Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1319: Hostility in the Land of Legacy

"What a sharp wind."

Xiao Yi frowned as he watched the wind blowing in front of him.

The blood stain on the arm was not very deep, just a slight blood stain.


"Would you like to walk through these winds and walk in this land of inheritance?" Xiao Yi looked around suspiciously.

If this is the case, then this inheritance assessment is by no means easy.

The whole place of inheritance, within the entire space, is constantly blowing.

He has just entered this space now.

If you keep going deep or walking around aimlessly, you must be prepared to resist the harsh wind around you at any time.

Moreover, after going deeper, it is unknown whether the intensity of the gang wind is stronger.

This place of inheritance is the resting place of the strong in the main hall, including all the ancestors from the ancient times to the present.

Therefore, this space is extremely stable, and the power contained in it is also amazing.

Under such an astonishing force, whether there will be other variables in the wind that blows through it all the year round is temporarily uncertain.

Xiao Yi frowned.

If this were only the case, he would not hesitate.

After all, he is not the only one to participate in the inheritance assessment.

The other nine Fengchadian Tianjiao will also participate.

Even so, no matter how difficult the inheritance assessment is, he doesn't care about it.

Xiao Yi still has the confidence to despise other Tianjiao.

The only reason why his brows are frowning now comes from the inexplicable sense of anxiety in his heart.

Yes, uneasy!

From the moment he stepped into this space, there was an inexplicable sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis is by no means inferior to any previous crisis.

"Perhaps it is an illusion." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered to himself.

After all, this is the place of inheritance of the main hall of Fengsha Temple, how could there be any danger or accident.

Xiao Yi's expression stunned, and his steps began to move.


At the extremely fast speed, the figure flashed, already entering the lingering wind.


Xiao Yi's figure quickly shuttled through it.

The strength of a body protector has been gathered, and these fierce winds can no longer hurt him.

Xiao Yi could only walk aimlessly for the time being.

This space is huge, and it is definitely much larger than the space of the Secret Realm of Heaven, which is no less than a region.

From what he sees now, the surroundings are empty.

In the range of sight, there was nothing but the intensive wind blowing.

What is the so-called inheritance assessment?

After half an hour.

Xiao Yi frowned again and stopped.

A familiar feeling came to my heart.

"The intensity of Gang Feng is changing." Xiao Yi frowned.

His perception has always been extremely precise.

"Could it be..." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

There can only be one reason for the intensity of this gang wind.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, disappeared in place, and then spanned thousands of miles.

After a while, the figure stopped, and his face suddenly became ugly.

The figure flashed again and then moved forward for thousands of miles.

At this time, when his figure stopped, his face was already ugly.

As he had expected, the intensity of the gang wind changed as he moved forward, moved horizontally, and so on.

Or become stronger, or become weaker.

But this is only relatively speaking, the wind blowing in any place is definitely much stronger than the place at the beginning.

There is only one reason for the intensity change.

That is, in this land of inheritance, there are certain things in all directions, and the strength of these things has changed the strength of the nearby gang wind.

If he didn't guess wrong, these things must be the inheritance, or the martial sacred monuments.

In other words.

The situation here is exactly the same as the empty Holy Land in the Wind Holy Land.

And what happened in the empty holy place back then, he knew nothing more.

If this is the case, then the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart can be explained.

Xiao Yi's face sank, following the intensity of the gang wind, and moving forward in a certain direction.

After ten minutes, he stopped.

In front of him, a huge martial arts stele stood in front of him.

The entire stele is as high as a hundred feet tall, standing in the awe-inspiring wind, but standing still.

The ancient steles have stood proudly here for thousands of years.

The ancient and astonishing breath, even this powerful wind can't even blow away.

"Sacred Monument of Martial Arts." Xiao Yi said to himself.

This is no longer an ordinary martial art stele, but a martial art sacred stele.

Some martial arts powers are towering and powerful.

A piece of martial arts knowledge is simply not something ordinary martial arts steles can carry.

Those strong men with martial arts abilities and above during their lifetime can only carry their martial arts with the martial arts stele.

Xiao Yi suddenly.

This is the so-called inheritance assessment.

This is exactly the same as the inheritance assessment of general forces.

Before the inheritance of martial arts, you should learn and control, and get what you get.

It's just that this is not an ordinary inheritance, but the monstrous martial arts knowledge carried by the martial sacred stele.

The worst is a martial arts capable of martial arts.

Xiao Yi let out perception and tried to comprehend.

However, he was just released just after leaving, and his figure just approached.


A powerful aura suddenly broke out from the martial arts monument.

The astonishing power blasted Xiao Yi back ten steps.

Xiao Yi obviously felt a touch of hostility from this momentum.

This situation is exactly the same as when he was in the empty holy place.

Xiao Yi's expression suddenly changed.

He remembered that he had forcibly resisted the hostility inherited from the martial art in the empty holy land.

And the final result is that all the martial arts powers in the entire empty holy land, the martial arts powers in the entire space are directed at him.

At that time, he was lucky enough to leave the empty holy place alive.

But this time...

This is the main hall, which was located here in ancient times.

Far from being comparable to the main hall in the Fengsheng area.

The power of this space...


Xiao Yi couldn't help swallowing.

He stepped back slightly, then accelerated his speed, and completely moved away from this martial arts stele.

It took a full half an hour before Xiao Yi stopped.

"Such a distance should be enough to isolate that hostility." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and nodded.

After a long while, he looked at the Universe Ring in his hand, frowning and thinking.

"What the **** is it?"

As early as when he left the Fengsheng area, he was sure that there must be something on his body that caused the hostility inherited from the ancestors of the Fengsha Temple in the empty Holy Land.

But at that time he was anxious to come to Zhongyu, so he didn't delve into it.

Xiao Yi glanced at Qiankun Ring.

In the next second, his face suddenly appeared.

In the Qiankun Ring, there are a lot of treasures, and they will not move.

There is only one thing, the light soars and shakes constantly.

"Excalibur." Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the Excalibur in Qiankun Ring.


A light flashed in Xiao Yi's hand, and he took out the Excalibur Sword.

"I can't throw you away, right?" Xiao Yi frowned and said to himself.

Xiao Yi was just talking to himself, but he didn't expect Excalibur to answer him.

And of course, Excalibur would not answer him either.

However, in this space, there is something that will answer him.

It was almost the moment when Xiao Yi's voice fell.

Boom... The whole place of inheritance suddenly ran away.

A violent gust of wind, overwhelming the sky.

That sweeping momentum is like an infinite storm coming.

"Bad." Xiao Yi's face changed drastically.

Before he could react, the fierce storm had already swallowed him.

That is the hostility from the land of the entire main hall.


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