The two of them were so confused that they had to wait for the next few days.

Annie lowered her head with confused eyes, her body still trembling slightly.

Lilith sighed, she knew that Anne would not trust her just because of her words.

Trust requires a process.

"Let's talk about this. Where are you from? Why did you become a slave?" Lilith sat opposite Anne, her voice was very soft.

This is the racial ability of the succubus. They not only have natural charm, but their voices are under their control and can also change the other person's emotions.

It can make the other person quiet, nervous, or even passionate.

This soft voice calmed down the nervous Anne a little, but she was still a little restrained sitting on the chair.

"Annie...Annie was in the mine...looking for...ore...was...caught...and a spaceship...

There was no food...and she was disobedient...that...that bad woman...just...beat Annie..." Annie said in a very soft voice.

Lilith immediately got the information in this sentence.

Annie was kidnapped by the adventurer fleet when she was living on a planet.

The adventurer fleet will engage in various work affairs. In addition to the obvious interstellar pioneering, hiring tasks, bounty tasks, etc., there are also some gray businesses, such as human trafficking.

And since Annie lives on a planet, there must be many of her people there!

A group of dwarves...

Lilith continued to ask tentatively.

But Annie obviously kept her mouth shut about the planet she lived on before.

Lilith didn't ask more questions when she saw this. Digging into the details would only make Annie disgusted, so it would be better to let her relax her guard first.

And from the chat, Lilith learned that Annie had been kidnapped and imprisoned for more than three months.

Because the leather-clad woman offered a high price, many people were unwilling to buy.

After all, although the dwarf is a natural interstellar craftsman, in order for her to exert her abilities, she must have a complete set of industrial equipment, technical drawings, etc.

How can ordinary forces have these?

And those who have these will not ask for a dwarf of unknown origin. What if she is a spy who comes to dig their technology?

Just as the two chatted for a while, two plates of fragrant fried rice were placed in front of Lilith and Annie.

Lilith has long been accustomed to this fried rice. She skillfully picked up the spoon and scooped a full spoonful and put it in her mouth to chew.

But Annie on the opposite side stared at the food in front of her with her big eyes, looking at it in disbelief...

Is this... real rice?

And vegetables... and minced meat...?

There are at least five kinds of ingredients she saw alone!

"Don't you like it?" Lilith asked.

Anne shook her head, swallowed her saliva, and said timidly but eagerly: "Annie... can you... eat this..."

"Of course, this is the most common food on this starship." Lilith said with a smile.

The seemingly plain communication has actually begun to affect Anne invisibly.

Because no one can refuse the food of the Xiaolong Fleet!

Anne hesitated for a while, and finally she couldn't resist the impact of her appetite, so she stretched out her hand to grab the rice grains and stuffed them into her mouth.

Because of her short stature, Anne's head was basically parallel to the dining table. She once knelt directly on the chair with her mouth full of rice grains.

"Wait a minute..." Lilith suddenly stopped.

Anne shrank her neck in fear, and it was not right to chew the rice grains in her mouth, nor was it right not to chew them. She was as pitiful as a little girl who made a mistake.

Lilith walked to Anne's side, pressed a button on the chair under Anne, and the chair began to rise slowly.

"This chair can be adjusted in height." Lilith adjusted it to the right height for Anne.

Then she took out a piece of paper and wiped Anne's hands and the rice grains around Anne's mouth.

Finally, she put the spoon that Anne had ignored next to the bowl.

"Don't eat with your hands, use a spoon." Lilith said gently, looking at Anne as if she were looking at her own sister.

Although she was aiming to recruit him into the fleet, she also felt sorry for this poor dwarf.

"Okay, keep eating.

Don't eat too fast." Lilith said.

Hearing Lilith's permission to continue eating, Anne breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed the food in her mouth, sat obediently on the chair, and ate the fried rice in the bowl with a spoon.


As she ate, Anne's tears began to flow.

She had never eaten such delicious food. On the planet where she lived, resources were scarce and it was difficult to grow crops. She could only collect some inferior minerals and trade with interstellar merchants in exchange for artificial nutritious meals.

During the three months of being abducted, she didn't know how her family lived, and whether they could eat enough.

If only they could eat this delicious food.

Happy times are always short, and Anne had eaten every grain of rice in the plate in front of her.

But she still looked in the direction of the dining table. She was too inferior to look before, but during this meal time, she noticed that everyone who entered the restaurant ordered food there, and then the mechanical waiter brought it to the seat.

In addition to fried rice, there are all kinds of delicious food.

Another point is that there is no human among these people, all of them are half-orcs!

Suddenly, Lilith knocked on Anne's head.

Anne hugged her head in pain.

"Don't look at it, you can't eat anymore, your little body has already eaten a lot.

This is the first time to eat this kind of food. If you eat too much, it will cause a great burden on the abdomen." Lilith recalled the first time her succubus had a meal.

After wolfing down the food, most of them had bloated stomachs.

Each of the succubus, who were originally beautiful and charming, had a small belly. People who didn't know would probably think that Zhao Chen had killed someone in just a few days.

"Well..." Annie nodded obediently.

"Let's take a shower now." Lilith took Annie out of the restaurant and came to the starship bathhouse.

Soon Annie was refreshed, and her originally messy hair and dirty skin became clean.

Then she changed into a set of fresh clothes.

A brand new little loli appeared in front of Lilith.

"So cute." Lilith looked at Annie's round cheeks and really wanted someone to rub them a few times.

Anne sniffed the fragrance on her body. She had forgotten when she last took a bath.

She had even gotten used to the sour smell on her body. Now she suddenly washed herself clean and changed into clean clothes, which made her a little uncomfortable.

After taking a bath, Lilith took Anne to her bedroom.

As a secretary, Lilith had a single bedroom of 50 square meters, although it was not as big as the captain's room.

But there was also a separate bathroom and shower room, a big bed, and a desk.

"You can rest here first. I'll go to work first." Lilith placed Anne in the room and went to work first.

This was Lilith's deliberate arrangement. Anne was exposed to so much at once, and Anne needed some time to digest it herself.

In this way, the efficiency of "attacking" Anne, the interstellar craftsman, would be greatly increased.

Anne looked at the clean and tidy room alone. She walked to the fluffy big bed, put her hand on it and pressed it, and then smelled the fragrance on it.

Anne lay down carefully and closed her eyes.

She was very sleepy, but Annie couldn't fall asleep.

Finally, Annie got out of bed and came to a corner of the room. She hugged her knees with her arms and curled up against the wall.

This time, Annie fell asleep quickly.

There was a faint smile on her face. She must have had a good dream.

PS: 1/5

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