During this period, Zhao Chen was also observing Jiang Hong. He also learned about Jiang Hong's resume. Jiang Hong was a little girl that the eldest daughter of the Zhao family found on another galaxy planet when she was young and went out to play. At that time, she was lying on her mother who had starved to death. She wanted to cry but was too hungry to cry. It was the eldest daughter of the Zhao family who took in Jiang Hong and buried her mother. Since then, the eldest daughter of the Zhao family has treated Jiang Hong like her own sister, teaching her to read and write and giving her all kinds of knowledge. Gradually, Jiang Hong's talent was also revealed. She learns a lot of things very quickly, and she is very good at management. In fact, Jiang Hong has been secretly managing some affairs of the Xiaolong Galaxy for the Zhao family over the years, and then the orders are conveyed by Mrs. Zhao.

Zhao Chen is just a nominal lord, and the eldest daughter of the Zhao family has been relieved to be a hands-off shopkeeper a few years ago.

Gradually, Jiang Hong is very skilled in handling various things.

The most important point is that she is absolutely loyal to the Zhao family, or to the Zhao family that raised the eldest daughter of the Zhao family!

Now there are no available talents around Zhao Chen, and he can't stay in the Xiaolong Galaxy. After all, it is too poor here.

Charlotte is a general, and it's okay to command starships to fight, but let her govern the Xiaolong Galaxy.

So, Zhao Chen chose Jiang Hong.

This woman who doesn't obey him.

"Are you willing to let me take care of the Xiaolong Galaxy?" Jiang Hong asked her question.

Zhao Chen nodded: "I'm relieved to let you take care of it."

Jiang Hong didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhao Chen began to talk about his plan: "If the Xiaolong Galaxy wants to rise and prosper, it needs three opportunities.

The first point: Stargate.

A galaxy without a stargate has no development prospects.

This problem cannot be solved in a short time, but I will find a way.

The second point: industry!

The Xiaolong Galaxy has always had only a very low-level T1 technology industry, which can only maintain the self-sufficiency of the Xiaolong Galaxy. Even if there is an emergency on those planets, people often starve to death.

If I remember correctly, the Galactic Alliance has a rating, which is based on the living conditions of the people in a galaxy, from 0 to 10, right?

The rating of our Xiaolong Galaxy is only 0.3; less than the average of 5!

So we must develop a promising industry, this industry We need to have the advantage of foreign trade! Only in this way can we draw funds from the outside to build the Xiaolong Galaxy.

I have already thought about how to do this, but it will take some time to prepare.

The third point: a new order!

Now most of the old nobles are gone or gone.

Now the Xiaolong Galaxy needs a new order. Although I am very unhappy with those nobles, there is always a need for the existence of some big families.

Your task during this period is to re-consolidate the order of the Xiaolong Galaxy. The order with the Zhao family as the core can improve the status of some small families loyal to the Zhao family, or support and establish some loyal families again.

I think you should be able to handle this task. "

Hearing Zhao Chen's endless narration, Jiang Hong thought the first two items were fantasy and impossible to achieve.

But the third point is also the only point she agrees with.

Now the Xiaolong Galaxy is in ruins, and the first thing it needs is a new order system.

"The mission that the eldest lady gave me is to guard the Xiaolong Galaxy and the Zhao family when she is away." Jiang Hong looked at Zhao Chen coldly: "I am not doing this for you, I am doing this for the eldest lady."

This woman was still arrogant at this time.

After simply reaching an agreement, Jiang Hong left.

Zhao Chen used a handheld terminal to project a holographic map of the Xiaolong Galaxy and looked at this galaxy.

Zhao Chen raised his hand, as if stroking the starry sky.

"Since this is your previous wish, let me fulfill it for you." Zhao Chen seemed to be talking to someone, with a faint smile on his face.

Then, he opened the system page.

[Host: Zhao Chen

Occupation: Top Starship Engineer

Special Attributes: Fleet Luck Bonus, Eye of Insight

Points: 1100

Quest Points: 8

Number of Starships: 2

Quests: None

Warehouse: Technical Drawings of T3 Blizzard-class Light Interstellar Battlecruiser, Technical Drawings of T1 Wolf Louse-class Medium Interstellar Destroyer, Technical Drawings of T2 Queen Bee-class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship, Technical Drawings of T2 Hammer-class Heavy Interstellar Industrial Ship]

There are now 110

0 system points, 8 task points left.

Let's take a look at the conditions for upgrading the system mall.

[T2 system mall upgrade conditions

First item: exchange two T2-level products (1/2)

Second item: complete two C-level system tasks (1/2)

Third item: consume 2000 system points to upgrade the mall (1100/2000)]

Zhao Chen's face darkened. It turned out that his savings were not enough to upgrade the T2 system mall.

Forget it, let's solve the upgrade conditions one by one.

The third item can't be rushed.

The second C-level task needs to be left to chance.

Then solve the first item first, exchange two T2-level products; the exchange of T2 Queen Bee before was already a T2 product, and now there is still one missing.

It just so happened that Zhao Chen had already made a plan in mind.

"I remember where I saw it before." Zhao Chen searched for the T2 product column in the system mall.

Finally, he finally found a 'commodity' he had seen before.

[Technical blueprint of T2 Bronze Garden of Eden-class starship]

Because it has not been exchanged yet, the detailed data cannot be seen, but a simple introduction can be seen.

[T2 Bronze Garden of Eden-class starship: auxiliary starship, which can develop and operate agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in an infinite cycle without consuming resources]

In short, this is an interstellar farm, pasture, forestry and fishery! It is still free of cost!

[Do you want to consume 400 system points and 3 task points to exchange the commodity 'Technical blueprint of T2 Bronze Garden of Eden-class starship']


[Congratulations on obtaining the technical blueprint of 'T2 Bronze Garden of Eden-class starship']

[Your remaining system points: 700 points]

[Your remaining task points: 5 points]

Zhao Chen immediately began to check the data of this starship.

As introduced, the T2 Bronze Eden is an auxiliary starship that can travel between stars. It can use nutrients converted from cosmic particles to cultivate agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in the starship infinitely.

In short, it means that you can grow food, cultivate livestock, etc. without consuming any resources.

In fact, the Galactic Alliance has also studied this technology, but the cost-effectiveness far exceeds the cost of growing crops on the planet, and it has never been commercialized and mass-produced.

But Zhao Chen is different.

The cost of a single T2 Bronze Eden is only three million star coins!

In comparison, it may be a bit expensive.

After all, the cost of a T2 Queen Bee is only 1.5 million star coins, which is twice the difference!

But the key is that the monthly crop output of the T2 Bronze Eden is equivalent to a market value of about 1 million star coins, and the specific amount depends on the type of cultivation.

And this output can at least meet the living needs of one million people!

By this calculation, as long as 500 T2 Bronze Edens are built, the Xiaolong Galaxy will no longer have a food crisis!

And the food of natural crops has always been the hard currency in interstellar trade!

In the future, it can also become an important part of the Xiaolong Galaxy's external interstellar trade.

This is why Zhao Chen said the second point to Jiang Hong before, he had already planned it.

This is his plan.

He wants to achieve "food freedom"!

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