After a long time, the two of them were still very busy.

Zhao Chen and Annie walked out of the tea restaurant, and Annie followed behind Zhao Chen carefully.

Annie had no intention of escaping. Let alone what would happen if she escaped, the slave collar on her neck would allow the holder to find her at any time, and there was also an electric current switch inside.

Zhao Chen didn't dare to walk too fast, because if he walked at a normal pace, Annie behind him would need to jog, and Zhao Chen was really worried that she would fall to the ground out of breath.

"Can't the price be cheaper? We bought a total of 100 energy blocks. Can the price be cheaper!"

Zhao Chen heard a familiar voice and turned his head to look over.

Shen Bing was seen negotiating with a merchant at a weapons and ammunition sales point at a port with a female crew member.

What they were buying were energy blocks, energy materials for starships.

For a few dozen star coins, Shen Bing had to argue with the other party for a long time.

It was hard to believe that the girl who was so exhausted from bargaining with others was the cold squad leader in the past.

"Miss, this energy block is the price. The entire No. 3 galaxy is the same price. You can take it or not." The merchant was annoyed and his face turned black.

Shen Bing's expression was a little complicated. She bit her lips lightly, and finally took out her Empire Card to pay for the energy block.

"Xiao Li, wait here for a while. I'll go see the ammunition needed by other starships." Shen Bing walked towards another container.

Leaving the female crew member waiting for the energy block to be delivered.

"I remember you are Liu Lili from Class 9, right?"

Suddenly, a voice behind her startled Liu Lili.

Liu Lili looked around nervously and was surprised to find that the person who came was Zhao Chen: "Student Zhao Chen, why are you here?"

"I accepted the same escort mission as you." Zhao Chen explained.

"That's great! Then we can take care of each other. I'm worried about any accidents in this mission." Liu Lili said happily.

Before, the students in the academy had a bad impression of Zhao Chen, but because Zhao Chen defeated Zhang Haoran at the end of last year.

Everyone changed their views on this once useless baron.

Strength is always a person's best business card.

"Are you purchasing military supplies?" Zhao Chen looked at Shen Bing who was negotiating prices with the boss in the distance.

"Yes." Liu Lili nodded. She noticed that there was a timid little girl behind Zhao Chen, but she didn't ask much.

The nobles all have some special hobbies.

"Why did you accept this mission?" Zhao Chen asked curiously.

Liu Lili hesitated, not knowing whether to say it.

Zhao Chen immediately marked out five star coins and gave them to the other party: "It's rare to see a classmate here, so consider this as my treat for you to drink."

Five star coins!

This is not to mention the drinks, it's enough for a month's food expenses.

Liu Lili thought about it and thought it was not a big secret, so she started chatting with Zhao Chen directly.

Zhao Chen also understood why Shen Bing was here.

The purpose is money!

Shen Bing's grandmother had a relapse of her old illness before the New Year. At this moment, all her organs have died, and only her brain is still frozen. But if she is not treated within half a year, she will definitely die.

And Shen Bing's grandmother's illness requires the use of the most advanced medical cabin, which costs up to 100,000 star coins!

"If the academy didn't have a rule that starships exchanged with academy points can't be sold, Shen Bing would probably have sold all the starships!" Liu Lili sighed, "And ordinary missions simply can't accumulate so much money in a short time.

You can only choose military missions.

When they learned that Shen Bing was going to do a military mission this time, half of the crew disagreed and chose to leave.

Now on our T2 Hyena-class medium-sized star destroyer, the crew only occupies half of the standard positions, and everyone is multi-tasking.

Everyone is also sympathetic to Shen Bing, or has been helped by Shen Bing or Shen Bing's parents, so they are willing to carry out this mission together."

"Shen Bing's grandmother is seriously ill, Shen Bing's parents don't care?" Zhao Chen asked.

"Shen Bing's parents passed away a long time ago. They were both soldiers of the Imperial Army and died in a battle.

But for some reason, the Empire did not provide any compensation for that battle.

Only Shen Bing, her sister and her elderly grandmother were left.

When Shen Bing's parents were alive, they often helped others. Our family was helped by them before, so... I came with them this time.

I took these five star coins, not to betray Shen Bing... After all, this is not a big secret, and these five star coins can be used to buy a lot of artificial food.

During this period, in order to save money, Shen Bing only ate one meal a day, just to save those pitiful few star coins. "Liu Lili said reluctantly.

It turns out that Shen Bing has this story.

"Why haven't you heard her talk about it before?" Zhao Chen said.

Liu Lili said: "Shen Bing is a girl with a strong personality. She never shows her soft side to outsiders. She handles everything by herself.

To be honest, I'm really worried that she won't be able to bear it one day."

Zhao Chen thought for a while.

"Well... I'll transport these things back to the starship first. Later, when we are on the escort mission, I'll trouble Zhao Chen to take care of her. "Liu Lili took the opportunity to get closer.

After Zhao Chen said goodbye to Liu Lili, he glanced at the class beauty who was still arguing with the businessman over thousands of close-in artillery bullets.

He silently took Annie back to the T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

Walking into such a large starship, Annie suddenly became restrained and followed Zhao Chen carefully.

And Lilith was waiting at the hatch early.

Annie saw the charming woman in front of her, lowered her head even more inferiorly, and accidentally bumped into Zhao Chen who had stopped.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean it." Annie apologized hurriedly, and tears appeared in her eyes.

"Lilith, take her to take a shower first, and then take her to the cafeteria for dinner; let her get familiar with the environment of the starship first." Zhao Chen asked Lilith to settle Annie.

As women, they both have similar backgrounds, so it should be easy to communicate.

"Okay. "Lilith looked at the little girl in front of her and said with a smile: "I'll take you to take a bath and change into clean clothes first."


Annie's stomach growled again, and Anne blushed and lowered her head.

Lilith looked at Anne with sympathy, as if she saw the tribesmen who had followed her everywhere.

"Then I'll take you to eat first, and then we'll take a bath after dinner." Lilith suggested.

Annie nodded this time, because she could eat...

"I'm going to do something, she'll leave it to you." Zhao Chen handed Annie to Lilith.

Lilith took Annie to the starship cafeteria.

When Annie walked into the starship cafeteria, she unexpectedly smelled a very fragrant smell, which she had never smelled before.

"What do you want to eat?" Lilith looked at Annie and asked.

"I... I can do anything..." Annie didn't dare to raise her head, let alone look at the food and menu on the dining table.

"Then order my favorite food. "Lilith ordered two servings of fried rice and took Annie to a clean place to sit down.

When Lilith sat down, she found that Annie actually sat on the ground next to the chair, hugging her legs with her arms, curled up, and her eyes never left her shoes that had holes in them.

Lilith felt sad and picked up Annie and let her sit on the chair.

"Annie... your body is dirty... it will dirty... the chair..." Annie said in a panic, trying to get down from the chair.

Lilith looked directly at Annie and said seriously: "Annie, remember, you can sit on the chair here! You don't have to sit on the ground anymore, and no one will beat you or bully you!

From now on, this is your home!"

PS: 5/5

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