The enemy was killed, and the enemy was killed.

Arctic Fox Starport·Interstellar Mission Headquarters

"Sir, it's useless for you to call us. This is a second-level cosmic worm nest, with at least three T2 worm nest motherships and more than 30 T1 worm nest motherships!

How can our adventurer fleet resist them for several hours alone?"

"Although the bounty is a full 500,000 star coins, you have to live to spend it. Everyone knows that if you deal with bugs, the entire starship will fall if you are not careful. They won't give you the opportunity to surrender and become prisoners."

"It's just five million people dying. I think it's better to retreat to the P300 asteroid behind. There are 20 million people on it, and it only takes two hours to defend that position, and the fastest batch of reinforcements can arrive.

But on the P331 asteroid, it takes at least three hours to resist the attack of the interstellar Zerg to ensure the smooth evacuation of the five million people. The risk is too great."

In a room, the general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port was looking at the three commanders of the largest private fleet in the star port with a sad face.

The three refused to accept this task for various reasons.

"I will add another 100,000 star coins in my personal name! Don't you want to consider it? This task is not for you to fight the Zerg to the end, just delay for three hours... maybe two hours will be enough." The general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port persuaded.

"Don't mention 600,000 star coins. Whoever wants to do the job of 1 million star coins can do it. Anyway, I won't do it.

It's strange to say that the fleet commander who took the fleet without authorization to safely evacuate 5 million people on the P331 asteroid has lost his mind?

You guys are really stupid. Why don't you just let the lord of the Arctic Fox Galaxy give an order and ask him to withdraw the fleet?" One of them said with a pout.

The general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port sighed, and he was bitter in his heart.

Of course, the lord above him wanted to withdraw the Imperial Army fleet. Although the Imperial Army was not under his direct leadership, under normal circumstances, the lord of a territory still had some authority.

What's more, the lord of the Arctic Fox Galaxy was an earl, and the Arctic Fox Galaxy was also one of the most prosperous galaxies in the North Wind Star Region, so his status was naturally extraordinary.

But the commander of the Imperial Army fleet had an even more extraordinary status.

The lord of the Arctic Fox Star System said that he would not feel bad even if the five million people died, even if the total of 70 million people on the next few planets died.

But if something happened to the commander, he would be in big trouble.

At this moment, a message popped up on the handheld terminal of the general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port. Seeing the content, he was overjoyed.

He answered it immediately.

"Hey, you said there is a fleet willing to accept this bounty mission?"

The three people present heard the excited words of the general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port, and they looked at each other.

None of them dared to accept this mission. Where did this young man dare to take it?

"The procedures are not complete? It's okay, it's okay. At this critical moment, all procedures should be simplified.

It would be best if they could set off immediately." The general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port said.

He thought of something and suddenly asked: "Who is the other party? How many starships are there?"

"Black... Black Dragon Fleet? There are only two starships in our star port?" The general manager of the Arctic Fox Star Port was dumbfounded.

Black Dragon Fleet?

The three people next to him muttered this name. They had never heard of such a person in the entire North Wind Star Region.

And there are only two starships?

Although it is possible that most of the opponent's starships are not docked at the starport.

But is there anyone who dares to do this mission?

"Forget it, no matter what fleet it is. Tell them to set off immediately. If they successfully complete this mission, Arctic Fox Star Port will give them another 100,000... no 200,000 star coins as a reward!" said the general manager of Arctic Fox Star Port.

The communication ended.

The general manager of Arctic Fox Star Port looked at the three people present and asked again: "Will you three really not consider it again? This bounty mission has no limit on the number of people. If you go together, maybe..."

"Forget it, forget it. Such an easy-to-earn mission should be handed over to this Black Dragon Fleet." One of them said with a sarcastic tone.

"I want to see if they can successfully evacuate those five million people."

The other person was teasing, and his tone and eyes showed that he didn't believe that the other person could do this.


T2 Queen Bee Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship Bridge

"Mr. Zhao Chen, we have registered you here, and you have accepted this task.

In addition, we have added a reward of 200,000 star coins. As long as you can complete this task, you can get a total of 700,000 star coins." The female person in charge said to Zhao Chen via video communication.

"Okay, thank you." Zhao Chen said.

"I wish you a triumphant return." The female person in charge said.

The communication ended.

Zhao Chen looked at the video communication window on the other side. That was Charlotte.

"What's going on with this Black Dragon Fleet?" Charlotte asked curiously.

Zhao Chen explained: "The registration mission needs a name. I thought about it and decided not to use the name of the Xiaolong Fleet. That would be too conspicuous.

So I will use the name of the Black Dragon Fleet first."

After explaining, Zhao Chen looked at Charlotte: "Why aren't you curious about why I insist on accepting this mission?"

Charlotte said: "It is up to you, the captain, to accept what mission. As your subordinate, the only thing you have to do is to fight."

It must be said that Charlotte is really a very good starship commander.

Now the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship and the Zero Blizzard are leaving the Arctic Fox Star Port, and there is still some time before entering the warp navigation state.

Zhao Chen continued, "What do you think is our chance of success in this mission?"

Charlotte's expression became serious. She raised her hand and summoned a holographic image about the mission introduction: "This is a second-level cosmic wormhole. Assuming there are more than three T2 wormhive motherships and thirty T1 wormhive motherships.

We don't have much chance of winning if we fight to the end, because those worms... We don't have interstellar supply ships now. Even if we use up all the ammunition, we may not be able to eliminate them all.

But if we just delay time and strive to evacuate the five million people on the P331 asteroid, it will be much easier.

About 80% chance of winning."

"So high? I thought you would think I was adventurous." Zhao Chen was a little surprised by Charlotte's judgment.

Charlotte said: "If it were two ordinary T2 starships, the chance of winning would be less than 30%. But your two starships cannot be described as ordinary T2 starships.

In addition, I have come into contact with interstellar Zerg several times. As long as it is not a large-scale interstellar Zerg, the threat is not very big."

With Charlotte's words, Zhao Chen's confidence increased greatly.

"The warp engine route is prefabricated. Next, it will enter the acceleration phase. After ten minutes, it will enter the warp navigation phase.

Within ten minutes, all crew members will enter the deep sea mode!

Repeat, within ten minutes, all crew members will enter the deep sea mode!" Zhao Chen gave the order.

Target! P331 asteroid at the edge of the Arctic Fox galaxy!

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