The first step is to build a new interstellar industrial ship.

It is a kind of auxiliary starship, and it has an alias: interstellar mobile factory!

As the name suggests, interstellar industrial ships can carry out most industrial production operations, and can even be used to produce starships.

Before, Zhao Chen had been thinking about the interstellar industry. Without the foundation of this area, Zhao Chen had to find this kind of starport to rent workshops every time he produced starships.

It is inconvenient and unsafe.

If you can have your own interstellar industry, then all these troubles will be gone.

And now Zhao Chen has the opportunity to own an interstellar industrial ship!

This means that as long as there are raw materials and technology, Zhao Chen can produce starships anytime and anywhere.

It is not a dream to build an interstellar fleet belonging to Zhao Chen!

[Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship

Ship type: interstellar industrial ship

Technology level: T2

Hull armor strength: 100 units

Cruising speed: 20 knots

Warp engine: Level 4 warp engine

Captain: 500 meters

Mass: 200,000 tons

Number of positions: 200 people

Starship weapons: 50 light close-in defense turrets]

Zhao Chen checked the data information of this T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship, which is larger than the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

The weapons it carries are pitifully few. After all, it is not a combat starship and only has the most basic defensive firepower.

And looking at its core function, that is, the interstellar industry, makes Zhao Chen drool.

This is a semi-intelligent interstellar industrial ship that only requires a small number of personnel to carry out production work, and the production efficiency is extremely high!

For example, Zhao Chen spent two months working day and night to rent the best starship workshop in the Arctic Fox Starport to complete the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

But if the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship is used, even if Zhao Chen is not present, as long as the blueprint technology is input, the starship system will distribute it to various manufacturing positions, and a confidential production method can be adopted. The personnel in each position will only know the technical content of their own link

Even, Zhao Chen can be responsible for the most core technology.

In this way, the workload caused is greatly reduced!

At the same time, this interstellar industrial ship can reduce the loss rate of raw materials by 20%!

That means that the original raw materials of 1.5 million star coins can be saved by nearly 300,000 star coins.

This is definitely the most powerful one among the known T2 interstellar industrial ships.

With it, Zhao Chen is simply more powerful.

"Must build one! Must build!" Zhao Chen's eyes glowed red.

But after calculating the construction cost, Zhao Chen was dumbfounded.

The cost of a single ship is 2 million star coins!

"Fuck, this is more expensive than the T2 Queen Bee class heavy aircraft carrier starship!" Zhao Chen glanced at his account.

There were 1.9 million star coins before. Although Charlotte was paid tens of thousands to buy orc slaves, there are still more than 1.8 million.

There is a gap of more than 200,000.

And the cost of renting the starport starship workshop has not been calculated.

In addition, the maintenance of the two starships, Blizzard Zero and T2 Queen Bee class heavy aircraft carrier starship, will require some financial reserves in the future.

Calculated in this way, Zhao Chen is not qualified to build this T2 Hammer class heavy interstellar industrial ship without 2.5 million star coins.

"I'm short of money again." Zhao Chen scratched his head. Sure enough, building a ship is a waste of money.

So it has always been said that starships are toys for the rich.

"What should I do with the missing part? Ask Li Yaqi to sell the starship? But she has a starship in production now, and there is no need for a second one in the short term.

Looking for other starship sellers? What if I provoke some existence that I can't afford to provoke now? We all know the truth that a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure." Zhao Chen frowned.

As he thought about it, he suddenly slapped his head.

The money is waiting for him there, why did he forget about it.

The nobles in the Xiaolong Galaxy have a lot of wealth. Although the Xiaolong Galaxy is poor, it doesn't prevent these nobles from plundering and making money.

Zhao Chen's mouth corners raised, revealing a cold expression.

In addition to a starship technology reward, Zhao Chen also received three other rewards.

[Get 5 mission points]

[Get 500 system points]

[Get T1 Super Warrior Potion]

Needless to say, the mission points and system points just fill Zhao Chen's needs.

