The interstellar zerg is a creature that appears out of thin air. There is no information about it. We only know that it is warlike and will subconsciously devour any creature within its perception, and even cannibalize its own kind. If it descends on a planet, it will be a catastrophe for all life on the planet. Interstellar zerg usually appear with the appearance of cosmic worm holes. So far, there is no scientific explanation for the appearance of cosmic worm holes. It is also called cosmic gaps, interstellar cracks, etc. It is like a crack appears out of thin air in the universe, and then the interstellar zerg will pour out of it and attack the surrounding planets. If not contained, these interstellar Zergs will breed more Zergs after devouring all the life on a planet, and then spread to the surrounding planets and galaxies.

The existence time of cosmic wormholes is not fixed, some are long, some are short, some are large, and some are small. Different sizes of cosmic wormholes will produce different sizes of interstellar Zergs.

In this regard, researchers of the Galactic Alliance have already discovered a set of systems.

The cosmic wormholes are divided into level one, level two, level three from low to high...

The classification standard is the same as T1 technology and T2 technology.

Because everyone will find in the battle with the interstellar Zerg that some individual powerful interstellar Zergs have the same strength as interstellar battleships.

And these interstellar Zergs are also called... Zerg nest motherships!

Zerg nest motherships will carry a large number of interstellar Zergs to fight and conquer and slaughter planets one by one.

Zhao Chen recalled some of the knowledge about Zergs he learned at the North Star Starship Military Academy.

"Are there any details about this mission?" Zhao Chen asked Charlotte.

Charlotte shook her head: "I just heard the general news, I don't know the details yet."

Zhao Chen thought for a moment, and then he said to Charlotte: "You should prepare now, arrange for Blizzard Zero and T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship to carry full military supplies, and prepare to leave the port as quickly as possible!"

"Leave the port? Where to?" Charlotte just finished asking, she thought of it, she looked at Zhao Chen in surprise: "Captain, you won't..."

"Do as I say, I will try to find out more information about this." After Zhao Chen finished his instructions, he immediately went to the bridge of T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

Charlotte went to Blizzard Zero to issue a task.

During the time when Zhao Wan'er was away, the two were responsible for the two starships respectively.

After Zhao Chen arrived at the bridge, he immediately contacted someone.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao Chen, I am the person in charge of the starport number CC11. What service do you need?" The female person in charge, who met for the third time, smiled and looked at the man in front of him.

"Do you know about the cosmic wormhole?"

The female person in charge was stunned, then nodded: "You are talking about the cosmic wormhole incident around the asteroid numbered P331."

"If there are no two cosmic wormholes in your galaxy, then this is it." Zhao Chen said.

"If you want to know the details, you can go to the headquarters of the Arctic Fox Star Port where the mission is issued. There is an introduction there." The female person in charge replied.

"I don't have time. I need to know all the information about this mission as soon as possible, and I need to take on this mission as quickly as possible." Zhao Chen said.

"You want to take this mission?" The female person in charge was shocked. You know, it has been half an hour since the bounty mission was issued. The general manager of the star port personally questioned several commanders of the private fleet and adventurer fleet stationed in the star port, and no one is willing to take this mission.

"Yes." Zhao Chen said.

The female manager said, "It's okay to accept the mission, but according to the process, you need to register your fleet first, and..."

Zhao Chen said, "I want it as fast as possible! Get these things done within ten minutes."

"Ten minutes?" The female manager looked embarrassed: "These procedures must be followed, and on the one hand, it is also for the safety of your fleet..."

Ding ding ding

"1,000 star coins have been credited to your account."

The female manager suddenly received a message of receipt. She glanced at it and looked at Zhao Chen in the holographic image at the same time. The two of them understood each other tacitly.

"Because of the special nature of this mission, you can go through emergency channels. I will try to help you contact and give you a reply within ten minutes.

At the same time

, I will send you all the mission intelligence first. "The female person in charge explained these as quickly as possible, and directly interrupted the communication with Zhao Chen to go through the emergency channel.

Sure enough, it's the same everywhere, money makes things easier.

Zhao Chen didn't care about these, he began to check the mission intelligence sent by the female person in charge.

This happened three hours ago in a remote area of ​​the Arctic Fox Galaxy, where a secondary cosmic worm hole suddenly appeared.

After learning the news, the lord of the Arctic Fox Galaxy immediately issued an order to dispatch a fleet to eliminate these interstellar Zergs.

But unfortunately, a large part of the imperial army originally stationed in the Arctic Fox Galaxy was transferred not long ago.

And the lord fleet of the Arctic Fox Galaxy was sent to another border battlefield to perform a small combat mission.

So, at present in the Arctic There is only one small fleet of the Imperial Army stationed in the Fox Galaxy, and this fleet has already rushed to the incident area, but there are too many interstellar Zergs, and this small fleet of the Imperial Army alone cannot suppress them.

The Arctic Fox Galaxy immediately asked for help from the surrounding galaxies and the Governor of the North Wind Star Region.

The North Wind Star Region is one of the eight star regions of the Star Empire, with 63 galaxies under its jurisdiction, including the Xiaolong Galaxy, the North Star Galaxy and the Arctic Fox Galaxy.

However, it takes time for reinforcements to support the battlefield, and the fastest reinforcements will arrive in ten hours!

According to the simulation calculations of the high-level officials of the Arctic Fox Galaxy, within these ten hours, this group of interstellar Zergs will affect the planets with people within the range, including three asteroids and a satellite, with a total population of 70 million.

Its The first to be attacked are the five million people on the P331 asteroid.

There are two voices in the Arctic Fox Galaxy. One voice is to abandon the P331 asteroid and retreat to several other planets with larger populations to hold out until reinforcements arrive.

The other voice is that the 331 asteroid can be abandoned, but the five million people on the P331 asteroid must be evacuated.

The latter is the opinion of the commander of the only remaining Imperial fleet. The commander directly drove the fleet to the P331 asteroid without asking for permission.

He also requested to immediately send more interstellar transport ships to evacuate the people on the P331 asteroid.

But according to the system calculation, this Imperial fleet alone cannot evacuate the P331 asteroid under the attack of the interstellar Zerg. Five million people on the 31st asteroid evacuated smoothly.

So the commander of the Imperial Fleet came up with an idea. Since neither the Lord Fleet nor the Imperial Army could arrive for the time being, he would ask for support from the civilian fleet.

So there was this bounty mission.

The mission bounty was a full 500,000 star coins. At the same time, the fleet commander also guaranteed that all starship losses and consumption during the battle would be borne by the Imperial Army.

Zhao Chen rubbed his chin. In fact, he didn't care much whether to save people or not. He couldn't let so many people on his two starships take risks just to save people. He didn't think he was a savior.


The bodies of the interstellar Zerg are very valuable. Their bodies contain a variety of resources and can be called mobile vaults.

Unfortunately, Zhao Chen is short of money now.

In addition to the system's tasks...

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