The battle was over, and the battle was over.

In the next few days, Zhao Chen collected the seven surrendered T1 starships.

Previously, Zhao Chen asked Charlotte to buy 500 Orc slaves at the Arctic Fox Star Port at one time, and 100 of them were arranged on the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

Including the 100 Orc slaves purchased at the North Star Starship Military Academy at one time, 50 were arranged to work on the Zero Snowstorm.

So there are still 450 Orc female crew members who have not yet been formally assigned.

Let them temporarily take over these T1 starships, be responsible for the security of the Xiaolong Galaxy, and collect all the starship wreckage of the 35 Three Claws Snake Interstellar Pirate Fleet on the battlefield of Longwei Star.

All this made the Xiaolong Galaxy seem to have returned to peace and everything was back to normal.

But the real situation was that the Xiaolong Galaxy had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although the Zhao family was originally a lord family, it had always been marginalized. In just one night, it completely controlled the Xiaolong Galaxy from top to bottom.

The T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship led interstellar drones and some Zhao family combat mechas to take charge of controlling all the industries of the families on the death list in the hands of the Zhao family.

Because all these families were defined as rebels, their family industries and properties were all confiscated by the lords.

It took nearly a week just to toss these things.

"Second Young Master, this is the property we have looted from those rebellious nobles in the past few days. In addition, all their industries have been taken over by us, and the previous production work has been fully restored." Jiang Hong stood in front of Zhao Chen and reported these things.

Compared with Zhao Wan'er, Charlotte and others.

No one is more suitable than Jiang Hong to deal with the affairs of the Xiaolong Galaxy.

Before this, she was just a small leader in the trade department, but relying on her connections in the Xiaolong Galaxy, she knew the Xiaolong Galaxy inside and out.

Zhao Chen handed all these matters to Jiang Hong, and Jiang Hong did not refuse.

After all, her mission was to protect the Zhao family's foundation for the eldest lady of the Zhao family.

At this moment, the two were in Zhao Chen's temporary office in the Zhao family mansion.

"How much are those valuable properties?" Zhao Chen asked.

"A total of more than 600,000 star coins." Jiang Hong said.

Zhao Chen was really shocked: "More than 600,000 star coins? These guys are good at embezzling money. They actually accumulated so much wealth!"

Jiang Hong continued: "In addition, including the Jiang family, dozens of noble families moved away from the Xiaolong Galaxy within this week.

The industries left by those families were all collected by us, and some things they couldn't take away naturally became our Zhao family.

That part of the things is also worth 100,000 star coins."

Another 100,000 star coins.

This time, it's 700,000 star coins!

Zhao Chen was so happy that he laughed. His T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship was in the cards.

"Second Young Master, are you just going to let the Jiang family and those noble families leave? Is that appropriate?

The previous list you made had already cleared out half of the noble forces in the Xiaolong Galaxy, including the two giants of the Bao family and the Cui family.

Now even the Jiang family has left, and they took a group of noble families with them.

Currently, the number of noble families left in our Xiaolong Galaxy is less than 20% of the previous number!" Jiang Hong looked at Zhao Chen with some concern.

Zhao Chen let those noble families leave, which was really a big loss for the Xiaolong Galaxy.

"Those who are willing to stay will stay even if we don't say anything. Those who want to leave, it's useless for us to stop them." Zhao Chen said calmly: "It's better this way, they leave cleanly, so I don't have to chop off their heads when I see them pretending to obey but secretly disobeying."

Jiang Hong frowned: "Second Young Master, have you considered the Xiaolong Galaxy? You know, after this tossing, the Xiaolong Galaxy's originally thin assets have... already..."

"The Xiaolong Galaxy is already a mess, can it be worse than before?" Zhao Chen spread his hands and said frankly: "Instead of entangled in a smoky Zhao family, it is better to just destroy it and then build it up!

Building a city on the ruins is much simpler than transforming a decayed city."

Pa pa pa pa

Applause rang out.

Zhao Chen and Jiang Hong looked over and saw that Old Lady Zhao was walking out with a cane: "What a good way to build a new city on the ruins, what a good way to destroy it and then build it up.

Jiang Hong, I think Chen'er is right.

Instead of wasting time with those families, it's better to drive them all away and start over. "

Jiang Hong saw that Mrs. Zhao said so, she had no way to refute, but she still disagreed with Zhao Chen's way of handling it.

"Second grandma, why are you out again?" Zhao Chen stepped forward and helped Mrs. Zhao sit down.

"I just came to see you. I heard that you will leave the Xiaolong Galaxy in a few days and return to the North Star Fleet Military Academy?" Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen nodded: "Yes, it's late September now, and the academy will start in early October. It will take us two weeks to cross the galaxy edge space outside the Xiaolong Galaxy.

Although I have already asked for leave, the academy's assessment is strict. If I don't complete the required academic assessment, I won't be able to pass it at the end of the semester."

"Yes, academics are important. It's a pity that our Xiaolong Galaxy doesn't have a star gate, otherwise it would be much more convenient. "Old Madam Zhao sighed.

The lack of a star gate in the Xiaolong Galaxy has always been a pain in the Xiaolong Galaxy.

The existing star gate technology requires that it must be built in a galaxy with a binary star system.

The Xiaolong Galaxy has only one star, so it is impossible to build a star gate.

"Second Grandma, don't worry. Our Xiaolong Galaxy will soon have our own star gate. If you miss me and Wan'er by then, tell us and we will rush back to see you." Zhao Chen smiled.

Star Gate!

This is a hurdle that Zhao Chen cannot bypass in his plan to build the Xiaolong Galaxy.

There is no technology that meets the requirements among the T2 products in the system mall.

The only way is to upgrade the mall to T3 and put hope in those T3 products!

"Hahahaha, it would be great if there really is such a day." Old Madam Zhao laughed, but she didn't take it seriously.

After chatting, Old Madam Zhao patted Zhao Chen on the shoulder: "Chen'er, you have grown up. If you have anything you want to do, just do it boldly. Second Grandma supports you.

You just said that the current situation of Xiaolong Galaxy is a mess. How bad can it be? "

Zhao Chen nodded.

After Mrs. Zhao left, only Zhao Chen and Jiang Hong were left in the room.

"Jiang Hong, I know you have always been dissatisfied with me. You think that the person sitting in the position of the lord of Xiaolong Galaxy should not be me, but my elder sister, right?" Zhao Chen looked at Jiang Hong with a cold expression on the opposite side.

Jiang Hong remained calm: "Yes."

"I don't need you to obey me. As long as you are sincere for Xiaolong Galaxy, whether you are loyal to me or to my elder sister, it doesn't matter." Zhao Chen said.

Jiang Hong didn't speak.

Zhao Chen stared at Jiang Hong: "Wan'er and I are going to leave the day after tomorrow. At that time, I will leave you two hundred half-orc crew members, and the seven T1 starships will also be left to you. You can command them with full authority.

All the affairs of the entire Xiaolong Galaxy will be handed over to you.

Before I leave, I will announce that you are the acting lord of the Xiaolong Galaxy, and seeing you is like seeing me. "

Jiang Hong was surprised. She didn't expect Zhao Chen to make such an arrangement.

Knowing clearly that he was not loyal to him, he was still willing to hand over the Xiaolong Galaxy to himself?

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