The black robed man's hands quickly formed a seal, and the terrible spiritual power fluctuated from his body, and the startling momentum suddenly broke out.

Then the spiritual power slowly gathered behind him. A moment later, a huge rock crane slowly emerged.

"Rock crane Wu soul, guard"!!!

The black robed man directly summoned his martial spirit, and the time turned into a barrier to protect himself.

"Eh, the rock crane soul", Meng Hao's face also showed a look of surprise, because the rock crane soul is not simple.

On the Wuhun star list, the rock crane Wuhun ranks 27. The most important thing is that the rock crane Wuhun has a very special skill, which can use its connection with the rock and earth to hide in the rock.

However, looking at the black robed man, I'm afraid he is not too skilled in mastering the martial soul of rock crane, otherwise he won't be surrounded by Meng Hao Bi's danger.

Guarding is a skill owned by all martial spirits, but the defense ability of guarding is also divided into martial spirits. Martial spirits like rock crane martial spirits do have much stronger defense than other martial spirits.

"It's a little naive to try to stop my killing move by relying on the martial spirit on the list of martial spirit stars". Meng Hao seemed to be talking to himself. He saw that the printing method on his hands changed again.

Originally, the momentum was very terrible. The huge sword burning fire became more profound. It felt like returning to nature.

"Fall, cut", Meng Hao's low voice suddenly spread. When the second word fell, the huge sword burning fire finally cut towards the man in black robe.

The black robed man is very confident in his defense, because he doesn't think the other party's mysterious martial spirit can break his defense.


But the next moment, he was a little hooded, because his very confident rock crane martial spirit burst apart in the just impact.


It was broken after only three breaths. At the same time, he was seriously injured by the burning sword.

The man in black was lying on the ground. He had just mobilized all the spiritual power in his body. Now he was seriously injured, so it was delusional to move.

Then he closed his eyes in despair, because he knew Meng Hao would not let him go. After all, he was a killer and came to kill each other.

"If you can promise me a condition, I can let you go", Meng Hao walked to the man in black and said faintly.

The black robed man flashed a light in his eyes and immediately asked, "tell me about your conditions. If I can do it, I will promise you.".

After all, no one is willing to die. There is an old saying that it is better to live than to die.

"Surrender to me", Meng Hao said faintly. The other party also looks young, and has the strength to see the peak in the later stage of the spirit realm. In addition, the mystery of Liangcheng earth and the soul of rock crane are indeed a rare talent.

The man in black looked at Meng Hao's domineering figure. At the same time, he showed the spirit of the emperor. He was a little confused and thought for a moment.

I promised.

Meng Hao smiled at the corners of his mouth and thought, "you know, if you're not a talent, now you're a corpse.".

He took out a healing pill and handed it to the man in black robe. Meng Hao asked softly, "what's your name?".

The man in black took the pill and swallowed it without thinking about it. Then he replied, "if you go back to the young master, I don't have a name. They all call me Yan in the Tianying gate.

"Then I'll call you Yan," Meng Hao said faintly, and then said again: "I have a task for you now. There is a restaurant in the dark city. Now you go to the restaurant and protect a little girl named yin'er".

Yan Wenyan nodded respectfully and said, "don't worry, young master. As long as I don't die, nothing will happen to the little girl.".

In other words, Yan left the dark forest under Meng Hao's gaze. The reason why he let Yan protect yin'er is that Meng Hao is afraid that Liu Dashao will find yin'er again. Although it is said that yin'er is guarded by silver moon wolves, Meng Hao is still a little worried.

Now he can't get away, so he has to take Yan and let him protect yin'er. Another thing is that Yan is the killer of Tianying gate. Meng Hao doesn't want him to die in his own hands.

After Yan left, Meng Haohua turned into a streamer and swept towards the deep dark forest. Now he has wasted a lot of time, so he is ready to go to Xuanling cave.

However, Xuanling cave is in the dark and deep forest, so even Meng Hao moves forward carefully. Once he meets a powerful soul beast, I'm afraid it's difficult to walk away.

... two days later, Meng Hao came to a small valley not far from Xuanling cave. Just yesterday, when Meng Hao passed a hill on his way, a level 6 soul beast appeared.

The sixth level soul beast is equivalent to the warrior in the spirit realm of human beings. Meng Hao showed a lot of means to escape from the hands of the sixth level soul beast.

This is also because Meng Hao's body method of cultivation is very powerful. The intermediate arcane martial arts Longyou world, coupled with Meng Hao's extraordinary insight, Meng Hao gradually mastered the essence of Longyou world.

Another point is that Meng Hao also knows about the spatial artistic conception. Although he has not yet reached the profound meaning of space, with the six-layer spatial artistic conception, it is enough to avoid the pursuit of level 6 soul beasts.

However, if you are assigned to a level 7 soul beast, even if Meng Hao has many means, it is difficult to escape from the level 7 soul beast, because the level 7 soul beast is equivalent to the creator of human beings.

The warriors who create the realm are called kings. They have the power to master time and space. Although they are not so powerful, they are also a powerful means.

Level 7 soul beasts can be transformed into human forms. Naturally, they also master human means, so level 7 soul beasts are the most terrible.


Just when Meng haogang stepped into the valley, the response honed for many years made Meng Hao leave his place in an instant.

Because he just noticed a dangerous smell, he left the place quickly.

Then he looked ahead, and sure enough, he found a soul beast in the place where he stood before.

"Jinxuan Sirius, level 5 peak soul beast", Meng Hao's pupils were locked. Unexpectedly, he met a level 5 peak soul beast.

The whole body of Jinxuan Sirius is golden. His body is covered with golden color. A pair of golden armor is formed, which is very powerful.

Meng Hao also has some knowledge of Jinxuan Sirius. The defense of Jinxuan Sirius is very amazing, and it also has terrible destructive power.

What you master is a special gold power. Ruijin's power is the most powerful and terrible.

If Meng haogang didn't leave his place just now, I'm afraid he has been pierced by Jinxuan Sirius's sharp claws like a blade.

I feel a little afraid when I think about it. This is also a natural response of Meng Hao's body after so many years of practice.

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