giant cannon!" Twin-tailed loli Xue Xiaoxiao looked at Zhao Wan'er with shining eyes.

Zhao Wan'er's expression was so shocked and unbelievable at this moment.

"This... Is it over?"

It took less than five minutes from the time the two starships entered the battle range to the end of the battle.

The most important thing was that one shot into the soul. No one expected that this shot would end the battle so quickly.

"The hull armor of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser is weak in itself, not to mention that it is equipped with a T2 heavy 1200MM Devil Crocodile Cannon.

As long as the hull armor is hit, the consequences are basically quite serious.

Your brother may be lucky to penetrate the armor directly and cause the cabin to explode.

But I have to say that this assembled starship is really strong, with a speed of 100 knots, which is incredible." Senior Sister Su Lan gave an evaluation on the side, and she smiled and looked at Zhao Wan'er: "It seems that your brother doesn't need me to help."

At this moment, Senior Sister Su Lan's impression of her friend's brother has greatly changed, and she has even developed some curiosity.

The third-year student named Zhao Chen is very capable to assemble such a starship with three old starships within a month.

When the Zero Blizzard amazed everyone.

Zhao Chen waved his fist excitedly on his bridge: "Fuck, it was a one-shot hit!"

"We are lucky, it should be the ammunition room of the enemy ship that exploded; affecting multiple system modules of the ship." Deputy Captain Charlotte analyzed beside him.

This is why she just ordered a high-speed advance and continued to attack.

With such a good opportunity, as a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, how can he not seize the opportunity and lock in the victory.


Zhao Chen thought of the special reward "Fleet Luck Value Bonus" given by the system before. Because of this reward, he can only recruit female soldiers.

In this way, this "one-shot hit" should be related to this thing.

"It would be great if every shot in the future was a "one-shot hit"!" Zhao Chen fantasized in his heart.

As for whether it is set in this way, it can only be verified in future battles.

"Zhao Chen, you have won. Please stop all attacks immediately


The chief judge's voice sounded.

"Understood." Zhao Chen replied.

Looking at the embarrassed T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser, there was no fire at the pierced hull, but thick smoke could still be seen.

It is estimated that it is impossible for it to drive back by itself, and it can only wait for the interstellar tugboat to help.

"Chief Judge, can I get in on the video communication of the T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser? "Zhao Chen made a request.

The chief referee on the other side of the video window hesitated for a moment, and finally agreed to this request.

Because as the referee team, they have the right to conduct video communication between the two starships at any time.

Soon, a video window appeared in front of Zhao Chen. Opposite was a messy bridge, billowing smoke, and some broken parts scattered all over the ground, which was completely different from the bright and beautiful bridge scene before.

Captain Zhang Haoran was sitting on the ground, his face was pale, and there was a puddle of water under his buttocks.

"Puff... Zhang Haoran, you are actually scared to pee."

When Zhao Chen's voice sounded on Zhang Haoran's bridge, he noticed the communication window. He pointed at Zhao Chen in shame and anger: "Zhao Chen! You cheated! You can't beat me! You must have cheated."

"The chief referee listened to what we said. Now you accuse me of cheating. Are you doubting the fairness and strictness of the referee team? "Zhao Chen teased.

The chief judge who was responsible for transferring this video communication said coldly: "Student Zhang Haoran, we monitored this starship duel throughout the whole process, and there is no problem.

If you have any objections to our judgment, you can report to our superiors.

Student Zhao Chen, if there is nothing else, this communication will end here. "

It can be seen that the chief judge has a very bad impression of this dandy boy.

"Chief judge, my last words." Zhao Chen looked at Zhang Haoran, and he said lightly: "The duel is over, and Young Master Zhang should not forget our bet.

That is recognized by the academy. "

"Zhang Haoran, according to your starship duel agreement. You will be expelled from the North Star Starship Military Academy.

Do you understand clearly. "The chief judge did not forget to add a sentence at this time.

"Clear...clear...understand..." Zhang Haoran was in despair. If he really dropped out of the North Star Starship Military Academy, he would be finished.

His viscount father would definitely kill him!

The video call ended.

Zhao Chen had no intention of paying attention to this defeated general.

"Return home." Zhao Chen sat in the captain's chair, feeling so comfortable.

And the turmoil about this interstellar duel is far from over.


Grade 3, Class 8

"Today's class ends here." The teacher announced the end of the class.

At this time, some students immediately began to search for the live broadcast channel of the starship duel, but found that it had been closed.

"Why can't I find the starship duel between Zhao Chen and Zhang Haoran?"

The student next to him chuckled and said, "Come on, I haven't watched it for a long time. I guess Zhao Chen was defeated by Zhang Haoran a long time ago. That was a T2 Bald Eagle-class light interstellar cruiser."

"Yes. This is also Zhao Chen's own fault. He was overestimating his own capabilities. It's good that this is the case. In the future, our class will have one less annoying guy. "

"Next year, there will be a collective task. If this guy is brought along, our class will be in trouble."

Many people in the class were sneering at this moment.

Li Wei started to contact Zhao Chen with a dark face. He had already started to think of various ways to help Zhao Chen.

"Wait... something is not right... look at the hot search list of our college intranet!" A girl who loves to browse the intranet forum suddenly exclaimed.

"Zhao Chen... seems to have won..."

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