The old man Jiang Xiong, the father of the Jiang family, was walking slowly into the Zhao family mansion with his two children.

"Dad, you just said that the two starships wiped out the interstellar pirate fleet. Is it true?" Jiang Xiong's son, Jiang Shasha's brother, Jiang Ziwen asked in a low voice.

Jiang Shasha's face was very ugly. She bit her lips lightly, as if she was thinking about something.

"The battlefield is on Longwei Star. There are our side branches on Longwei Star. The news is absolutely true.

The wreckage of the starships of those interstellar pirates is still floating outside Longwei Star." Jiang Xiong said in a deep voice.

"Sister, those two starships are Zhao Chen's? Where did Zhao Chen get such awesome starships?" Jiang Ziwen asked curiously.

Jiang Shasha recalled the two starship images her father had shown her before, one of which was the aircraft carrier starship floating 20,000 kilometers above their heads.

"One is called Blizzard Zero, and Zhao Chen used it to win the starship duel at the North Star Starship Military Academy.

I have never seen the other aircraft carrier starship, and I don't know." Jiang Shasha said silently.

Suddenly, a bloody smell came to their faces.

Just when they were wondering where the bloody smell came from in the Zhao family mansion, the scene in front of them made the three of them dilate their pupils.

One stone pillar stood in the Zhao family compound, and each stone pillar had a person tied to it, some alive, some half-dead, and some dead bodies.

They also knew the identities of these people.

They knew the two dead and one alive.

The head of the Bao family and the head of the Cui family, two of the three major families in the Xiaolong Galaxy!

Passing through this "stone pillar forest", Jiang Xiong and the other two came to the front of the Zhao family.

Jiang Shasha looked at the man in front of her.


Although he looked familiar, his eyes and expression, as well as his aura.

made her feel that the Zhao Chen she had known for more than 20 years was completely different from the Zhao Chen in front of her.

"Jiang Xiong of the Jiang family, with his children Jiang Ziwen and Jiang Shasha. I have been ordered to pay my respects to the Baron." Jiang Xiong took the lead in saluting Zhao Chen.

Jiang Ziwen and Jiang Shasha also saluted.

"Uncle Jiang Xiong came very early." Zhao Chen looked at Jiang Xiong with a smile.

"As soon as I received the news from the Baron, I rushed here as soon as possible. I didn't dare to delay." Jiang Xiong lowered his head, looking humble and honest.

"Do you know about the rebellion of the Bao and Cui families?" Zhao Chen came up and threw out a main purpose.

Jiang Ziwen and Jiang Shasha's hearts skipped a beat. They felt as if a knife was on their necks.

"I know." Jiang Xiong said.

"Then did you participate?" Zhao Chen asked calmly.

"No." Jiang Xiong said.

"If you didn't participate, what were you doing during this time?" Zhao Chen stared at Jiang Xiong.

"I only learned about the rebellion of the Bao and Cui families a month ago, but at that time, the main star of Xiaolong was already controlled by them.

The starships under my command were also forcibly requisitioned by them.

I don't want to be with them, but I can't do anything to stop them, so I can only watch it happen.

Fortunately, the baron is safe and sound and resolved the crisis."

Jiang Xiong changed the subject and knelt on one knee: "But I know that as a subordinate, I did nothing in the rebellion of the Bao and Cui families, which is equivalent to an accomplice.

I, Jiang Xiong, am willing to accept any punishment from the baron.

I only ask the baron man to spare my wife and children of the Jiang family!"

Jiang Shasha looked at her father worriedly, and then at the strange man.

"You are not wrong, and I don't blame you for this. You take your children to the side first, and then I will hold a noble meeting of the Xiaolong star system." Zhao Chen directly changed the subject.

He did not directly punish the Jiang family in this matter.

Time passed bit by bit.

There were more and more corpses and prisoners in the Zhao family compound, and more and more noble clan leaders came here after hearing the news. Everyone who came here was shocked when they saw the bloody scene in the Zhao family compound.

"Everyone is here." Jiang Hong walked to Zhao Chen and whispered.

Zhao Chen looked around the Zhao family compound. In addition to the living and dead tied to the pillars, all the nobles in the Xiaolong galaxy were here, and there were still 20 to 30 people.

The most powerful among them was the Jiang family, the only one left among the three major families.

"I have dealt with the rebellion of the Bao family and the Cui family.

Anyone who participated in it was tied to those stone pillars." Zhao Chen pointed at the bloody stone pillars.

"I know, you

Many people used to disobey me as a lord.

They thought I was a waste. "Zhao Chen spread his hands: "It doesn't matter, I really don't care about these, you can talk about me behind my back.

If you think I am not worthy of being your lord, you can choose to leave the Xiaolong Galaxy and seek development elsewhere, I Zhao Chen will not stop you."

Zhao Chen's face changed, and he was intimidating without anger: "But I hate others who say one thing in front of you and another behind your back. Since they have chosen this path, they must pay the price for their choice.

Jiang Hong."

"I am here." Jiang Hong stepped forward.

Zhao Chen took out a list: "All the families on this list who are still alive will be imprisoned, the leaders will be beheaded, and the rest of the family members will be escorted to the mining area for indefinite labor."

The people present were horrified when they looked at Zhao Chen's list.

That is a death list.

"As for the families outside the list, you know how many of you are really clean.

I don't care what little trouble you made in the past.

From today on, please remember that this Xiaolong Galaxy belongs to the Zhao family!

If you don't want to, you can get out of here.

Otherwise, I am very worried that you will appear on these stone pillars one day. "Zhao Chen turned around and turned his back to everyone: "Okay, the meeting is over."

"Second grandma, it's late, we should go to eat.

I prepared dinner for you, you will like it." Zhao Chen smiled and helped Mrs. Zhao into the main house. He was completely different from the Zhao Chen who looked like a devil just now.

The people who stayed in the courtyard looked at each other.

I don't know who moved first, and everyone left the Zhao family mansion with their heads down.

On the Jiang family's shuttle.

"Get ready, we will move the whole family." Jiang Xiong said in a deep voice.

"Migrate the whole family? Why? We have quite a lot of industries in the Xiaolong Galaxy! "Jiang Ziwen was surprised.

Jiang Xiong sighed and said: "You didn't hear what Zhao Chen meant just now, that is, he was trying to warn us.

If we don't hand over these industries honestly, our Jiang family will become the third Bao family and Cui family!

Without the industry, we can start all over again.

What's more, I have already made plans in other star systems over the years.

As an interstellar businessman, the principle of a cunning rabbit with three burrows must be understood. "

"But...are we really going? Shasha is Zhao Chen's fiancée. According to the relationship between our two families, we can actually support Zhao Chen wholeheartedly, and maybe we can still be the best in the Qilin Galaxy!" Zhao Ziwen said fantasically.

Jiang Shasha lowered her head even more when she heard this.

Jiang Xiong looked at his daughter and said coldly: "Don't you know what your sister did at the North Star Fleet Military Academy?

Our friendship with the Zhao family has long ended.

If we also join the rebellion of the Bao and Cui families this time, Zhao Chen will tie us to the stone pillar without hesitation.

While we still have a choice, we should leave here wisely. ”

Jiang Xiong looked in the direction of the Zhao family through the window of the shuttle: “The son of the Zhao family has grown up.”

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