The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

The starships of the Imperial Fleet spared no effort to pour their firepower on one point, tearing a gap open.

But how could the Zerg let the culprit who destroyed their three T2 Hive Motherships escape so easily? They also began to blockade and formed an encirclement with the Zerg responsible for chasing the starship.

It was like being sandwiched from both sides!

At this moment, they even gave up the goal of the Imperial Fleet. There was only one order in their Zerg will, which was to destroy the damn starship no matter what.

"Report, the gap is blocked again!" said the female adjutant nervously.

Commander Chu Xuan clenched his fists: "Keep attacking, we must get that starship out no matter what!"

In Chu Xuan's heart, that starship is now equivalent to a hero.

How can I watch the hero starship being surrounded and devoured by the Zerg swarm?

But at this moment, no matter how their starship attacks, it can't blast open a gap.

At this time, Blizzard Zero is already close to the Zerg front.

With the current condition of Blizzard Zero, there is no way to withstand the damage caused by the Zerg swarm again.

Commander Chu Xuan bit his lips lightly, feeling a little guilty.

The female adjutant sighed, it's a pity for that starship...

Suddenly, a dazzling light appeared in the Zerg defense line, swallowing a large number of bugs, leaving that space directly vacated.

Then, the T2 Hatchling-class light interstellar drones and T2 Killer Bee-class medium interstellar drones, which had been ready for a long time, rushed up and launched an attack on the bugs around the gap to prevent them from blocking the gap again.

"That's the main gun shell of that interstellar missile ship! They set it to timed detonation and accurately calculated the explosion distance!" Commander Chu Xuan could see the Zero Blizzard that was rushing in the distance through the gap in the Zerg front.

And the bright 1200mm cannon, she immediately figured out the reason.

"Quick! Provide fire cover!" Commander Chu Xuan hurriedly ordered.

Under the fire cover of the Imperial Fleet and the attack of the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship interstellar drones, a ship shadow rushed through the Zerg front at a very fast speed.

It was the Zero Blizzard that everyone was looking forward to.

At this moment, the starships of the Imperial Fleet could clearly see the traces of the Zerg swarm impact on this starship.

There were hundreds of places where the ship's armor was sunken due to the impact, which could be described as "full of holes".

In particular, the bow of the starship was sunken into a large pit with a diameter of 20 meters and a depth of nearly 3 meters; this was naturally the "medal of honor" for crashing into the T2 hive mothership.

There were also many swarm corpses on the hull, splashing green juice.

And... the bugs that followed and tried to attack the starship, these bugs lay on the hull, and destroyed the starship's hull armor through their mouthparts, claws, and corrosive acid.

But soon, these bugs were cleaned up one by one by the T2 young bee-class light interstellar drones that came.

"What kind of starship is this..." Commander Chu Xuan looked at the starship and was actually a little envious.

At the same time, he also admired the commander of the starship. The crazy but smooth battle just now was simply too perfect.

Ask yourself, if you were in that position, could she do so well?

Chu Xuan had no answer.

"Report, Blizzard Zero successfully completed the combat mission. The hull was partially damaged and seven crew members were slightly injured." Charlotte reported to Zhao Chen through video communication.

"Well done!" Zhao Chen really praised Charlotte's performance.

Although he had discussed with Charlotte privately how to fight this battle long before.

Charlotte proposed this idea at the time, and Zhao Chen agreed, but Charlotte could not promise the detailed combat steps. After all, they were still facing the interstellar Zerg on the battlefield, and everything had to be improvised.

But Charlotte assured Zhao Chen that she was at least 80% sure, and even if she failed, she could successfully retreat with Blizzard Zero.

Charlotte did it!

Hiss hiss hiss

"It's a communication request from the flagship of the Imperial Fleet." Secretary Lilith said, pointing to a communication request that popped up.

"Please answer it." Zhao Chen said.

The video communication was turned on again.

The female soldier

The officer appeared in front of Zhao Chen again.

"Captain, we have just received a message from the asteroid P331. The evacuation of the people on the asteroid has been completed by 80%, and it is expected to take another half an hour to complete the evacuation.

In this case, we only need to hold on for more than ten minutes to gradually evacuate the battlefield." Commander Chu Xuan stared at the man in front of her.

Now she was full of curiosity about this man.

This man was like a god descending from heaven. With only two starships, he helped them, who had completely lost hope, to settle the crisis in front of them and save the five million people on that planet.

Who is this man?

What are the origins of those two starships?

Chu Xuan had too many doubts and questions in her mind.

"I know, then we will fight and retreat next. The three T2 Zerg hive motherships were destroyed, and the command system of those Zergs would be in chaos in a short time, greatly affecting their combat efficiency.

Basically, there will not be much threat." Zhao Chen said calmly.

"Then..." Commander Chu Xuan was about to talk more.

"Let's stop here. We can't let down our guard until the battle is over."

Zhao Chen ended the communication directly after he finished speaking.

Commander Chu Xuan was stunned, staring at the blackened communication screen in front of her.

This was the first time a man had ended the communication with her so quickly. After all, she was a delicate flower in the Imperial Fleet.

Was this treatment wrong?

Zhao Chen certainly didn't know that he had made this delicate flower of the Imperial Fleet have wild thoughts and some resentment.

"Report on the current situation of the two starships." Zhao Chen sat in the captain's chair. At this moment, he was truly relaxed, pressed his temples, and took a deep breath.

Although Charlotte had promised before, it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

Secretary Lilith had already completed the current data statistics of the two starships in advance and began to report.

"So far, the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship has lost nearly 200 T2 Hatchling-class light interstellar drones, 60 T2 Killer Bee-class medium interstellar drones, and 7 T2 Bumblebee-class heavy interstellar drones.

The loss of interstellar drones has reached 70%, and the consumption of ammunition and supplies has reached 50%, with no casualties."

After talking about the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship, the next is Blizzard Zero.

The situation of Blizzard Zero is not optimistic.

"The comprehensive damage to the front armor of Blizzard Zero exceeds 70%, and the comprehensive damage to the remaining flank armor reaches 30%. The three cabins at the bow position have been squeezed and deformed and are now closed.

The strength of the starship's main skeleton structure has decreased by 5%, which does not affect Blizzard Zero's continued combat and navigation.

The engine that has been unrestricted is currently observed to be normal. If there are any hidden dangers, it needs to return to the port for in-depth inspection.

The power system, energy system, control system, etc. are all normal.

Ammunition and supplies are consumed by 30%."

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