Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1318: Open inheritance


Above a certain mountain.

The figures of Palace Master Chengfeng and Xiao Yi suddenly appeared.

The Master of Chengfeng Palace stood steadily.

Xiao Yi staggered and almost didn't fall.

With his strength, normally even if he fell from a high altitude, he would not be unstable.

Not to mention that nowadays it just suddenly appears above the top.

The only reason is...

"So fast." Xiao Yi was extremely shocked.

It disappeared for a moment, and then appeared in the present moment, only a short time.

But in Xiao Yi's perception, just now, it had clearly spanned an extremely long distance.

It was at this extremely fast speed that Xiao Yi almost couldn't stand firm when he suddenly stopped.

Xiao Yi couldn't fully perceive how long it was, but at least it was more than tens of thousands of miles.

This Palace Master Chengfeng's control over the first path of the wind is probably already towering.

Xiao Yi glanced at the bottom of the mountain, and below it was a canyon.

"Hall Master Chengfeng brought me here?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Naturally participate in the inheritance assessment." Palace Master Chengfeng replied calmly.

"Now?" Xiao Yi was startled.

He has just arrived in the main hall.

Moreover, as far as he knows, there are a total of ten people participating in the assessment.

And the other nine have yet to arrive.

"Otherwise?" Palace Master Chengfeng asked rhetorically.

"Where are the other nine people?" Xiao Yi asked blurted out.

"Don't wait for them." Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head.

"Although the ten of you are all participating in the assessment of the main hall, they are in different places."

"No, in other words, the place is the same, but the experience will be different."

"It's the same if you are advanced, anyway, the ten of you have no contact with each other."

"Anyway, I will start the assessment later."

"Just make sure that within a period of time when the inheritance is opened, ten people will be there."

Palace Master Chengfeng explained, and casually glanced at Xiao Yi, "You should know that out of ten, you are the only one who doesn't care."

"The remaining nine people will come immediately after receiving the order."

"So, when you arrive, just turn it on."

"Um." Xiao Yi was embarrassed for a while at the words of Palace Master Chengfeng.

"Alright." Palace Master Chengfeng said directly, "If you have no other doubts, I will start the inheritance."

"However, before that, do you need to recover from an injury?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned.

He did have injuries inside.

More than one month ago, the wounds pursued and killed by the Great Elder of the Northern Yin Sect were not completely healed.

The terrifying river of martial arts strangled and almost killed him.

After that, he kept coming to the main hall without stopping, and he didn't have much time to really stop and heal his injuries.

But on the way he came all the way, the Jin Yan holy flame in his body continued to warm up his injuries.

Therefore, his injuries are not serious, but he has not healed.

However, this Palace Master Chengfeng could see at a glance that he was injured?

Xiao Yi's perception is extremely strong, and he can be sure that Palace Master Chengfeng has not sensed or probed him.

Just a glance, can you see his internal injuries?

"It's weird?" Palace Master Chengfeng smiled faintly.

"When you reach my level, I can take a closer look after you breathe in."

"It seems that your journey to the main hall was not so easy."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

Palace Master Chengfeng glanced at Xiao Yi again.

"Originally, in my imagination, you should be the arrogant arrogant god."

"After all, the main hall failed to call you immediately without even sending 10 orders."

"And the arrogant and unusually arrogant Tianjiao like you is generally extremely powerful, at least it is no problem to run wild."

Palace Master Chengfeng paused, and continued, "Otherwise, if you don't have the strength, but you are extremely arrogant, it is not a arrogance, or arrogance, but a fool."

"And now, I seem to look at you high."

The Lord Chengfeng said indifferently.

Xiao Yi shrugged, "Hall Master Chengfeng, you really look up high."

Palace Master Chengfeng's face was light, "From my perspective of your previous information, your performance is pretty good."

The Master of Chengfeng is both responsible for inheriting and opening.

Then, he must have read the information of the ten people who participated in the inheritance assessment.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Palace Master Chengfeng said calmly.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "No need, just take the assessment."

The question for Palace Master Chengfeng was naturally whether Xiao Yi healed his injuries first.

"Okay, then turn it on."

Palace Master Chengfeng said, an aura exploded in his hand.

Under the momentum, handprints were printed one by one.

Not long after, a barrier gap was opened high in the sky.

"Secret Realm?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"It's not a secret realm." The Master of Chengfeng Palace shook his head, "That is the place where the predecessors of the Fengsha Palace will rest forever, and it is also the place where the inheritance rests."

"However, it is much longer than the existence of many secret realms."

Xiao Yi couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Fengsha Temple has existed since ancient times, and has been passed down for more than tens of millions of years.

What secret realm can exist longer than it.

"Okay, let's go in." The Palace Master Chengfeng grabbed Xiao Yi's arm as before.

The next second, his arm shook.

Xiao Yi hadn't reacted yet, an inexplicable huge force had already led him into the barrier instantly.


Above the mountain, only the Master of Chengfeng Temple remained.

"Go check who this kid met on the way."

The Lord Chengfeng spoke casually, as if talking to the air.

Beside him, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Hall Master Chengfeng is interested in this kid?" The figure suddenly appeared puzzled.

"No." Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head.

"Opening the inheritance is an important matter for the main hall."

"Every time it is turned on, it is extremely harsh, and there is no business trip, and no accidents are allowed."

"I want to see who dares to disrupt this important matter."

"Besides." Palace Master Chengfeng frowned, "I also want to see if this kid is really an evil evildoer or a fool."

"Yes." The figure bowed and took his command, a strange expression flashing across his face.

As far as he knows, the Master of Chengfeng is the most rigid and harshest among the ten masters.

The person he looked at was probably going to be worse.


Within the secret realm, no, it should be said that this is a huge subspace.

Xiao Yi looked around.

The first thing that catches the eye is the gang wind surrounding and endless.

At this time, an inexplicable voice came with the wind.

"Boy, you only have one month."

"You are only participating in the inheritance now, but the road of assessment has not yet gone."

"After one month, any good luck depends on your own ability."

The voice fell and disappeared with the wind.

Xiao Yi nodded, he knew that this was the voice of Palace Master Chengfeng.

However, the assessment road?

Xiao Yi frowned, then shook his head without thinking any more.

Here, it is a bit like the Holy Land of Wind and Silence when I was in the Wind Holy Land.

It's just that it is obviously much wider here, and this space is also unusually strong.


Suddenly, a gang wind came.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, and a bloodstain was suddenly drawn on his arm.


In the distance, several gang winds came.

Xiao Yi's expression changed, and he quickly dodged.


Third more.

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