Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1320: prison


There was a violent noise in the air.


At the same time, there was another cry of pain.

Xiao Yi stood up from the ground and shook his painful arm.

No, to be precise, he is now full of pain.

Just now, the gang storm of the entire inheritance land struck him.

With that terrifying speed and monstrous might, he could not stop it.

Here is the place of inheritance of the main hall, and a strong man of the ancient wind temple is sleeping forever.

The power in this space is far beyond Xiao Yi's imagination.

Those winds swallowed him instantly, and he had almost no resistance.

Such a terrifying swallowing, in Xiao Yi's perception, its power was even more than a hundred times more powerful than the last time he was in the martial arts strangulation of the Great Elder of the Northern Yinzong.

No, even stronger, too strong for Xiao Yi to imagine.

Countless wind storms swallowed him, and then swept away with him.

Xiao Yi didn't know how long it had passed.

In short, ten seconds ago, the gang wind suddenly disappeared.

And he seemed to have fallen somewhere in the air.

After that, the whole body couldn't mobilize any strength, and was unable to fall from mid-air.

And the place where he fell is now here.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and looked around.

All around, it was pitch black.

This pitch black is far darker than the pitch black of the night sky.

This darkness, with an inexplicable coldness.

The martial artist's eyesight was amazing; not long after, Xiao Yi gradually got used to this incomparable darkness.

Eyes looked around.

Here, it seems to be the bottom of a valley.

Looking up, there seemed to be a trace of light and shade coming from high above.

This means that the bottom of this valley is extremely far away from the'exit'.

In other words, the bottom of this valley is unfathomable.

"Where is this place?" Xiao Yi looked puzzled.


Xiao Yi suddenly let out a shock.

In the extremely dark environment, he still keenly felt a powerful force attacking him.

Xiao Yi looked like a dodge, avoiding the attack.


Behind him, a sneer came.

It was a wind blade, flashed by.

In the next second, the sound of the wind blade breaking through the air began to become dense.

At the bottom of the entire valley, the wind was blowing suddenly, and it was amazingly powerful.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

In his perception, these gong winds are far more amazing than those encountered before.

Even the feeling that these winds gave him was a fatal threat.


A cold white sword light suddenly flashed past in the darkness.

The shocking sword intent is like a sharp edge that cuts through the darkness.

Xiao Yi came out with a sword.

The sword shadow was heavy and protected in front of him.

Bang... bang... bang...

There was a muffled noise.

This muffled sound appeared in the collision between the wind blade and the sword edge, which was obviously extremely unusual.

Xiao Yi's face gradually became ugly. He knew that these muffled noises came from his sword.

On Leng Yan's sword, every time the blade hits Feng Rui, it trembles.

The power from the shaking was enough to make his arm numb.

It is not difficult to imagine the impact and power of these wind blades.

"Damn, what the **** is this place."

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and swung his sword to resist.

With the power of these wind blades, if he didn't resist, he would probably be dismembered and die in no time.

Leave here first.

This was Xiao Yi's thoughts for a moment.

Otherwise, how long can he block such endless wind blades?

If he is exhausted, wouldn't he wait for death?

Whoosh, Xiao Yi's figure flashed and rose from the sky.

Sure enough, this is the bottom of the valley.

When he rose from the sky, he clearly saw that there were mountain walls on both sides.

Chi... Chi... Chi...

Around, violent gusts of wind came from all directions.

Xiao Yi blocked it with a sword.


Suddenly, there was a resounding sound.

Xiao Yi's arm hurt, and the hand holding the sword was almost thrown out.

A wind blade, so it passed the heavy epee shadow, and hit him heavily.

"Puff." Xiao Yi suddenly hurt all over his body and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The more leap forward, the strong wind that hits is actually increasing.

Xiao Yi just flew up from the sky, and the light in the sky was still far away.

Continue to rise, to what extent will the intensity of the gang wind rise?

Xiao Yi's face was cold.

But for this reason, he must leave here as soon as possible.

God knows what's strange at the bottom of this valley.


Xiao Yi's figure kept rising.

Sword shadows continued to linger around.

Ten seconds later, there was a bang.

The heavy epee shadow was blown away by the wind in an instant.

Boom... Xiao Yi's momentum broke out instantly.

A purple flame burst into flames instantly, soaring into the sky, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

Under the sky full of purple flames, it became a sea of ​​flames, surrounded by wind blades, all burned to death.

Ziyan Fire Wings condensed instantly.

The fire wing fluttered, and the figure rose into the sky.

A serpentine flame swims around the dragon, guarding the whole body, constantly flying away from the sky.

Despite the continuous strengthening of the incoming wind blade, the flames can't help but swim the dragon.

One minute later.

Boom... There was another explosion.

The flame wandered around and suddenly collapsed.

The wind blade that struck has actually reached such a power.

Cold, sharp, and swift, it instantly smashed the flame dragon made of purple inflammation.

"Drink." Xiao Yi shouted coldly.

A ray of starlight came out with the sword and rolled over.

Xiao Yi tried to descend on the starlight, but found that he had no contact with the starlight at this moment.

"How is it possible, is it isolated from the outside world?" Xiao Yi's face sank.

The starlight he wields now is just the starlight power he controls.

As for the means of starlight coming, it was not available at all at this moment.

"Blood World Slash." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

In the sword, blood condenses.

A sword struck out, and a sharp **** sword aura flashed past.

The strong wind around him smashed into pieces.

The blood pill in the body has already turned on again.

"It's almost there." Xiao Yi looked up at the bright light in the sky, getting closer.

"Blood World Slash."

Xiao Yi kept rising, and the swing of the Leng Yan sword in his hand never stopped.

Bloody sword auras continued to cleave out.

Ten seconds later.

The strength of the surrounding gang wind is no longer the enemy of the blood world.

"I don't believe that these winds can do anything with my blood brake." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

The sword in his hand was still waving.

However, at this moment, it was no longer the ordinary **** sword energy.

It was a huge scarlet blade.

The huge scarlet blade slashed past.

Wherever it passed, the wind was all annihilated.

Xiao Yi struck out with a sword towards the sky.

The huge scarlet sword rose up into the sky, splitting all obstacles along the way.

Xiao Yi suddenly speeded up, rising rapidly.

"Here." Xiao Yi smiled with joy.

In the sky, it turned out to be a mountain exit.

However, just at this time, an astonishing storm fell from the sky and was severely suppressed.

"not good."

Xiao Yi hadn't reacted yet, the storm had already shattered the blood-colored sword blade and slammed him back heavily.

Boom...a loud sound.

Xiao Yi fell heavily from the height to the bottom.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi's face was extremely cold.

He finally knew what place it was.

Xiao Yi glanced aside. There was a corpse of white bones on the ground at this time.

Bang...A purple flame hit.

Below the valley, it was unusually bright.

Xiao Yi's face changed.

In the eyes, they are all bones.

A radius of tens of miles, white bones, extremely scary.

Here is the bottom of the valley, but also a prison.

A dark prison that can't escape.


Second more.

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