But the third reward attracted Zhao Chen's attention.

T1 Super Soldier Potion?

[T1 Super Soldier Potion: A potion that can transform the human body, directly injected into the body for use. ]


How can it be just a simple sentence?

Isn't this introduction the same as no introduction? Just looking at the name, you can tell that it is for transforming the human body.

Zhao Chen was speechless, but since it was given by the system, there shouldn't be any problem.

And this body is indeed too weak now. In the past two months of work, he fainted five times.

When he used the military hibernation capsule before, he made a fool of himself in front of Zhao Wan'er.

He is a man who wants to conquer the stars and the sea, how can he be so weak!

Zhao Chen took the potion from the system warehouse without saying a word.

Immediately, a 20-centimeter-long cylindrical potion tube appeared in Zhao Chen's hand, with a light blue luminous liquid inside.

Zhao Chen swallowed his saliva and silently said: System, you won't cheat me, right...

After saying that, he raised his hand and pierced his arm with a needle.

In one second, all the blue liquid in the medicine was injected.

"No feeling?" Zhao Chen was stunned.

But the next second, his pupils dilated, and he felt as if every cell in his body was exploding. He fell to the ground in pain. He wanted to shout, but found that his throat seemed to be blocked and he couldn't shout at all.

This feeling seemed to Zhao Chen to last for a century.

"Huff, huh, huh..." Zhao Chen suddenly sat up with a big breath, and the discomfort on his body disappeared.

He glanced at the time, and only three minutes had passed.

He touched his body, not only did he not feel any pain, but even the previous fatigue was completely gone.

Zhao Chen stood up, called out a mirror, and looked at himself in the mirror.

His face seemed to be more angular.

Lifting up his shirt, his flat belly actually had abdominal muscles, and even his arms had tendons.

Zhao Chen tried to swing his fists, and he could hear the sound of breaking through the air; he tried to bounce, and he could actually touch the roof easily.

Zhao Chen excitedly did push-ups again, without any pressure at all, and did 500 in one breath, and he didn't feel tired at all.

"I have become a superman!" Zhao Chen was pleasantly surprised.

This T1 Super Soldier Potion really works.


Does having T1 mean having T2?

Zhao Chen seemed to have thought of something and opened the system mall.

First, he searched in the T1 product column and actually found the T1 Super Soldier Potion he had just used.

[T1 Super Soldier Potion: Requires 1 mission point and 30 system points]

It turns out that there is one in the system store.

But when he was browsing before, Zhao Chen was looking at starship blueprints and didn't pay attention to these at all.

And at that time, his precious mission points would not be used on this.

Zhao Chen looked at the T2 series products again, and he quickly found the target.

[T2 Super Soldier Potion: Requires 3 mission points and 600 system points]

"I'm not in a hurry to improve my physical fitness now. The current situation is enough. It's not too late to exchange it when I'm rich in the future." Zhao Chen saw the price and chose to put it aside for the time being.

Since he was no longer tired, he went directly to the bridge of Blizzard Zero.

"Hello, Captain." The half-orc female crew member on the bridge immediately greeted her. She looked at the captain carefully and found that the captain seemed a little different today.

Taller and more handsome than before!

Sitting on the captain's chair, Zhao Chen contacted the bridge of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

Zhao Wan'er and Charlotte appeared in the video window opposite.

"Why didn't you go to rest?" Zhao Wan'er looked at Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen said, "I'm not very tired now. How is your starship prepared?"

"It will take about half a day to prepare." Charlotte replied.

"Well, Charlotte, go and count the daily necessities and military supplies we need. Bring them all before you set off. When you test the voyage, Blizzard Zero will also follow. After the test voyage, we will set off for the Xiaolong star system." Zhao Chen said.

"So anxious?" Zhao Wan'er was a little surprised.

Zhao Chen smiled jokingly, "This Hongmen Banquet has made people wait for two months. It will be inappropriate if it is later."

He was in a hurry to collect his "wealth".

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