The pink flame wrapped Meng Hao's body, which looked very flirtatious from a distance. At the same time, a terrible smell emanated from Meng Hao's body.

A beautiful flame soul appeared behind Meng Hao's body. It was Meng Hao's rosefinch spirit that had not been used for a long time.

"Rosefinch now, burn the sky"!!!

A low voice sounded from Meng Hao's mouth. The soul of rosefinch suddenly roared up to the sky, and a sharp voice suddenly spread.

The towering flame emerged from the body of rosefinch's soul. Even if it surged in all directions, it was like burning the sky.

Although Meng Hao can break this rock cage by using Zixuan spirit flame, Zixuan spirit flame is sky fire, which is more precious than rosefinch soul to some extent.

So Meng Hao chose to expose the soul of rosefinch. After all, there are not many people who can recognize the soul of rosefinch in beixuan continent.

The next moment, the strong rock cage was like thin paper, with countless cracks, as if it could crack at any time.


Sure enough, the rock cage only lasted for a moment, then it was broken and burst, and a thick and incredible color appeared on the black robed man's face.

"How is it possible that even martial artists who peep into the spiritual realm and the perfect realm can't break my rock cage." the man in black seems to have eaten a fly and his face is ugly to death.

However, Meng Hao did not care about these. A cool smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and immediately his body disappeared in place.

"Rosefinch fire, burn it"!!!

Meng Hao's body appeared over the black robed man, and the printing method appeared on his hands. The rosefinch soul behind Dun time burst into a startling atmosphere.

Flames spewed out from the mouth of the Suzaku Wu soul, directly enveloping the black robed man. These flames seemed to have spirit, like maggots of tarsal bones, constantly attacking the black robed man.

This is a special skill of rosefinch martial soul that Meng Hao has recently mastered. Rosefinch fire is a kind of flame that can be upgraded, although today's rosefinch fire is not as good as Zixuan spirit flame.

However, with Meng Hao's gradual mastery of the soul of rosefinch, the growth space of rosefinch fire in the future is also very large, even more than Zixuan Lingyan.

The black robed man is the silver card killer of the Tianying sect. He has many means, and he is also a martial artist who peeps into the later stage of the spirit realm, so he will not wait to die.

Immediately mobilize the spiritual power in his body and turn it into a rock crane to hit the red flame, trying to dissolve Meng Hao's rosefinch fire.

"Tianyan formula - rock Crane"!!!

The rock crane suddenly became bigger on the way, and its breath became quite strong. It even drove back the fire of rosefinch.

"Such a strong momentum. I really don't know where Liu Dashao found the killer." Meng Hao's face also changed slightly.

The fire of rosefinch and rock crane are equal. No one can do anything. They are even at a standoff for a time.

"I want to know which force you come from," Meng Hao whispered to the man in black. He was also curious about the identity of the man in black.

Peeping into the realm of the later stage of the spirit realm, the profound meaning of the two earth forming and the two low profound martial arts, which are not talents that can be trained by ordinary forces.

"Tianyingmen, silver killer", the black robed man snorted coldly, but he was secretly bitter. I'm afraid it's not easy to win each other.

The opponent is not an ordinary martial artist in the middle of peeping into the spirit realm at all, and his low-level arcane martial arts are quite extraordinary, and his combat effectiveness is even stronger and terrible.

Now a mysterious martial spirit is sacrificed, and the rock cage that he is proud of is broken, and a very terrible flame is displayed.

Meng Hao frowned slightly. He also knew the influence of Tianying sect, because the Tianying sect has a reputation of no less than ten super forces in beixuan continent.

Because this Tianying sect is specialized in receiving all kinds of assassination missions, and the task reward is also very high, but the success rate of assassination is more than 95%.

There are five kinds of killers in the Tianying sect. The first is a bronze killer and the lowest strength killer in the Tianying sect. The second is a silver killer such as a man in black.

The third is the gold medal killer. The general gold medal killers are experts in the spirit realm, and then the fourth ace killer, which is also the top killer in the Tianying gate. Each ace killer has the strength to create the king of the spirit realm.

The last one, that is, the fifth one, is the king of killers. Their strength is even more terrible. Few people know what degree they have reached.

"It was originally from the Tianying sect", Meng Hao smiled, and the printing method changed immediately. A faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Do you think my rosefinch fire has only this power"? Meng Hao's faint words sounded in the black robed man's ears.

Immediately, the rosefinch fire, which was equal to the rock crane, suddenly burst into a more violent atmosphere, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Fire of rosefinch, sword of fire"!!!

Meng Hao's handprint changed, and the fire of rosefinch in the sky suddenly changed into a huge sword burning with fire.

The giant sword stood in the air, Meng Hao's fingers were empty, the flaming giant sword cut down in the air and angrily cut away at the rock crane, as if to split the rock crane in half.

"If you want to break my rock crane, there is no door". The black robed man also noticed Meng Hao's intention and immediately changed the seal method. A yellow shield suddenly appeared on the rock crane's body, which perfectly protected it.

Meng Hao just smiled, and the smile was full of sarcasm. The huge sword burning fire did not stop at all, and slashed on the body of the rock crane.

"Crush it for me", Meng Hao roared. The flaming sword fell on the body of the rock crane and directly cut the rock crane in half.

The shield that perfectly protected the rock crane didn't play any role. It didn't play any role at all.

The black robed man's face also became more ugly. Unexpectedly, his rock crane was so easily broken.

At that moment, his body flashed, his back appeared with spiritual wings, and instantly disappeared in the same place. At the moment he had just left, the huge sword burning fire fell on the place where he stood before, and directly blasted the place out of a huge pit without a bottom.

The black robed man was terrified. Fortunately, he reacted fast enough. If he didn't react fast enough, I'm afraid he has been cut to pieces by the burning giant sword.

Hoo Hoo!!!

However, the man in black didn't stand firm, and two huge swords burning fire appeared in the sky. The two huge swords shrouded him from left to right.

All the dead immediately took risks. The first reaction was to prepare to flee here, but he found that the space he was in was blocked and he couldn't escape here at all.

The black robed man knew he couldn't escape from here, so he took a deep breath and mobilized all the spiritual power in his body to resist Meng Hao's killing skill.

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