The first time, the second time.

In the conference room of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

The eighteen succubi are now on full alert.

"The exam begins. You need to complete the test questions in front of you within three hours." Zhao Chen said to the eighteen succubi.

Each of the eighteen succubi has a holographic screen in front of them, on which are their test questions.

At the moment when Zhao Chen announced the start of the exam, no succubus spoke, and they all began to do the test questions seriously.

In fact, all these test questions were found by Zhao Chen, his sister Zhao Wan'er, in the previous civilian departments of the North Star Starship Military Academy.

And these are all sixth-grade test questions!

The information Zhao Chen gave Lilith and the others before was the theoretical information that the starship civilian department of the North Starship Military Academy needs to learn for six years.

But Zhao Chen only gave them one month.

During this month, these succubi studied every day, even when they were eating, sleeping and bathing.

And today is the time to verify their abilities.

Time passed bit by bit.

Some succubi remained calm, some frowned and thought, and some were anxious and worried.

The three hours were soon up.

"Everyone stop all actions, I will receive the content of your test questions, and I will announce the results in a few hours. You should leave the meeting room immediately and move freely." Zhao Chen said seriously.

Although the exam was over, every succubus did not dare to relax at all, and all of them were waiting outside the meeting room.

The little succubus Bessie held Lilith's hand and asked in a low voice: "Sister Lilith, if...if...we don't do well in this assessment, will the us away?"

Although Captain Zhao Chen only said that the assessment was related to their future positions in the starship, he did not say whether they would be driven away if they did not do well.

So they have been worried for a month.

"It's okay, you all work hard, I believe there will be no problem with your assessment." Lilith comforted.

An hour later, Zhao Chen pushed open the door and came out.

The eyes of the eighteen succubi fell on Zhao Chen, with tension, anxiety, and fear.

"I will announce the ranking of the assessment results.

First place, Lilith."

Lilith's ranking was expected by everyone, because Lilith's talent was the highest among all of them.

"Second place, Marcy.

Third place...


Sixth place, Bessie


After hearing her ranking, Bessie breathed a sigh of relief, at least she was sixth and not at the bottom.

The succubi at the bottom became nervous at this moment, looking at Lilith and the captain helplessly, some of them even covered their faces and cried, regretting why they didn't study harder.

After Zhao Chen finished reading the rankings, he looked around and said, "Everyone of you has passed."


At this time, the succubi at the bottom also took a deep breath.

One of the succubi asked cautiously: "Then Captain... we can also... stay, right?"

"Of course." Zhao Chen smiled.

In fact, whether they did well in the assessment and whether they could stay was entirely up to Zhao Chen.

The assessment was just a formality.

But it must be said that they did really well in the exam.

In just one month, even the worst succubus has reached the level of the fourth grade of the civilian department of the North Star Starship Military Academy!

Among them, Lilith created the highest score, which was a few points higher than the assessment score of the North Star Starship Military Academy.

"I will announce your future jobs.

Lilith will serve as my secretary, and Marcy will serve as the bridge of the Zero Blizzard..." Zhao Chen announced that everyone's position is in the civilian position of the starship.

Among them, Lilith's position is the highest.

The secretary can be said to be the second in command in a fleet, second only to the fleet commander.

And in a starship, it is definitely the top three people in power, on par with the deputy captain.

"I... Secretary?" Lilith was also shocked.

"Yes, this is because of your ability. I hope you can work seriously in the future.

If we meet other succubi in the future, you can recruit them like Charlotte." Zhao Chen said.

Lilith looked at Zhao Chen with some surprise.

Chen, she had never expected that Zhao Chen would think so highly of her.

"Captain, I will definitely work hard!" Bessie said excitedly.

Being able to stay here is the happiest thing for them.

In this way, Lilith and other succubi officially joined the Xiaolong Fleet.


The last few days of November

Zhao Chen's T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship was officially completed.

The Xiaolong emblem representing the Xiaolong Fleet also appeared on its hull.

"With it, I can build more of our starships faster!" Zhao Chen looked at the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship in front of him with joy.

He looked at Charlotte next to him: "How are you doing with the things I asked you to do?"

"During this period, according to your requirements, I have gathered 200 half-orc crew members who have been engaged in starship manufacturing and maintenance." Charlotte reported.

"Very good! Starting tomorrow, let them board the ship and start learning, and master the T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship as soon as possible!" Zhao Chen said excitedly.

Charlotte poured cold water on Zhao Chen at this time: "Captain, although we now have a T2 Hammer-class heavy interstellar industrial ship.

But the funds in our fleet account may not be enough to build another starship.

We sold the starship wreckage of the Three Claws Snake Interstellar Pirate Fleet before and obtained 400,000 star coins.

Including our remaining funds, our account now has a total of 900,000 star coins."

900,000 star coins, this is indeed unable to meet the raw material requirements for building a starship.

Short of money again.

Zhao Chen scratched his head. He didn't expect that after only a few months, he would be short of money again.

He needed to find a way to make money.

But there was only more than a month left before the deadline for the quarterly task requirements.

He didn't have much time left.

[Trigger the system task 'Accept and complete the bounty task issued by the Lord of the Arctic Fox Galaxy'. Please ask if you want to accept the task. Rejecting the task will cost 300 system points]

At this time, another system task appeared, which seemed to be related to the Arctic Fox Galaxy.

Originally, Zhao Chen didn't want to accept it, but seeing the cost of 300 system points for refusing the task, he chose to accept it.

[Task content: Accept and complete the bounty task issued by the Lord of the Arctic Fox Galaxy

Task difficulty: C level

Task reward: five task points and 1000 points

Special reward: a random reward will be issued according to the completion of the task

Failure penalty: deduct 1000 system points]

Zhao Chen glanced at the system task and immediately asked Charlotte to check whether the Arctic Fox Galaxy has issued any bounty tasks.

"Do you know about this?" Charlotte looked at Zhao Chen in surprise.

"What's going on?" Zhao Chen looked at Charlotte, and it seemed that Charlotte knew something.

Charlotte said: "Just now, the Arctic Fox Star Port broadcasted to the whole port, requesting private fleets and adventurer fleets to accept bounty missions.

The content is that a space wormhole appeared in a remote asteroid base in the Arctic Fox Galaxy. A small group of imperial fleets have been sent to support, but there are many interstellar Zerg in the wormhole, and the battle situation is not good.

The Lord Fleet of the Arctic Fox Galaxy and other imperial fleets need a day to arrive, but it only takes three hours from here.

The mission requirement is to cover the evacuation of five million residents on the asteroid base!"


Zhao Chen's eyelids jumped.

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