The battleship was a big success, and the battleship was a big success.

Imperial Fleet Flagship·T2 Fire Leopard Class Medium Starship·Bridge

"What is that starship going to do!" Commander Chu Xuan looked at the Zero Blizzard in surprise, and it actually rushed directly towards a T2 Hive Mothership. At the same time, there was a small group of Zerg in front of the T2 Hive Mothership.

"It seems to be about to hit it..." The female adjutant was dumbfounded.

Commander Chu Xuan said solemnly: "It should take about five minutes to reset the reload time of the main gun of this Blizzard Zero. It has only been three minutes since the last shot, and the main gun cannot be used yet.

It should have lifted the starship engine limit now, and the speed is estimated to have exceeded 130 knots!"

After just a few minutes of watching the battle, Chu Xuan had already figured out some combat information of the Blizzard Zero.

At this moment, they were all silent.

They stared at the ancient knight in the video screen, who was about to rush into the enemy group like a death-defying knight!

The swarm guarding the T2 hive mothership also sensed the danger at this moment, and immediately turned into a 'black whirlwind' and rushed over, trying to intercept the starship.

At the same time, the abyss of the T2 hive mothership slowly opened, aiming at the speeding starship.

The biological plasma cannon began to accumulate energy in its abyss, flashing blue light.

At the same time, Blizzard Zero was already rushing towards the Zerg!

From the perspective of Chu Xuan and others.

Blizzard Zero plunged into the Zerg, but because Blizzard Zero was extremely fast, it even exceeded the speed of T1 flying insects and T2 hydralisks.

What would happen if two high-speed moving objects collided with each other?

One side was torn apart.

And now it was these bugs that played this role.

T1 flying insects and T2 hydralisks collided with the hull of Blizzard Zero, and before they had time to attack, they became a pool of meat paste, and the green juice became the new paint of Blizzard Zero.

The crew members in Blizzard Zero starship now experienced the feeling of being in a storm.

At any position on the starship, you can hear the continuous "dong dong dong" sound, and the ground under your feet is shaking.


"Report, the comprehensive damage to the frontal hull armor has reached 10%...12%...14%..."

"Report, the comprehensive damage to the flank hull armor has reached 3%...5%...7%..."

The crew members are constantly reporting various hull conditions.

The continuous "dong dong dong" sound of impact in their ears made many crew members on the bridge seem to be shrouded in a shadow.

As the temporary captain, Charlotte's eyes are flashing with madness at this moment, and her blood, which has been dormant for a long time, is burning!

"What is the current speed!" Charlotte asked loudly.

"Speed ​​135 knots... Although the speed has been affected by the impact of the swarm, the speed of our starship is still gradually increasing... That... Should we continue to speed up?" The crew member in charge of speed control is sweating profusely at this moment.

Looking at the number that has turned red and is still beating, she feels that her heartbeat is now several times faster than before!

"Keep speeding up!" Charlotte said.

Charlotte looked at the video images coming back from the ship.

To be honest, there was no image to be seen now, only a dark area, because the outside of the ship was full of swarms of insects!

They were going in the opposite direction in the swarm!

Because of the extremely fast speed, these insects could not cause effective damage to the ship's armor at all. The only effective damage might be the collision that cost them their lives.

Although it was invisible, it was on the starship radar.

Blizzard Zero was getting closer and closer to the largest energy body.


The scene in front of her brightened up, breaking through the darkness!

Blizzard Zero rushed out of the swarm, and the T2 hive mothership on the opposite side was almost "close at hand".

The T2 hive mothership opened its bloody mouth, and the biological plasma cannon that was about to be ready was about to spray out!

"All secondary guns, close defense guns! Full fire!" Charlotte roared.

The secondary guns and close defense guns, which had been ready for a long time, fired at the same time.

The biological plasma gun also ejected, and the two collided together, forming a gorgeous fireball visual effect, and a large area of ​​smoke and dust. The shock wave swept away the insects in groups of three or two.

Seconds later, Blizzard Zero rushed out from the smoke of the explosion.

"Rush over! Keep firing the close-in defense guns!" Charlotte yelled!

The crew members nearby immediately used the ship-wide communication and shouted: "All ships are ready to meet the impact! Repeat, all ships are ready to meet the impact!..."

All the crew members on Blizzard Zero were immediately ready to meet the impact, grabbing everything they could around them to stabilize their bodies.

The next moment, the rapidly sprinting T2 Blizzard Zero directly crashed into the bow of the T2 Hive Mothership.

The size of the two is actually several times different.

But don't forget.

What hull does Blizzard Zero use?

That is the hull of an interstellar battleship, and the average strength of the hull is second only to that of an interstellar frigate among the same level of hulls.

Coupled with the bonus of speed, the Blizzard Zero itself was directly transformed into an accelerated "starship shell".

Under the horrific impact force, the bow of the T2 Hive Mothership sunk directly, and the entire Hive Mothership shifted to one side.

At the same time, the close defense guns of the Zero Blizzard were still firing with all their might.

On the bridge of the Zero Blizzard, several female crew members did not hold on firmly due to the sudden collision, and flew out directly, falling heavily to the ground, with their bodies upside down. Fortunately, they only had skin injuries.

Without caring about the wounds on their bodies, they immediately returned to their combat positions.

"Report, the comprehensive damage to the front armor of the hull has reached 50%!"

"Report, the speed has dropped to 100 knots...90 knots...80 knots..."

"Report, the swarm behind is catching up!"

Charlotte did not speak, but just stared!

It seemed that at this moment, her eyes could see through the hull armor and look at the T2 Hive Mothership in front of her.

Finally, under the violent impact, the position of the T2 Hive Mothership shifted.

The hull of the T2 Blizzard Zero rubbed against the hull of the T2 Hive Mothership, and the two ships rubbed and crossed each other.

"Speed ​​up! Keep going!" Charlotte shouted immediately.

The T2 Blizzard Zero, which was not blocked by any obstacles, began to accelerate again, this time heading towards the main battlefield of the Imperial Fleet.

Behind it was a large swarm of insects chasing like a black wave.

As for the T2 Hive Mothership that was hit.

The bow position collapsed by one-third, and there were a lot of bullet holes on one side of the hull. It seemed that this biological starship was dying.

Who would have thought that a T2 Hive Mothership would be "hit" to death by a T2 starship?

Is this...luck?

T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship·Bridge

"All T2 Hatchling-class light interstellar drones and T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drones should assemble to tear a gap in Blizzard Zero!

Let the Imperial Fleet cooperate with us." Zhao Chen looked at the approaching Blizzard Zero on the starship radar.

At this moment, there is still a Zerg front blocking the two.

The situation of Blizzard Zero is still a bit dangerous, with a Zerg front in front and a group of Zerg chasing behind.

It's like a sandwich cookie. If you are not careful, you may be eaten up by the Zerg.

Imperial Fleet·T2 Fire Leopard-class medium interstellar battleship bridge.

In fact, even without Zhao Chen's words, Commander Chu Xuan knew what to do. She gave the order with a serious expression!

"Pass my order, at all costs! You must tear a gap for me!"

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