The end of August

It has been two months since the North Star Starship Military Academy went on vacation, and this is also the time Zhao Chen and others have stayed in the Arctic Fox Starport.

In the starship construction area, which originally only had the keel of an aircraft carrier starship, a brand new aircraft carrier starship is now on display.

The brand new hull armor, the yellow and black hull paint, and the streamlined shape of the entire hull are quite good both in terms of aesthetics and practicality.

Blizzard Zero on the side, in front of this new ship, is like a child staying with an adult.

Zhao Chen took a deep breath, dragged his tired body, and finished the last starship test.

Then he swayed and almost fell to the ground.

"Finished?" Zhao Wan'er came over, holding the meal prepared for Zhao Chen.

"Finished, the next step is the sea trial test." Zhao Chen took the food handed over by Zhao Wan'er, and ate it without caring about his dirty hands.

God knows how he spent these two months.

In two months, he didn't sleep a full night. Fortunately, the medical technology here is advanced, and there are energy drinks to refresh, otherwise Zhao Chen would have died suddenly many times.

Finally, hard work pays off. In two months, he completed the construction of this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

Zhao Wan'er, who witnessed all this, was really convinced by her brother. He built a T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship on his own, and he designed and researched it himself!

If the instructors of the North Star Starship Military Academy knew this, they would be ashamed.

"Why didn't I realize that you have such a powerful ability before?" Zhao Wan'er asked curiously.

Before this, Zhao Chen was an ordinary person. At most, he could read a little, but he had no special features.

"Our family already has a great genius like my eldest sister, and now there is a little genius like you.

If I show my talent again, do you think I will be targeted by some people with ulterior motives?

I guess the people in Xiaolong Galaxy are afraid that you will grow up and it will be difficult for them to act, so they chose this time.

A tall tree attracts the wind." Zhao Chen found an excuse for himself.

"So you have been hiding yourself all the time?" Zhao Wan'er was surprised.

"This is called being low-key." Zhao Chen crossed his arms.

At this time, Charlotte came over.

"Captain, you called me?" Deputy Captain Charlotte's condition was much better than two months ago, and she was used to living here with Zhao Chen.

After all, three meals a day are natural food, who doesn't like it.

"How is the training of the 500 half-orc female crew members going?" Zhao Chen asked.

Vice Captain Charlotte spent a month to purchase 500 female Orc crew members through the slave trade network of the Arctic Fox Star Port.

After receiving them, they began to train them.

Fortunately, they all recognized the legendary general Charlotte, so they all obeyed the management.

In addition to the welfare benefits set by Zhao Chen for his female crew members, when they saw the white buns, they were already reluctant to leave.

"The training of 500 female Orc crew members went smoothly. If there are five Blizzard Zeros now, they can be directly put into combat." Vice Captain Charlotte replied.

"What about this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship?" Zhao Chen pointed to the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship behind him.

Deputy Captain Charlotte took a look at the huge yellow and black starship, and she said confidently: "Within three days, we can master this starship and form effective combat power."

Zhao Chen patted Zhao Wan'er on the shoulder: "Charlotte, you take Wan'er and the selected 100 crew members on board. Conduct a trial test of this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship."

"Me too?" Zhao Wan'er was surprised.

"Didn't you say before that you really wanted to own an aircraft carrier starship? This starship is my gift to you.

But when you return to the academy, you will temporarily use your original starship. This aircraft carrier starship cannot be exposed. A tall tree attracts the wind." Zhao Chen said.

Zhao Wan'er looked at Zhao Chen in surprise, pointed at the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship and then pointed at herself: "You want to... give me this starship?"

"It's not free, you need to be my captain. Why... don't you want to?" Zhao Chen joked.

Zhao Waner rolled her eyes: "I... I'll help you first... Who cares about your starship..."

After saying that, Zhao Waner

Without saying anything, Zhao Waner took Charlotte aboard and began to familiarize herself with this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

The interior space of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship is many times better than that of the Zero Blizzard.

Everything is brand new!

Unlike the Zero Blizzard, traces of age can be seen everywhere.

Zhao Waner came to the bridge of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship. The entire bridge is a circular closed structure, but when it is started, all the scenes around the starship will be displayed around the bridge, using 360° panoramic projection technology!

"Sister Charlotte, let's get ready! I can't wait to drive this starship out for a trial voyage!" Zhao Waner said hurriedly.

Commanding and driving an aircraft carrier starship has always been Zhao Waner's dream.

It never occurred to me that it would come true.

"It will take some time to prepare, about half a day.

First, the crew must be familiar with the environment and various positions of this starship.

Fortunately, some of the half-orc female crew members I recruited have served on aircraft carriers before, and they have experience in this area, so they should be able to get familiar with it quickly.

And this is only a T2-level aircraft carrier, so the technical difficulty should not be too high." Charlotte said.

Then they began to select the crew members of this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier. The selected crew members were soon notified to stand by on the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier.

In a large cabin, Charlotte looked at the 100 half-orc female crew members gathered in front of her, all wearing neat clothes and smiling.

You know, when they were brought here a month ago, they were still dressed as slaves, and they were as frightened as caged birds.

In the words of Captain Zhao Chen.

Now they have light in their eyes.

"I am announcing one thing now. From now on, you are the official crew members of this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

I will send the detailed job appointments to each of you.

I think you should be very happy with your life on Blizzard Zero in the past month.

But you have to know who gave you all these?

Maybe you are still questioning that man and doubting that man in your heart, but no matter what, you have to fight for him now!

If anyone slacks off in the combat position.

Even if you were my comrades, I will expel you from this starship." Deputy Captain Charlotte stared at everyone present: "Remember the two words 'gratitude'!

That man gave you a second life. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be able to live in a clean room and eat delicious food now!

We orcs must know how to repay kindness!

Got it!"

"Got it!"

Zhao Chen was lying on the big bed in the captain's bedroom of Blizzard Zero, watching the scene of Charlotte's admonition in the picture.

Through the "Eye of Insight", it can be seen that these half-orc female crew members are not very loyal to him, but they have no hostility towards him and are grateful.

I believe that it will not take long for these people's ideas to change completely.

"Come and see what I have gained." Zhao Chen forced himself to sleep and opened the system page.

When the construction of this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship was completed, there was actually a system task prompt completed.

[Quarterly task: Own a starship (system product).

Completed! You can receive the task reward! ]

Zhao Chen clicked to receive the task reward.

[Quarterly task reward received, task reward issued]

[Obtain 5 task points]

[Obtain a T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship technical blueprint]

[Obtain 500 system points]

[Obtain T1 Super Soldier Potion]

Zhao Chen's sleepiness suddenly dissipated!

Interstellar industrial ship!

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