The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Under the cover of the interstellar drone group of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship, Chu Xuan's Imperial Army fleet successfully withdrew to the vicinity of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

And with the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship as the core, a one-way aircraft carrier battle formation was formed.

The so-called one-way aircraft carrier battle formation is a battle formation that only needs to be constructed in one direction as the battle surface.

The T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship is located at the rear position, and in front of it is a T2 Gray Wolf-class light interstellar cruiser and a T2 Fire Leopard-class medium interstellar battleship.

In front are eight T2 Hyena-class medium interstellar destroyers and twenty T2 Guardian-class medium interstellar frigates.

These thirty-one starships were ready for the upcoming Zerg swarm!

Almost as soon as the Zerg entered the firing range, all the Imperial Army starships opened fire.

With previous combat experience, these Imperial Army starships were already somewhat familiar with the rhythm of the battle with these interstellar Zerg.

At the same time, the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starships were also constantly sending interstellar drone swarms.

The third echelon... the fifth echelon... the seventh echelon... the tenth echelon

Gradually, the number of interstellar drones that came back each time began to decline, and these missing interstellar drones were naturally torn into pieces by the bugs.

With the support of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship, although the combat effectiveness of the interstellar drone swarm was unexpected.

But the scale of the Zerg swarm was too large, and the front line was gradually pressed closer!

From a distance, it looked like a black wave was about to engulf the thirty-one starships.

"If we continue like this, the outcome will be the same.

Our firepower is totally insufficient to resist the attack of these swarms!" the female adjutant said anxiously beside Commander Chu Xuan.

Commander Chu Xuan stared at the changes on the holographic interstellar sand table, her expression solemn.

Judging from the current situation, within twenty minutes, these swarms will approach the line of their starships and pose a direct threat to their starships.

"Contact the captain of the Black Dragon Fleet for me." Commander Chu Xuan said in a deep voice.

The female adjutant immediately contacted, the video window opened, and the man's face appeared in front of them again.

Before Commander Chu Xuan could speak.

Zhao Chen spoke first: "Wait a little longer."

Commander Chu Xuan and the female adjutant were stunned.

"What are you waiting for?" Commander Chu Xuan asked subconsciously.

"Time." Zhao Chen's eyes were not looking at Commander Chu Xuan at this moment, but at the interstellar holographic sand table on his side, as if waiting for something to happen.

Commander Chu Xuan and the female adjutant felt incredible.

"Ten minutes! Ten minutes at most!" Zhao Chen said seriously.

Commander Chu Xuan, who wanted to open her mouth, chose to hold back. She thought to herself: Let's wait for another ten minutes. If there is no change after ten minutes, she will really lead her imperial fleet to evacuate.

Time passed bit by bit.

The Zerg wave was gradually approaching the fleet line.

The female adjutant was anxious.

Suddenly, the starship radar warrior who had been monitoring the battlefield suddenly exclaimed: "Report, a high-energy reaction appeared behind the Zerg! At the same time... the life signal of a T2 Zerg hive mothership... disappeared!

A fast-moving unknown energy signal suddenly appeared behind the Zerg."

Commander Chu Xuan and the female adjutant looked at each other. Is this what the man was waiting for?

"It's started!" Zhao Chen muttered, with a crazy look in his eyes.

Charlotte, start your show!

At this moment, the Zerg wave that was originally attacking in large numbers actually slowed down a little, and some of the Zerg even retreated!

"Release the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to see what is going on!" Commander Chu Xuan hurriedly issued an order.

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft were launched one after another. Because the front battlefield was covered by the dark Zerg swarm, the starship could not directly see what was happening behind the Zerg swarm.

They could only rely on the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to move to a visible position and then transmit the visual images back.

Soon, one visual image after another was transmitted back.

"Oh my God, that's a starship!" The female adjutant covered her mouth and exclaimed: "The speed of this starship is too fast! It is estimated to be at least 70 or 80 knots of star speed!"

"No, it's a hundred knots of star speed." Commander Chu Xuan relied on his battlefield intuition to accurately tell the speed of the starship.

"One hundred knots of star speed?

"The female adjutant was stunned.

At this time, the wreckage of the exploded T2 hive mothership also appeared in front of them. The original huge hive mothership was divided into three sections. It can be clearly seen that one side of the hive mothership suffered a terrible bombardment and was directly pierced!

"It's a cannon, a cannon with a caliber of more than 1000mm." Commander Chu Xuan directly identified the weapon that caused this damage with the help of the image.

Commander Chu Xuan hurriedly said: "Zoom in, that starship!"

The picture was gradually enlarged, although it was a little blurry.

But you can still see that this fast-moving starship is maneuvering quickly in the enemy formation. It doesn't care about the swarms chasing it at all, and it keeps sailing.

Because of the amazing speed, the swarms behind can't catch up!

And those hive motherships tried to attack with their own biological plasma cannons, but the speed of the starship was really too fast, and none of them hit.

"Captain, what's going on? "Commander Chu Xuan couldn't help but be curious and asked Zhao Chen directly.

Zhao Chen crossed his arms and explained lightly: "That is the starship of my fleet, Blizzard Zero, a T2 starship with high speed and equipped with 1200mm caliber cannon."

"A T2 starship equipped with a 1200mm caliber cannon?" The female adjutant exclaimed.

"This is the second starship of your fleet, right? You didn't actually think about defending against the Zerg attack from the beginning.

Instead, you used us to attract the Zerg troops of the Zerg motherships. A large number of Zerg troops were used to attack us, and those Zerg motherships naturally had empty defenses.

At this time, your Blizzard Zero approached at a very fast speed and directly attacked those Zerg motherships!" Commander Chu Xuan directly stated Zhao Chen's plan.

Zhao Chen nodded. This commander of the Imperial Fleet not only has a sense of justice and responsibility, but is actually a talented soldier.

"Madman! You are simply a madman! Have you ever thought that if there is a slight mistake, the starship will be devoured by the swarm of insects! "The female adjutant looked at Zhao Chen in surprise.

But Zhao Chen said firmly: "There will be no accidents. Because the starship is called Blizzard Zero."

There is another sentence that Zhao Chen did not say.

The commander of the battle on that starship is the legendary Orc general, White Tiger General Charlotte!

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