The enemy was in a hurry, but the enemy was in a hurry.

It has to be said that the quality of the Imperial Army's fleet is still quite high.

After Commander Chu Xuan's order was issued, thirty starships withdrew from the battle at the fastest speed, and maintained a very safe evacuation formation when retreating.

The T2 Guardian-class medium-sized interstellar frigate has been covering in the rear, just in case.

However, the one they were worried about did not happen.

One hundred T2 Killer Bee-class medium-sized interstellar drones covered twenty T2 Bumblebee-class heavy-duty interstellar drones approaching and attacking the swarm of insects.

One hundred T2 Killer Bee-class medium-sized interstellar drones immediately used machine guns and missiles to attack the insects, and large groups of insects were blown to pieces.

At the same time, twenty T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drones dropped the time bombs that had been prepared long ago, and then all the interstellar drones retreated.

Those bugs would naturally not let go of the prey in front of them, and they swept over like a black wave.

Just as the swarm of insects was chasing, the time bombs exploded one by one, forming a "fire net".

The chasing bugs were bombed and lost their way for a while.

T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drone·bridge

Zhao Chen sat in the captain's chair, looking at the battlefield scene magnified in front of him by the deep space telescope.

Although he had learned about the interstellar Zerg in the textbooks of the North Star Starship Military Academy.

But seeing it with your own eyes and seeing the fighting methods of these interstellar races will still give people a sense of shock and make people tremble in their hearts.

Especially those who have intensive phobia, seeing the scene in front of them, they will probably collapse on the spot.

The fighting method of the interstellar Zerg is quite special.

The individuals of the hive mothership are larger and belong to the category of biological starships.

However, its mobility is average, and its main combat weapons such as biological plasma cannons and biological torpedoes have no advantages compared with starships of the same level.

However, its unique group structure gives it a special combat style and tactics.

Insect sea tactics!

There will be about 10,000 T1 flying insects on a T1 hive mothership.

And there will be 100,000 T1 flying insects and 1,000 T2 hydralisks on a T2 hive mothership.

Flying insects and hydralisks belong to the engineering units of the hive mothership.

The former is a bit like a mantis with wings, and the individual is only the size of a person, and only has close combat capabilities.

The latter is a long snake with insect characteristics, only one person tall, but nearly ten meters long, and can spray highly corrosive acid at close range.

They can all leave the hive mothership to survive and fight in the space environment, and their movement speed is very fast!

Except for the interstellar frigate, the speed of the same level can barely match this speed, the speed of other starships is not as good as them!

These units are commonly known as "bugs".

Although these Zerg engineers are divided into T1 and T2.

But their real combat power is far from this level.

For example, a T2 Hydralisk is PKing with a T2 Hornet-class heavy interstellar drone.

The T2 Hornet can easily crush it!


When these bugs attack you, they will not be just one, ten, or a hundred, but thousands of them, like a wave.

Unless you can destroy them all, as long as some bugs bite your hull and bite through your hull, basically all the space warriors inside this starship will suffer!

And these bugs will not be afraid, they only accept the instinctive drive and the orders of the hive mothership!

Attack the target one after another!

This way of fighting is somewhat similar to an aircraft carrier starship.

Those bugs are the interstellar fighters of the hive mothership.

"Report, the first batch of T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drones and T2 Killer Bee-class medium interstellar drones have all dropped their bombs and are ready to return." Lilith said beside him.

"Let these Bumblebees and Killer Bees take off and land as soon as possible to complete the supply and prepare for the second batch of attacks.

At the same time, three hundred T2 Hatchling-class light interstellar drones will be deployed in three batches in turn." Zhao Chen gave the order.

"Yes." Lilith began to convey the captain's order.

The Imperial Army fleet, which was originally worried about whether those interstellar drones could resist the bugs, was surprised by the performance of these interstellar drones at this moment.

"The combat effectiveness of these interstellar drones is not even inferior to the interstellar fighters of the same level!" Commander Chu Xuan praised


The female adjutant also saw the aircraft carrier starship at this time. The hull was painted yellow and black, and the appearance style was like some kind of insect, which was similar to the interstellar Zerg on the opposite side.

"What kind of aircraft carrier starship is this? How come I have never seen it before." The female adjutant called up the starship database and scanned the image of the aircraft carrier starship in front of her, but there was no record.

"There is no record in our database." The female adjutant was surprised.

Commander Chu Xuan looked at the aircraft carrier starship and remembered what the man said. She whispered solemnly: "I hope that captain can really turn the tide of the battle."

The female adjutant thought to herself: How could it be possible for only two starships?

Unless it is two T3 starships, it is almost the same.

"That's right, aren't there two starships? Why is there only one aircraft carrier starship and another starship here?" The female adjutant suddenly said in surprise, while looking at the starship radar.

There is no energy signal of the second starship on it.

Where is that starship?


P331 Asteroid

Dozens of T2 Seahorse-class medium-sized interstellar transport ships are suspended and parked above the asteroid, and airships are constantly evacuating people to the interstellar transport ships.

"Great! You are finally here." The person in charge of the asteroid almost burst into tears as he looked at the commander of the transport fleet in front of him.

"We are also on a mission, so hurry up and arrange for the evacuation of personnel.

We are in a hurry. Once the interstellar Zerg approaches the warning range, we must evacuate!" The fleet commander squeezed out a smile.

"Okay, okay, okay! We must hurry up and evacuate, two hours! No! Complete the evacuation mission within one and a half hours!" The person in charge of the asteroid promised solemnly.

"In short, the sooner the better!" The commander of the transport fleet said impatiently.

It's not that he wants to come, but a group of lunatics forced him to come with the starship cannon.

Now that he is here, he can only honestly perform the task of evacuating the people.

He only hoped that the abominable man could hold on for a little longer so that they could evacuate safely and smoothly.

But he had a dark thought in his heart.

He also hoped that the man and his damn starship could feed the bugs on the battlefield far away!

"It's better to wait until we evacuate smoothly before feeding the bugs! Yes! That's it!" He cursed in his heart.

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